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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. i'll be there and i'll bring my new Letts 5 string and my Barefaced Midgets, will be very interested to hear other peoples heads through the cabs! will buying and selling be allowed again? i've got a bass that needs a new home! Matt
  2. pm'd also (just in case!) Matt
  3. i've just bought a line 6 G30, not had a chance to try it out as i only took possetion last night but so far i'm impressed with the simplicity and the design, having the reciever on my pedalboard is a big plus point for me. i'm going to give it a try at my band practice tonight. Matt
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1376307455' post='2171873'] To be fair, it's the worst $5000 bass I've ever seen. [/quote] the quality of the finish is horriffic really, there's so much superglue on the fretboard! i've seen 6th form design and tech project basses with a better level of finish. i'd always thought of A-C as one of those brands that i'd never own because they are in a price bracket way above my earnings but now i've moved them into the collection of brands that i won't own on principal until the owners change their way of working and customer relations. (along with a brand that i won't mention but has an R in it) Matt
  5. that is rather classy! i love the finish. Matt
  6. I'd try Newtone strings, they should be able to advise and make you a custom set that will be balanced in tension and will have the correct lengths http://www.newtonestrings.com/ i haven't tried their bass strings yet but i swear by their balanced tension acoustic guitar strings.
  7. defiantely go secondhand! i've built excellent sounding systems well within your budget. this is a good place to get an idea of what's worth buying [url="http://www.hi-fiworld.co.uk/index.php/olde-worlde/295-old-buying-guide.html"]http://www.hi-fiworl...ying-guide.html[/url] these pages have kit for sale a well [url="http://www.usedhifishop.co.uk/"]http://www.usedhifishop.co.uk/[/url] [url="http://www.greenhomeshop.co.uk/shop/"]http://www.greenhomeshop.co.uk/shop/[/url] [url="http://www.2ndhandhifi.co.uk/"]http://www.2ndhandhifi.co.uk/[/url] this site is great for diy tweaks and gear (i'm using one of the flexy table racks and it's great!) [url="http://www.tnt-audio.com/int.html"]http://www.tnt-audio.com/int.html[/url] this also has a 4 part section on how to buy secondhand gear too. i buy most of my kit through ebay (searching within 25 miles usually) or from the local paper and gumtree, latest bargain was some Atacama speaker stands, 3 pairs for 59 quid! i've also snagged the occasional item from cash converters but it pays to carefully check anything over before you buy, i've had speakers that were trashed (they gave me my money back though) for amps/cd players some good names to watch for are: cambridge audio, marantz (especially the cd63/67), denon, arcam, rotel. for speakers: mission, castle, kef, unless the room is realy big then i'd go for standmount/bookshelf speakers (really the same thing and best put on some decent stands like Atacama's) turntables: rega or pro-ject are probably the best options in your price bracket but you might snag a thorens as well (i'm using a thorens td160b mk2 and really like it) if you want a tuner for radio then my top pick is the denon tu260, i've got one and the sound is fantastic for the price! Matt
  8. ok i've just had a quick google (probably should have done that first!) and the combo you have has the speaker connected at the back, so you could unplug it and if it will reach then it could be plugged into another head (provided that the other head has a 1/4" speaker output) the internal speakers are wired at 4ohms so it should be suitable for most heads on the market (but check first to avoid damaging something) Matt
  9. i think your main problem might be connecting the new head to the speaker in your combo, i've seen 2 different connection methods on combo's, one is that the connection is internal with the cable going from the speaker up into the chassis of the amp section and then wired straight into the amp, the other is that the wire exits the speaker section somewhere near the back of the amp and then plugs into the back of the amp with a standard 1/4" jack, if you have the first method then hooking up a different head is a much trickier operation, involving dismantling the combo and connecting a new cable to the back of the speaker (and disconnecting the original one) if you have the second setup then you can simply unplug the lead and plug it into the new head, provided that the plug type is correct (quite a few new amps use the Speakon connector rather than a 1/4" jack) and provided that the lead reaches far enough to connect with the new head (most that i've seen have had very short leads) you would also need to know the impedence of the speaker (in ohms) to ensure that you won't do any damage to the new head (the ad200 is all valve so matching the speaker ohm rating is very important) My personal reccomendation is to get to a store and try out some amps, the terror bass is much cheaper than the ad200 so you should be able to afford a new cab to go with it. (and if you buy from the classified ads on basschat then you would probably have enough change left over to buy your girlfriends a nice meal out somewhere) apologies for the rambling answer, one day i'll write a simple reply to a question! Matt
  10. having peeked behind the grille of my cloth fronted midgets (the grille frame is velcro'd on in the tradional manner) the speaker is set a fair way back so well out of harms way. i have bought roqsolid covers for mine though, with the thicker padding and the pocket for the speaker protection panel, mainlybecause i want these to stay looking perfect and judging by the condition of my old guitar amps a cover was a wise investment. Matt
  11. i've just checked my email and the gap between final payment and delivery was a touch over 2 months! i have no idea if this is normal but it was definately worth the wait as the cabs are outstanding! i've now bought the extra padded Roqsolid covers for mine and am loving every minute i use them! Matt
  12. for me there was a gap between my final payment and the arrival of my cabs (might have been a month or so), have you had a delivery tracking number? i seem to remember that they ship out on thursdays for friday delivery. did you arrange an exact date for delivery or did you just tell them when you were away and ask for delivery after that date? Matt
  13. i found it on ebay for 5.99 with postage (from the works!) not sure if they've got any more copies but there were other sellers starting at 6.99. my copy is due to arrive next week, i bought it for the pictures mainly, (i bought the ultimate guitar book by the same author a few years ago and mainly just look at the pictures as well) Matt
  14. mainly a g****r builder but makes basses as well [url="http://www.prguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.prguitars.co.uk/[/url] i've got one of his early design guitars and it's a stunner. Matt
  15. hmm, 18mm is quite a bit wider than the 16.5 string spacing on the warwick, i think the mismatch would bug me (although i'm sure that they'd sound excellent) i think i'll pass on these for now, i'm leaning towards methods to smarten up the existing pickups, if you wipe them over with a damp cloth they look reasonable so i might give them a light mist of clear spray varnish and see how they look. matt
  16. i'd wait till monday before trying to drop in, they're all on holiday until the 15th, my covers are on order, not cheap but worth it!
