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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. i usually take mine off when i'm playing (and my watch as well) i found that i was hitting the frets occasionally and was marking the ring (750 white gold ring and stainless frets) i guess that the ring is softer than the frets, I either put my ring onto my watch strap and give them to my wife to look after while i'm playing or i tuck the ring into the little pocket in my jeans (no idea what the pocket is suposed to be for but it works fine for my wedding ring) I got used to wearing the ring pretty quickly, within a week or so. Matt
  2. having seen 2 of these in the flesh (including the shell pink jazz above which has been bought by a Basschatter) i'm really gassing for one, in fact my perfect spec has already been built it's no 119, a sonic blue 62/3 with a medium relic, anyone on here own it? [url="http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/sold_basses/limelight00119sonicblue.htm"]http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/sold_basses/limelight00119sonicblue.htm[/url] and for those lusting after the shell pink Jazz, it's better than you could imagine! Matt
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1421421612' post='2661030'] As I play gnarly, gainy, twangy punk in a 3 piece I have the tweeters on though much of this is due to my preference of old, dead roundwounds to liven them up a bit. I find they just add a little definition to the sound. But I have tried without and there really isn`t that much in it. Certainly if I used fresh strings I`d have the tweeters off. For a Precision with flats the TH500/Midget combination would be just great, I reckon. [/quote] Thanks, from the short test i had at the bash the Tonehammer certainly seemed to fit the bill, i hardly touched the controls, i just plugged in and it just sounded exactly right straight away, i guess it might sound a little different in a band setting but i'm confident that it will be very easy to tweak it to fit perfectly, we're a pub covers band with a fairly wide range of styles but we veer towards punk a lot of the time (when we don't accidentally drop into pseudo-reggae!) Matt
  4. thanks for the review, the TH500 is on my shopping list, i tried one at the last North East Bass Bash with my Barefaced Midgets and it was fantastic, a quick question though, do you have the tweeter on or off most of the time? only asking as i've not got tweeters on the midgets and as a precision with flats player i've never really missed the tweeters. If [email="M@23"]M@23[/email] is in the north east then i'd reccomend trying the bass base in pelaw for the amp as they have them in stock and the prices are pretty good, that's certainly where i will be buying mine! Matt
  5. i use the same methiod as icastle except i write the lables by hand, if you want coloured tubing then higher ratio's are available, 4:1 is available in clear and 3:1 is availble in colours, i buy mine from [url="http://www.heatshrink-online.co.uk/"]http://www.heatshrink-online.co.uk/[/url] they also do 6:1 ratio in black with adhesive lining which is excellent for strain relief. i eiyther use a heat gun (on a gas soldering iron kit) or I use a zippo as i can light it and stand it on the desk giving me 2 hands to hold and turn the cable. as long as you keep is a sensible distance away and keep it moving then it's ok. Matt
  6. that's quite smart looking, personally i'd have preferred the eq from the superfly (graphic with lights and buttons rather than physical sliders,) it had loads of presets which could be midi-switched, it was only the power section that let it down (i used it DI'd in a studio once and got nothing but compliments on my tone) Matt
  7. i really shouldn't but how much does this weigh? Matt
  8. How are you getting on with this? Is the casing metal or plastic? I've been looking at a di pedal with overdrive and these look good at £50 and fantastic at 25! Coda still have them listed and I'll have some birthday money soon as well. Matt
  9. ive just had a quick google and it looks like the mag 115 doesn't have a tweeter, so it probably doesn't have a crossover, in which case the smoke is very likely to be the voice coil on the driver, that would mean that it's new driver time. Matt
  10. my first check would be to take the input panel off the cab and have a look at that, it might be the capacitor on the crossover that has been fried, it should be pretty obvious if it has gone, if not then it could be the driver itself which is an easy job to replace if you can get the correct one. take some pictures to post on here and the problem should be simple enough to locate
  11. i made the transition to a 5er many years ago, i swap between 4 and 5 but it's usually the 5 string Letts that gets the gig, the best advice i can give is to watch out for the low B ringing out when you don't want it to, i have learnt floating thumb technique and the difference to my sound is immense, it all sounds cleaner and more precise. Matt
  12. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1417366868' post='2619599'] There must be some decent covers of the songs on Let it Be to swell the ranks... [/quote] Aretha Frankin's Version of Let it Be isn't just one of my favorite covers, it's one of my favorite recordings ever! i woiuld post a link but i'm at work.
