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Everything posted by Darkglass

  1. [quote name='sixist' timestamp='1509539236' post='3399711'] Anyone had any issues with the Darkglass 900 head DI output? It seems to be hissy generally (I know most amps are quite noisy), but the output signal level is also quite low - so to get anything out of the PA, you have to crank the mixer gain and fader right up, resulting in vast amounts of hiss. To make it sound half way acceptable, I end up cutting the mixer mid eq almost to minimum. I expected some noise on the MT channels, but this is on the clean channel with flat eq. Contrasting with plugging the bass directly into the desk - strong and clear and hiss-free. It could be a faulty head, I guess, hence asking if anyone else has an issue. Ken [/quote] Hey, can you please send us an email to [email protected]? One of my engineers can check some settings with you to make sure all is working the way it's supposed to. Kind regards, Doug.
  2. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1507711888' post='3387342'] If we can hook something up, I will be happy to video review the m900 and a pair of cabs in Guitar Interactive for everyone. I will as requested focus on the clean tones too. I'd also like to get Alpha Omega and it's little sibling over for a review too in which I'll endure the non-full bore tones are demonstrated too. The mag has a massive readership all over the world but I still focus on 'No Shred, No Ego, Just Bass', because I want the gear to shine rather than trying to focus on 'the player'. [/quote] That sounds great! send me an email, [email protected] and let's make it happen!
  3. Hey guys, thanks everyone for all the comments and feedback. As for weight and specs we did screw up with the 210 weight on the release date. As for the weight, given that this are our first cabs I just wanted to go for whatever sounded best, we did a lot of tests with different drivers and materials and decided that Eminence ceramics (custom made for us) and a Baltic birch construction was the way to go solely for how they sounded. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1507241081' post='3384251'] Has anyone on here had a chance to try one of these DG cabs? Or compare them with others? They might be truly phenomenal... [/quote] Most UK dealers should be getting them within a week's time, looking forward to hearing what you guys think once you've tried them! Regards, D.
  4. Working on it.
  5. [quote name='Daz39' timestamp='1474891566' post='3141246'] Thanks for the info - my question was genuine (for a change) rather than a complaint. I am very taken with the idea of the amp, and was just considering cab options. As it happens I would probably only ever get one cab: but this way I could get two 8 or 4 Ohm cabs, and the DG amp would still cope. *goes to check Maths on 1x 8 & 1x 4 Ohm cab... [/quote] The formula is, in this case 8*4/(8+4)=32/12=2,67. Here's a free calculator http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-paralresist.htm. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1474892610' post='3141264'] It's one of the best looking amps I've seen. [/quote] Thank you!
  6. Most cabs I have seen and owned have a parallel output jack. Also, using the 2 Ohm mode will put out 500W at 4 Ohms (350W at 8) so there is a lot of flexibility on the power amp section as well (all this is in the [url="http://darkglass.com/app/uploads/2016/09/Manual-M900.pdf"]manual[/url] by the way). Nice weekend everyone!
  7. Hey guys! Thanks for all the interest and questions. It's been a hectic year to say the least, with the last 8 weeks being borderline insane, I love it, but am also constantly running around helping out the different teams regarding the amplifier, from manufacturing, to logistics, marketing and strategy. Keep posting your questions, I'm super grateful for all the interest and curiosity, I'll make sure to pop by as soon as my schedule allows and answer some of them! Now time for some dinner, hit the sack, tomorrow will be a big day! Doug.
  8. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1465724255' post='3070426'] Sorry, getting a little OT. I wonder how sales of the B7K and Vintage Deluxe are now that the Ultra models are out? I almost expected Darkglass to discontinue the models as, other than a parallel out, they offer nothing over the Ultra. The Ultra series is cheaper than deluxe series was when it first came out too [/quote] Actually B7K and Ultra sales are both record high at the moment, which is an interesting surprise as a more drastic cannibalization seemed logical. We'll see what happens with demand of other products, as of now no plans to discontinue anything, but we'll see as we have a very interesting release road map for the next 2 years! The Amp and Jon Stockman pedal that are about to come give a glimpse of where we were 12-18 months ago... but we've worked on other interesting (and more ambitious) R&D challenges simultaneously, so a lot of big changes are occurring now, super exciting times ahead! Thanks for the support, looking forward hearing what you think of this pedal! Doug.
