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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. I like them really chunky (ooo-err missis!) The Letts 5 has a neck like a 2x4 and it's perfect, quite deep and square, with a fairly flat back, really helped to sort out my poor left hand technique. I tried a Jazz a couple of weeks ago and it was like a toothpick, I jut couldn't get on with it. Matt
  2. I've bought a camera lens and a job lot of 1/4" plugs from Mike and both transactions were perfect, great communication and incredibly swift postage. Matt
  3. I also find the Ibanez sr series too tight, the cort that I tried (A5 I think) had the same spacing as the sr series (16.5mm) I ended up with a Squier VM p5 which is about 18mm and perfect for me (the same as my Letts 5 string) I think that musicman are 17.5mm (except the sterling sub which i think is 16.5 or even narrower.) the RBX 765a that I had was 19mm which I loved at the time but can't manage now. Matt
  4. whether this can be done affordably will depend on whether the neck and the fingerboard are separate pieces of wood or actually one piece, is there a "skunk stripe" of darker wood on the back of the neck? (this would usually indicate a single piece neck) if it is a separate fingerboard then it's not too difficult to remove the fingerboard and fit a new one, if it's a one piece neck then it's a much bigger job. Matt
  5. [quote name='D'AddarioUK' timestamp='1458294211' post='3006288'] I've had a set on my Jazz V for 3 months now and they're still going strong! [/quote] this will be the set that I tried at the bass bash, really liked them. if there are any more 5 string sets available then I'd love to try them out on my precision V Matt
  6. at home its either Vinyl or cd through my separates system (Thorens or NAD turntable, Marantz CD, Nakamichi Cassette, though a Cyrus amp and a pair of stand mount castle speakers) or if i'm learnng something then it's via a nexus tablet and a pair of headphones (beyer dynamic dt100's at the moment) when I'm out on foot then it's an ipod classic and a pair of soundmagic earbuds. but most of my listening is in the car (cd's or radio) my merc c-class has a surprisingly good system (there's even a sub as standard in the boot!) Matt
  7. my favourite is one that was never meant to be released, a Russian bootleg Led Zeppelin double vinyl Album, Led Zep 2 and 3 in one gatefold sleeve, I didn't need it as I already had them both but when I saw it I just had to have it! it's got he cover artwork on the outer covers (minus the revolving section from the genuine Version of 3) Matt
  8. we had all of our gear tested a while back as a hotel had warned us beforehand that they'd want to see the cert, it wasn't that expensive and our guitarist had all of his tools checked at the same time (he's self employed with a whole pile of mains tools) I do the visual check anyway as it's a force of habit, I've confiscated a few leads rom church as they've ben dangerous, no strain relief on one cable and an extension lead that was only 2 core! (which explained why the eci light was flashing on the trace head) Matt
  9. I bought Tedmanzies Focusrite Octopre, it couldn't have been an easier deal, and it came boxed up safely enough to survive a warzone (or a courier Depot!) I'm a very happy bunny certainly a man to trust! Matt
  10. I'm using the Harley Benton Junior (and the Palmer version of the same unit) the isolated nature of the outputs makes it easy to get 18V or 240mA, I'm running a blowtorch at 18v and the high current for my G30, I've had no issues and 2 of my friends are using the same units with no problems it's a bargain really! they both came with the current doubler cable and the 18v cable is easy to make if you've got a soldering iron Matt
  11. if this has been owned from new then the original pickups might be sitting in a box somewhere, have you asked the seller about them? the covers might be in the same box! Matt
  12. Is this still available? This is exactly what I am looking for. Matt
  13. I had stopped looking at this thread as I realy can't justify another bass but now I find myself thinking of a major road trip to visit this shop and bring home a new bass, it's along way but only 3 hours from Amsterdam, which is an easy overnight ferry from Newcastle, as far as road trips go if there were a few people sharing a vehicle then this would be a great bass weekender! north east bass bash on the road perhaps? Mat
  14. I'm another Squier VM Precision 5 owner, they're really cracking for the money (I paid the princely sum of 130 for mine secondhand) the neck is very precision like, a nice amount of heft but not too much. mine is actually getting a fair amount of use even though I mainly bought it as a backup to my Letts 5er Matt
  15. I use double sided Velcro, 10mm wide, great for keeping everything tidy, when I bought the heavy duty Velcro to build my board I was left with loads of the "hook" Velcro left over, so i'v stuck some to the underside of the board and then used the double sided Velcro to hold down cables. Matt
  16. there is a special for sale at the moment in the classifieds, 300 quid (I have no connection to the seller) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277218-billy-sheehan-attitude-special-signed-by-billy-new-strings-setup/page__p__2959573__hl__attitude%20special__fromsearch__1#entry2959573"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277218-billy-sheehan-attitude-special-signed-by-billy-new-strings-setup/page__p__2959573__hl__attitude%20special__fromsearch__1#entry2959573[/url] the pickups are about 140 quid for the pair, by the time you've bought a half decent p-bass (vm series squire or similar) and the pickups you'd be just as well to pick up the special on the secondhand market. Matt
  17. Get yourself along to the Bass bash on the 30th, there should be a nice range of amps you can try out, the venue we use has a shop as well that stocks the Aguilar heads so you'll be able to try them out too (at a decent volume) Matt
  18. i'll be there, will there be name badges this time? Matt
  19. loving this! there is cheaper headless hardware available, I think I've seen 4 string stuff for less than 40 quid on ebay (it won't be quite the quality of the hipshot though!) you could go for headless on the 4 string then regular 3+3 for the other neck, a decent length upper horn will help with balance as well. Matt
  20. I think at last count I have 5 basses, the 5 string letts goes to pretty much everything, with a squier 5 string p-bass as a backup, I very rarely gig without a backup (a hangover from my days as a guitarist playing floyd-rose equipped guitars) when the uke bass goes out I'll often take the letts as well, and the 77 p-bass does go out when the gig calls for it, again with the letts as a backup. Matt
  21. I'm going to be driving down to the Portsmouth/Southampton area in the new year and I'd be happy to act as courier (can easily drop off anywhere on the way) (If this was a 5 string Jake then I would have bought it by now. I just don't need another 4 string right now) Matt
  22. keep your eye out for a Vintage V100 as well, they're great budget les paul guitars, I had one a while ago and it was fantastic, really well made and a great tone, mine only cost me £90 secondhand! I still regret selling it to a friend, one day i'll buy it back. Matt
  23. I was thinking that we took the more subtle approach and invited him to bring the poor beast to a bass bash, that way we could at least get a video of it being played before it's put out of it's misery (gently) Matt
  24. i was having a search to see if I could find the country of origin of the Tennessee basses and I think I might have found the seller, over on sevenstring.org, under the name SKJORH, looks like he's had it for years! [url="http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/bass-guitar-discussion/161414-15-string-tennessee.html"]http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/bass-guitar-discussion/161414-15-string-tennessee.html[/url] and I think that it originally looked like this [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v118/turquoisemoleeater/guitars/15bass.jpg"]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v118/turquoisemoleeater/guitars/15bass.jpg[/url] Matt
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