  17. I have looked at Nordstrand and they don't make anything standard that would fit, and I don't see anything from Novak either, this bass is an exercise in just returning an abused instrument to useable condition, it's not destined to be my main bass, the incoming custom Letts 5 string will fill that role. This thread was mainly to find out what the options were for a 4 string sized pickup that would work with 5 strings as I was only aware of a few and they seemed a bit thin on the ground. I was hoping not to have to commission a pair of custom pickups in order to restore a budget bass. The Delano pickups would be at the very top of my budget but I have been curious to try them so the money could be found if the string spacing is correct. Matt
  18. Sweet, let me know what they measure, I'm going to get some pictures of my basses sorted tonight so I can post them up for sale, hopefully I'll get a buyer soon as I need some space for incoming gear!. Matt
  19. personally i go for Hiscox cases, they're quite expensive new now but pop up secondhand around the 50 quid mark. i have a couple of the bass sized ones and i just put whichever basses i need for the gig into the hiscox cases and the other basses live in gigbags or on wall hangers while in the house. i also have hiscox for most of my other instruments and they've saved the day on more than a few occasions! i'm going to get one with my new letts and probably for the R*****F***r when Mr Foxon tells me it's ready. Matt
  20. what is the string spacing like on those pickups, the delano website states 17 and 18mm, while the warwick is 16.5mm at the bridge, are yours narrower spacing than standard or did you just rely on the fact that the polepieces are huge so the strings don't have to run over the centres. i tend to get a little obsessive about strings running over the centre of the poles (i think it's psychological thing!) the original pickups are the mec dynamic control ones, the bass didn't have a preamp as it is the cheapest rockbass model which is passive. if i can get one of my bitsa basses sold then i'm interested in the delano's but it might ake me a week or two to raise the money (just had to pay the car insurance and the road tax is due at the end of the month too ) Matt
  21. [quote name='rhythmbug' timestamp='1373455371' post='2137729'] Correct, you can't use the standard J set, needs to be 2 x 95mm ones. Perhaps for your style of music, Barts might be the way to go, as they have darker, more subtle sound. MECs, EMGs and Duncans will be bright and growly. I have EMGs in my Corvette Standard and swear by them, but they don't behave so well with non-EMG preamps; a BQC pre is recommended. I've used a variety of pres and pups in this particular bass and prefer MEC and EMG. I have a set of Delanos that I'll be selling soon but might be out of your price range, as they were about £200 new. Stingray-like tone. [/quote] Barts seem to be a good option provided i can find a suitable pair, which delano's have you got? are they a matched pair that would fit straight in (and line up properly with the strings?) depending how much you're wanting for them and whether i can get my 2 bitsa basses sold i might buy them from you, i've heard great things about delano and would love to try a pair out. i have considered painting the existing piuckups but the pickups have had some of their corners sanded off so i'd need to do some careful shaping work to get them looking right. this is my fall-back option if i can't source some other pickups (or if i cant get the funds together for them)
  22. those prices are amazing! 250 odd quid each and 60 odd extra for a tweeter, that works out about half the price of the midgets! even if you factor in shipping they sound like a bargain! Matt
  23. ooh they sound like a midget rival! i think a [s]head to head[/s] cab to cab shootout might be in order! Matt
  24. hmm, judging by the grill scale and the general look i'm going to guess that they're 1X12" using the scientific method of counting the vertical stripes in the grill and comparing to my barefaced Midgets, they look to be a smidge bigger, no idea who built them though! i think another North East Bass bash is going to be required soon, (but not before my Letts 5 string arrives)
  25. SWR Headlite: £1.65/W new (assuming 660 quid new which is what i think it was) £0.625/W basschat price, if you include the new Barefaced Midget speaker cabs but the secondhand head then it's £3.40/W! or £4.425/W with a new head! the worrying thing is that i've got my eye on one of the new Matamp Hybrid heads, might push the £/W ratio even higher! Matt
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