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Everything posted by mikebass84

  1. I have never had a problem lending out my combo provided people ask and treat it with respect. Most of the time it's being DI'd so I ask them to leave the volume alone. Have had a few times when I've been told I can use someone else gear and then not been allowed to touch the EQ, which gave me a horrible sound PS. I am currently investing in a new rig to prevent this in the future (and cause my combo isn't very well and needs fixing)
  2. Any idea on postage to the west midlands?
  3. I'll see how much it costs to post it my way and if it's not too much I might be interested
  4. 2x10 still for sale? Could be interested
  5. I'm currently in the process of buying an electric drum kit and I am slowly...very slowly learning acoustic guitar. Just to give me a new tool to write songs with
  6. OK I'm getting annoyed with the Editor. I have a USB to MIDI cable. Set it correctly (out into in and in into out). Set the interface on the editor so it uses the USB adaptor. But I keep getting Device timedout everytime I try and send or receive data. The lights flash up on the adaptor. Are there any specific setting I need to change on the pedal itself. I have had a look thru the manual but I can't make heads or tails of it. Cheers in advance
  7. I snapped a tendon in my left hand(mallet finger) doing some MMA training. Put me out of playing bass for 3 months. Should have been 6 months but according to the Physio my fingers were a bit stronger than normal due to playing bass. Was my last MMA session as I can't do without bass
  8. Keep as much gear with you as often as you can. I've heard too many horror stories of people getting gear knicked from Vans etc
  9. If you like Metallica and Alter Bridge you'll like my band [url]http://www.facebook.com/khaostheoryofficial[/url]
  10. Was messing around this morning and decided I would drop a drum loop and just jam over the top. Mainly to test my OD sound and cause it's fun. Feel free to comment https://soundcloud.com/michael-khaos-landreth/morning
  11. This was recorded for a friends college project..was ...... odd to do. We play the song A LOT faster live than we did when we recorded it so it took some time to play it slower. But had a great deal of fun. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGjGxj3s-gM[/media]
  12. BUMP cause we're due to film a video soon and more people should listen to us anyways
  13. For my band me and the guitarist write our new material together (I am more of a riff writer and he is very good at making songs out of my riffs) But I do have a side project where I write everything as its totally different from my main...all instrumental for now
  14. Really got the hang of this pedal. Taken it to a few practices (had to make a few adjustments on some patches) but everything sounds amazing . I do have a problem with using it at home at low volumes. My Laney R3 sounds really farty and sh*t when I use any OD or fuzz. Yet the same patches sound great at practice (used a few different amps) and via headphones....problem with the combo or could it be a patch/pedal issue?
  15. Ive been using Sonar 8 with my pedal. Make sure you download the drivers from the zoom website
  16. He was one of my initial influences. Not really a fan now but if it wasnt for him I doubt I'd play bass..or at least 5 string bass
  17. If I have it my way I always stand on the hi-hat side of the drummer (current drummer is a righty). Something not right about being on the other side
  18. I am very critical of my own playing so if I dont fret perfectly I might class that as a mistake. Usually hit a few duff notes maybe twice a gig
  19. Last time I went to a music shop I went with my bands guitarist and he was busy playing so I walked around, grabbed a bass and plugged in (with permission of course) and then we played songs from our set.
  20. I use the Zoom B9.1UT pedal and previously used a Boss ME50B. I mainly use to for a bit of chorus/Flange, reverb and a nice bit of OD or Distortion to fill out the sound during guitar solos
  21. I take my ER20S everywhere I go. Wear them to every gig/practice/club i go to
  22. www.facebook.com/khaostheoryofficial ;-) But on a more serious note I am really looking forward to seeing what Hacktivist do. Odd mix of Djent and rap
  23. This will be my 9th year as a bassistand while certainly no Vet I feel I have worked hard to get where I am. I recently upgraded my effects unit from a boss me50b to the zoom b9.1ut and this is the 1st piece of new gear I have purchased since my very 1st bass and that was a bday present. Since getting this new pedal I havent really stopped playing bass, now I will admit I dont practice as much as I really should (when you consider how good the rest of my band are) but now I can't put my bass down. Feels really good to have a new spark
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