  13. when i'm making up leads i use a small bit of card and seal it under clear heatshrink tubing, works pretty well, if you are labeling up pre-made leads then you will need a heatshrink with a very large shrink ratio, maybe 4:1? i use these guys for my heatshrink [url="http://www.heatshrink-online.co.uk/"]http://www.heatshrink-online.co.uk/[/url] this might be a good option [url="http://www.heatshrink-online.co.uk/heatshrink/cat_313195-41-Clear-Glue-Lined-Heatshrink.html"]http://www.heatshrink-online.co.uk/heatshrink/cat_313195-41-Clear-Glue-Lined-Heatshrink.html[/url] but i'm not sure how clear it is once it's shrunk, i use the 2:1 clear tubing without the adhesive lining and it's clear enough to read black biro on white card very easily. Matt
  14. i also use Allianz, i haven't made a claim but when it came to updating the items covered theree is no admin fee, they just adjust any monthly payments left to cover it. I went with Allianz as they didn't require serial numbers for everything, my Letts 5 string is totally unique and would be incredibly easy to identify but because there wasn't a serial number some of the insurance companies wouldn't cover it. i got my insurance just before the first paid gig with my and, we phoned up our broker (the AA) and just asked if i was covered for paid gigs and when they checked with the actual insurer they cancelled our policy, aparently that made me a part time musician which they didn't cover so we had 7 days to get new insurance, the AA were really good about it and actually got us a better deal with another company which saved us £80. Matt
  15. which valves are the TAD ones? as far as i'm aware, the laney nexus has 3x 12ax7, 1x 12BH7 and 8x KT88's, the KT88's are in quad's i think so should be replaced as quads, personally i would phone Watford valves and ask them what they suggest, they seem to have 2 options available on their website, tesla at 100 for a matched quad or svetlana at 160 for a matched quad. Matt
  16. I bought one of these,https://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/product/details/csta100-fully-folding-sack-truck It's doing sterling service for my kit, 90kg capacity is pretty good too. Matt
  17. are you wanting to run both basses at the same time or are you going to be swapping from one bass to the other? if the amp has seperate level controls for each input then running 2 basses at once should be fine, if there is just a single input level then you are likely to hit problems. if you want to switch between 2 basses then get an A/B switching pedal, they're fairly cheap and some of them have seperate volume contols for each instrument so that you don't get huge differences in the volumes when you switch. Matt
  18. I tried a th500 through a pair of second generation midgets at the north east bass bash on Sunday and it sounded fantastic, as soon as I've got the cash I'll be buying the tonehammer. Matt
  19. if he's using a rack effects setup then i'd suggest a rack pre/power to go with it, i'm not really up with what preamps would suit but marshall used to make an el84 2x20W power amp that might suit? they did some el34 powered 50/50 and 100/100 amps as well if he wants to go into the building demolition business! Matt
  20. thanks for that Roland, that tallies with what i thought. Thanks again Matt
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1414865858' post='2594173'] Have you seen this update? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/243278-bass-doc-announcement/page__pid__2528320#entry2528320"]http://basschat.co.u...20#entry2528320[/url] [/quote] that link doesn't work for me, has the thread been deleted? Matt
  22. I never really thought about getting a p-bass and then i was offered a go on a 77 that a friend of a friend had just bought, i was hooked. i spent a while shopping around and eventually pursuaded the owner (now a friend and my bass tutor and a member here) to sell me the 77. can you get yourself to the north east bass bash this sunday? there should be a fair few excellent p-basses there and if dodge_bass (the aforementioned gentleman) makes an appearance there is a good chance that there will be a 5 string p-bass or 2 there as well. my 77 will make an appearance if i can get it back from dodge_bass who has it on loan at the moment. the analogy of a p-bass being like a child is spot on! Matt
  23. i'm afraid that i'm not going to be able to meet up on the saturday evening, i've been reminded that it's a friends birthday and we're going out for a curry with him. If people are meeting up then the Cumberland Arms in Byker/Ouseburn Valley would be a good idea as they are having a beer festival! Matt
  24. i was friends with my band mates before we were a band, i met the drummer at uni and he was best man at my wedding, the guitarist/singer is a guy i met while doing PA for a band that a bassist friend was playing in, he was playing drums in that band and we hit it off very quickly, we have very similar hobbies and interests. our band only really happened because after years of saying that we should really have a go at being a band another friend asked us to play at their wedding, we had 6 months to become a competent covers band. we're in it for the sheer fun of it all, if it stopped being fun then i think we'd find something else to do. Matt
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