  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1465302645' post='3066910'] Seeing as im definitely getting one i thought id post this here. Im sure there will be loads of talk about it over the coming months. I was about to start using my VTBass DI as an always on and my VMT for the dirtier tones. Now it looks like i can do it all with one DG box. Im not overly keen on the tones in the video, but i do love the DG Vintage pedals for their warming aspect. [media]http://youtu.be/A7E4045C4JI[/media] [/quote] Thanks! We'll start shipping these early next month! This one's a tad clearer and tighter in the low end. I just regret naming these series "Vintage". The Deluxe 2 and now the Ultra can get some pretty classic sounds but they can also go super aggressive. I'm mostly off forums these days (working on the amplifier and some other, perhaps cooler stuff) but I really look forward hearing what you guys think about this pedal. Regards, Doug.
  10. Hey guys! I'll be walking around on the London Bass Show. Mainly hanging out at the Bass Direct but will be just checking stuff out the whole weekend! Hope to see some of you!! Regards! D.
  11. Hey guys! Whoa, the drama continues, unfortunately. I have tried to stay out of this whole situation as much as possible on forums: I started Darkglass because there's nothing I love more than designing electronic circuits and making bass sound good. All this drama, conjecture and confrontation are very distracting and I really don't think they help anyone. That being said, I feel obliged to clarify any assumptions that I feel are baseless or simply inaccurate: If anyone thinks that I would or could coerce Mark from Bass Direct into doing anything against his will clearly doesn't know me or him very well, I've gone through enough owning and running a business to know that blackmail is a very poor business move in the long run and hope to never be naive and foolish enough to go that route. Mark is a great guy, he was our first dealer and has continued to be a great one throughout the years, he's always been very pleasant and fair but he's no push over. Aside from that, I'm pretty sure Darkglass accounts for a very modest portion of his business - he deals, many times with exclusivity much bigger brands - it's reasonable to assume that I don't have nearly as much muscle as some of you think I have. Mark is his own man and I'm quite confident me nor anyone can tell him what to sell or not to sell at his store. Hopes this helps clarify some of this so we can move on, I for sure already have.
  12. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1419494537' post='2640394'] Could be, Personally I think I would like my VMT much more if it was a VMTD, an EQ can change the sound of dirt pedals a lot. [/quote] Yeah I totally agree! But a lot of people do prefer less options. Specially if you're getting an overdrive with a very specific purpose in mind, the EQ-less pedal might get you just that at a lower price and easier/faster set up. I think it's good on our point of view to offer both choices, and even increase the palette of options.
  13. Hey, I just saw this thread! I'm not here to talk about my personal and my company's legal issues with 3leaf or anyone else but to clarify a few things that need clarifying: The new Finnish pedals have soft switching but using FETs instead of relays mainly because I didn't want to use technology that wasn't developed by myself in any Darkglass pedals (all the layouts were redesigned from scratch as well), but also because it seems to be the most reliable option at the moment: by now we've put out over 1000 pedals since the summer when we started manufacturing in Finland and have had literally zero failures yet. This also allowed me to implement a few upgrades that were long overdue (like the addition of the Cut option on the new b3k's attack switch). Also, I appreciate Kev'a sentiment for sharing this and doing what he thought was helping me correct a wrong but the truth is that regardless of the legitimacy of the sales, I should have kept the matter private and dealt with it professionally. Whether or not I was in my right to be very upset at that situation, truth is that involving the world, and specially resoritng to insults wasn't precisely professional and I regret that for sure (all though I can't honestly say I regret speaking up to what I believe was an injustice, but I could have handled myself better). I think it's also important to clarify that all the Darkglass circuits were designed entirely by me (Doug), the way it worked before is that I would come up with the circuits and 3leaf would design a layout that would best accommodate his assembly preferences. But all Darkglass products always have been designed from scratch here in Helsinki. Also, this whole unpleasant thing seems to be over: apparently all the leftover stock has been sold so now I just want to learn the lessons from past mistakes, move and on and keep working on kicking ass next year. Falling outs happen in business all the time and I've learned so very much from all this bitter drama, but I'm very pleased and happy with the work we are doing in Finland. We shattered our most optimistic forecasts so the future looks very bright and exciting, just he way it should be. I appreciate all the support shown here, if not directly to me, to what some of you feel is morally right (there can be a big gap between laws and morals), it means a lot but I would appreciate if we could all move on. I certainly have, and I hope the other party does too. Thanks again for the interest, and support! It means a lot for sure. Merry Christmas to everyone! Regards, Doug.
