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Everything posted by rodacademy

  1. Rewind the Film. Manics !! What an album !
  2. But....if you really needed it, veg can be chopped on the floor!
  3. Thats actually genius! Lmao
  4. My friends, i enjoy all the comments , advice and opinions on here but many times I read how your "other half" wont be pleased if you buy that new bass etc! I buy what i want/need whenever I want too and the wife never bothers at all! Is this rare! Am i lucky here!?
  5. Looking at a lot of single cuts just now and some seem ugly and some look great IMHO! Do you think these basses are here too stay or like some 80's basses shapes, they will become a "at the time" bass if you know what I mean!
  6. Why is this still here! If it were a 5(need another) at this price!!! Whats wrong with you people, these basses sound amazing!
  7. Boom! This is nice! I know nothing about these but its super sexy! My mission to buy another bongo might falter here! Lovely
  8. I jump about all over the stage! Nothing more boring than a static band, even if they are great! Depends on venue right enough!
  9. Guess it depends on a lot of things! Some do it because they need the cash but that in its self can be a minefield! When does it become "enough" money? Would you do a gig for less than £150 a skull? Some do it for the love where cash is not even in the equation, just a bonus! Venue choice/asperations too is a big factor. Are you happy too do wee pub gigs or big venues and festivals, cash varies here from covering your costs too getting excess of £400 per gig! I believe to get to a really high standard you need to rehearse at least once a week and gig at least once a month! All these things cost so I think you need to factor in what exactly you want from it! Do you ever really make money if your reinvesting in your gear, petrol etc etc
  10. For info to some folk on here this was tounge in cheek! Lighten up!! Lol
  11. Yep easy going bunch right enough!
  12. Yes we have all been there! Dealing with the ego and temprement of the "front man", battling with the guitar players volume and the feckin drummers lack of dynamics! The keyboard players strange habits to mention a few! Yet us bass players, the glue between the drums and rest of the band always seem to be the good guy! The one that just wants to enjoy it!! Thoughts?
  13. These Basses are just amazing! Have a bump on me!
  14. Agghhh. Needs another H!!
  15. Yeh its odd! I have been touring with a BGT winner from a few series ago, and the more gigs you do, their fans know you! Its nice but they really dont give a sh*t about you! Lol
  16. Yeh the diversity jobs were much better! Is there a decent budget job out there now?
  17. Love them or loath them they save my back! Love my wee PF800
  18. Anyone remember this awful 80's/90's wireless systems that lasted a fortnight! Awful
  19. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1378125215' post='2195959'] We have this discussion every year when the X-Factor lumbers (slithers?) onto our television screens... Thing is, it's just a Saturday night 'talent' show. Nothing more. There have been shows of this kind on our screens for decades. Fair enough it's ok to grumble about it. I'd say it's almost a tradition But it's a bit like reading Heat Magazine and then bemoaning its lack of coverage of bluegrass or avant-garde jazz. Quite simply, it's not a show aimed at discerning musicians. It's goal is to shovel populist karaoke down the lug'oles of people who enjoy singing along to daytime radio - and who enjoy the 'drama' of the process. It's nothing more than that. It certainly doesn't threaten good quality music. If anything, it shines a light on the throwaway, battery-farmed nature of the commercial music machine (which has operated in pretty much the exact same fashion since The Monkees and long before, albeit without the public audience in tow). Let 'em get on with it, I say. And in the immortal words of Why Don't You: "Just switch off your TV set and do something less boring instead". [/quote] This is spot on!! Couldn't have put it better!
  20. Wow! Pity i need frets! Thats a beauty!
  21. Lol. Doing well though I am going through the treats at a rate ;-)
  22. Are these chaps expensive??
  23. That is very agreeable indeed! I like the head actually and nice finish! Glad it sounds as goid as it looks!
  24. Utter utter bollocks but i need to watch what I say as I tour with a BGT winner!! Lol
  25. I remember my TKO 75! Lol. Then my Mark 6 head! Never ever broke down though!!
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