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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. my Letts Singlecut 5 is 7.5lbs I think I might also own one of the heaviest, I have a concrete bass that crushes the scales at over 16lbs (especially impressive considering its a violin bass shaped body)
  2. For those who trawl cash converters for the odd bargain it's probably worth knowing that they put a code on the sticker that tells the staff how much they paid for everything, it's known as the blacksmith code, usually written as a 4 or 5 letter code, b=1, l=2 up to H=0, so if the code is ch kh then they paid £40.50p for it, useful when haggling for deals. I always try bargaining in cash converters, unless they are seriously under the real value.
  3. you can't go wrong with obbm's cables, there's a good reason that everyone recommends them! glad you've got it sorted Matt
  4. That has a stereo input, you just need to feed it a stereo signal, you need a mono to stereo cable or adapter.
  5. what setup are you using at the moment? it might be that all you need is a different cable. if the input to your transmitter is stereo then a mono to dual mono cable will do the trick, this might be a very cheap fix. Matt
  6. Just bought a cyrus hifi amp from Chris, couldn't have been a better deal, I'm a very happy bunny. Matt
  7. The guitarguitar in Newcastle is notorious for poor service so I won't use them at all, I think I'd rather buy online and use the distance selling regs so I can send it back if I don't like it. Matt
  8. this does look very interesting, has anyone spotted a UK/EU supplier yet? I might even have to break my personal rule about credit for this (provided its interest free credit of course!) Matt
  9. PM'd Matt
  10. What is the string spacing at the bridge please? Matt
  11. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1439919913' post='2846805'] De-fretted it's 3.9 kg on the bathroom scales and the nut is 45mm wide: B-E is 0.9cm, E-A 0.9cm, A-D 1cm and D-G 1 cm assuming you use Nylon Flats. It does not feel heavy and the body is quite contoured. At the Bridge the string spacing is between 1.6 cm and 1.8 cm depending on which strings! [/quote] H Thanks, unfortunately that string spacing is too wide for me, the hunt will have to continue elsewhere. Matt
  12. Yorks5stringer, any chance of measuring the string spacing on your progressive 5 please? and a weight would be nice too, I've been looking for a backup for my Letts 5 and these look mighty tempting (even at full price) if there were options for drop-in replacement pickups that would make it a no brainer (I've been wanting to try nordstrands for ages!) thanks Matt
  13. I'm now thinking more of a snare lamp for his living room, not sure I'd trust him with fire (he tends to get distracted and there would be a high probability that he'd set fire to his garden) Matt
  14. now I know what i'm going to do with the scrap snare shell that's been gathering dust under my desk, the perfect housewarming present for our drummer!
  15. I think for me it would just have to be simple to setup. would it be possible to have 5 or 6 button unit (metal momentary footswitches would be my ideal) and a 2 digit 7 segment display and then use the software to setup what each one does? a connection for a standard expression pedal would be nice but not essential. that way everyone could configure it to how they need it. my setup would probably be: patch up patch down select (so that a new patch can be selected during the ending of a song and then punched in at the right moment for the new song) blackout/background lighting strobe fog/smoke a 2 digit display gives 100 patches, I don't think i'd need any other leds Matt
  16. Pffft, there's still a gap in the bottom case! actually that's awesome beyond all description! I can't imagine what it fees like with all the barefaced cabs (I know it will sound awesome!) something like standing behind a jumbo jet on takeoff? Matt
  17. they're all the same, I've got about 7 or 8 of them of different ages and all the keys are identical. i could probably find you a spare key if you want? Matt Edit - beaten to it by hubrad! Hiscox are known for their aftersales, and them an email, they might be able to send you replacement catch as well, they just pop-rivet on.
  18. I'm liking this, we took ages to come up with a name for our covers band and now that we've got some original songs we've realised that the first name isn't appropriate for the original material, I think one of these might work out perfectly! Matt
  19. I use the MXR super comp, bought it off ebay before the bass comp was announced, I've never noticed any hiss at any settings, does the job for me and it was about 45 quid if I remember right. Matt
  20. double check that they're not on holiday, that was the case when I ordered mine, there was a note on the website saying they were away and would return on a certain date, my covers arrived a few days after they got back. Matt
  21. the single button would put me off TBH, I've got a clip on tuner at the moment that has the same button for on/off and pitch change, I find I'm constantly changing the pitch rather than turning it off, and it takes loads of presses of the button to put it back to 440Hz, drives me nuts so it's relegated to backup use, my Snark clip on tuner is far less annoying to use (although I might pick up a polytune clip on as well) Matt
  22. The Badderer has already said this but I think you need to run more of the band though the PA, and have speakers pointing in more directions, from the description that you gave I'd guess that a pair of speakers pointing straight out plus one either side of the stage pointing at 90 degrees would be needed to cover everything (all running in mono to give the same sound from all the speakers), depending on the surroundings you might not need to mic the drums, and with the barefaced cabs I'd doubt that you'd need bass in the PA. the ideal thing would be to set up in one of the corners rather than the middle, that would allow you to cover the whole area with just 2 speakers but I'm guessing that probably won't be allowed. Edit - Beaten to it in far less words by Stylon Pilson!
  23. my parcel made it to the national hub at about midnight and is now loaded for delivery at my local depot, the trouble is that the parcel force delivery to work never arrives before 2 and is usually about 3, that seems like an age! unusually it took nearly 4 days to get to Koln then parcel force took under 24 hours to get it over here and onto the local delivery van. hopefully It will arrive before i finish today, as it's coming to my work address it's very likely to arrive (difficult to claim no-one was In when we have a staffed reception during office hours) i'll get a polite message from our wonderful reception team when it arrives. Matt
  24. as a markbass/barefaced user myself I have to echo that the combination is very good indeed, a 2x12 barefaced with a markbass head is a great match and I doubt you'll ever fail to cut through (I've drowned out the whole band with a single midget and witnessed a single midget standing up against a pair of marshall half stacks and a drummer with no issues at all) I would have quoted Alex but this browser doesn't let me or some reason! Matt
  25. I think the soldering iron line was a nod towards how easy this job is to do yourself, the tools will cost you about the same as the job will and you'll end up with a useful skill at the same time. there are plenty of youtube tutorials to teach you soldering, or there might be a helpful Basschat member locally who would teach you. if you were local to me then I'd happily teach you the skills and help you swap out a pickup or two. Matt
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