  14. Would be awesome to grab a beer with you guys! [quote name='dbass' timestamp='1328610037' post='1529777'] I will helping Mark out on the Bass Direct Stand!!! It was fun (if slightly louddddddd) last year and the after show party was immense. [/quote] Hey! I will be there as well helping out in general and answering any questions about Darkglass pedals! See you all there!
  15. I am going there with Mark from Bass Direct! (Booth D1). If anyone wants to meet up and talk a bit, that'd be cool!
  16. Its been a while since I last posted here! I pretend to remedy that hehe. Thanks everyone for the kind words! Will Davies should make samples for a living! Regards, Doug.
  17. Wow, this looks super interesting! A friend of mine built couple 1176 and it rocks! He uses it for vocals, but it was great with bass, along with the LA2A probably one of my favorite compressors. If the pedal is loyal to the circuitry and components of the 1176, then, in my opinion, the price is not bad at all. The circuit is quite large and not at all cheap to build. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1328468735' post='1527598'] the b3k is worth at least 3 overdrives. [/quote] Thanks!
  18. [quote name='51m0n' post='1279414' date='Jun 23 2011, 11:59 AM']Rack:- dbx160a Focusrite Compounder (VCA compressor - will give you the most options) TL Audio Ivory Series (tube jobbie this, not that that is particularly relevant) Expensive Rack:- Summit TLA 100a TubeTech C1 La2a (silly money) 1176 (silly money) Pedal:- Markbass Compressore Joe Meek FloorQ TC Electronics NovaDynamics (digital, but it features a multiband comp you may dig)[/quote] A friend of mine built couple LA2As and 1176 for his studio here in Helsinki... super silly money, but if one can afford it, they're worth it IMO. Super natural and awesome! Nobody has recommended the Demeter Compulator... one of the most transparent out there!
  19. Thanks everyone for your comments! [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1265142' date='Jun 11 2011, 07:37 PM']this pedal is completely stonking. it did hurt my wallet, but oh wow, the overdrive can be as subtle or as huge as you like, over a few different bandwidths. it's a bit like the tech 21 vt, but with far more varied tones. it rips.[/quote] Thanks for your words mate! [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1254542' date='Jun 2 2011, 10:26 PM']It sounds really good and transparent, but the price tag... ouch![/quote] hehehe, I hope [url="http://darkglasselectronics.com/how-its-made-microtubes-b3k/"]THIS[/url] can help explain the price tag a bit . Cheers! Doug.
  20. Thanks everyone for your words, and Will for making and sharing the sample! Best Regards Doug.
  21. Thanks everyone for the welcome msgs!
  22. The assembly quality looks quite Ok. I have seen way worse (and way pricier!). The components seem to be as good as it gets (for pedals anyways) Wima capacitors... good stuff. I like to use the least amount of wiring possible. More reliable and cleaner: Regards! Doug.
  23. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1006994' date='Oct 31 2010, 12:47 PM']Welcome Doug [/quote] Thanks!
  24. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1006988' date='Oct 31 2010, 12:40 PM']welcome. you may wish to alter the title surely Finland is not that bad. although it might explain why you lot like black metal so much..[/quote] Thanks Phil! Hehe, Finland is pretty nice indeed, it was jusr a funny typo! I will correct it now.
  25. Hi everyone! I am Douglas Castro, and I am a bassist/electronic engineer from Finland (well, I am originally from Chile, but been living in Northern Europe for a while now) Just wanted to say hi, and congratulate you guys for having such a great community! If I can be anyhow helpful, feel free to contact me. Best Regards Doug.
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