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Everything posted by funkybassman2020

  1. I agree with Bassbunny as I'm suffering the same in my left hand at the mo. My left ring and pinky fingers and right hand side of my left palm are constantly tingling and go dead. Originally, my Chiro traced this problem to my neck and left shoulder. The Ulna nerve being the culprit. I'm due to visit Chiro in the next couple of weeks as I live a fair way from him. Last time he freed the nerve, a little less than two days later the tingling was completely gone. Just to check it was the same nerve playing up, I got my wife to lightly press the area it runs to in the upper shoulder area and it hurt like crazy so I know it's the culprit. An exercise my chiro advised and that helped me is to sit upright, push your shoulders down, place one hand over the other in line and it doesn't matter which, with hands facing inwards and whilst pushing your shoulders down as much as poss, gently and slowly raise your hands up from low down as poss and so your arms go up to 90 degress to your body and repeat 3-4 times maybe three times a day.... It helps me but ultimately my nerve needs to be released properly... I messed mine up again a couple of weeks back lying underneath the rusty old vw Golf I own, trying to yank a crankshaft loose with a large breaker bar and I felt the damage when I stood up. Another thing that messes it up is lying on your side on a sofa, with your elbow on the sofa arm and propping your head up with your hand. Who knows, the exercise might help you too. If it is the ulna you may feel remnants of what I would describe as "pins and needles" in your whole arm as you perform the exercise... Good luck... Rob.
  2. I'm a real slap-bass thicky and only just getting around to playing it. Seen a few slap bass lessons on youtube and pretty much they advise to play pull offs with the index finger. I feel more comfy playing the pull off with the forefinger and rather like the idea of having the index free as I hopefully improve. As it is really early days for me, is this advisable or better to train myself to pull off with the index? At the moment I'm working at getting the Dexter Redding line "The Awakening" mustard. It's all there but I fall to bits with the slap as my communication between thumb and fretting goes naff.... However, I have found the more relaxed I play, the better I get... Any tips gratefully received for this here slap bass thicky.....
  3. Bart? I meant Bert..... Sorry dude....
  4. Hi there. Thanks for the welcome. Discreet ---- I've put a tenner in the coffers for the powers that be. Is there anyway to check it's been received all ok? Seems it's gone to a chap named Chris... Anyhow, Thanks for the warning on the barts horn. Duly noted. U bassman --- Hey yes, i really enjoy playing the U-bass. One chilled out instrument it is. Noticed the bass strings have come down in price now. What's the difference between the thundergut and the polys that I use? The Polys I have had a good time tuning them but they are fairly settled now. I like the way you can carry the instrument in its case on an easyjet flight no bothers. When away in some foreign climb and the wife goes buying Taiwanese knick-knacks, chilling out by the pool and figuring out some new chops with a beer is pretty satisfying. The bass always brings a smile to other peeps (sceptical smiles mainly) and peeps that rightly think I look a complete idiot playing the thing at me being 6 feet 4 at an open-mic night. Most afterwards are amazed at the sound the thing produces though. Basstractor --- I've never tried an Ashbory bass.... Have to give one a go if I spot one... Leen2112 --- Aha! Yes, the wondrous Encore....Bless it. I just can't seem to part with basses. I've gotten too sentimental over them which is mad I know. However, although this probably wouldn't apply to the green thing, Over the years, I've heard countless musicans come out with the same "I sold that guitar to blah de blah or for such and such and wish I hadn't and now wish I could have it back..."
  5. Hello people! I'm Rob down in darkest Devon and although joined this site some two years back I think, finally got here to say hello. So hello! If someone could advise me how to put a tenner in the pot here please let me know as I have found this site pretty useful so far and seems only right to shove a beer token towards the powers that be... Been playing for I think 21 years? Anyhow....Gearlist: NS Design NXT4 (Nerys) Warwick Thumb NT5 '07 (Mr. Growly) Warwick Streamer LX4 '05.(Goldilocks) Kala Mahogony U-Bass (Ronnie Corbass) Aria Black Poly MAB-40 (Needs a new body plus has no name) Westone 1 (No name) Encore I think it is called an E80? (My first bass! Green thing.) Yamaha APX-5A (When I think I might be able to play guitar) A light blue chorus pedal thing made by Boss although I think it's for a guitar? A purple bass envelope thing made by MXR. Tech-21Sansamp Bass driver DI thing... This thing is pretty handy. Laney RBH800 with 410 and 115 cabs for it. This stack was even cheaper than my car and has less rust on it.
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