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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. We have a winner!
  2. i hope somebody wants to win
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1355412315' post='1898097'] 9 x 6 = 42 [/quote] This!
  4. this thread reinforces why i love Basschat so much so I've started another thread with a new "prize" which can be found here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194153-free-strings-daddario-exl170/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194153-free-strings-daddario-exl170/[/url] Matt
  5. right, in the spirit of these fine People, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194126-free-obbm-speaker-cable/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194126-free-obbm-speaker-cable/[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194146-free-steve-harris-album-british-lion/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194146-free-steve-harris-album-british-lion/[/url][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194146-free-steve-harris-album-british-lion/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194146-free-steve-harris-album-british-lion/[/url] and as i was the lucky recipient of a fine OBBM cable it's my turn to offer something. i've a set of new Daddario EXL170 Roundwpounds 45-100 sitting on my shelf that i won't need (pretty much only use flats these days) as you wouldn't have a chance of guessing what my cat's name is i'll pick a number and the author of that post will get the strings in the post. there's only one number that i'd consider choosing so here it is... [color=#ff0000][size=6]#42![/size][/color] [size=4]Matt[/size]
  6. err i didn't expect that! i was planning on buying a pair in the new year to match my incoming Barefaced Midgets, i'm now desperately thinking if i have anything i could give away (in the spirit of this thread) Matt
  7. here goes nothing................
  8. a speakon-speakon cable is just what i need, so have another post to get us all closer to #99
  9. yeah i was convinced you had them both plugged in and was impressed that it was keeping up with the 2 marshall half stacks, then i found out it was just the midget! with 2 midget's i could use them for house demolition! Let me know if you're playing in Newcastle and i'll bring the band along and buy you some beer. Matt
  10. well, a little update, last night i had a go with Jack's Midget/compact setup with my Headlite and i'm totally sold! i've just put down deposits for 2 midgets with Vintage grilles, now i just need to be patient and wait. it's going to be pretty hard waiting, hopefully Christmas will distract me! Matt
  11. blimey I've missed it too! I'm not that fussed whether i get any or not, if enough people want them that another 12 can be ordered then I'll take 2, if not then I'll play with some felt and sticky tape, do the prices drop when the order gets bigger? matt
  12. if you decide to order a box then i'll take a couple to experiment with. Matt
  13. i've just spoken to the gentleman in question, he is suffering from a lack of computer at the moment due to component failures, i'm guessing this will mean no access to contact details or addresses for many of you fine people. it should be sorted soon but if anyone is in desperate need of contact then drop me a PM and i'll give you his phone number (this is probably the most reliable method of contact at the moment) Matt
  14. hello, i think the pickup you have is actually a Duncan designed one rather than USA Seymour Duncan, the model number only brings up Duncan designed on the website http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/duncan-designed/all/hb103/ they say that i's patterned after the duncan distortion which they suggest either using in pair or with a Jazz in the bridge http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/humbucker/high-output/sh6_duncan_dist/ http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/humbucker/vintage-output/sh2_jazz_model/ the Jazz one looks like a good partner as it should give you those bluesy tones. for a cheaper alternative you could go for the hb-102n which is modelled after the jazz. the 102 set has a JB style bridge pickup and as the JB is my favorite pickup i'd go for the 102 set (i've got the USA JB fitted to my main guitar and a spare on in a drawer waiting for a suitable guitar to fit it to) http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/duncan-designed/all/hb102/ http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/humbucker/high-output/sh4_jb_model/ of course if you're not totally wedded to Seymour Duncan pickups there are loads of great options available (including the custom route noted above) for a budget option i'm a massive fan of the Wilkinson pickups which can be picked up for under 30 quid a pair i've fitted a few sets to friends guitars and they have yet to disappoint me. a totally off the wall idea might be a p90 type pickup, a you are having a rout added to fit the pickup you don't have to have another full size humbucker, my favorite guitar pairs a JB humbucker at the bridge with a custom wound single coil at the bridge and that combo gives me loads of different tone options. Matt
  15. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1354643704' post='1888653'] Things under a certain price would be free. [/quote] [quote name='ped' timestamp='1354636351' post='1888477'] [i][u][b]So do we all like the sound of a single payment for a one off advert and the option of a single yearly payment?[/b][/u][/i] [/quote] YES! that's great for me. especially the option of free listings for items under a certain price which totally removes the only minor niggle i had. Matt
  16. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1354633259' post='1888416'] All the discussion about people paying to advertise here seems to be based around either the fixed yearly fee OR a per-item fee. Each have negatives, so why can't we have [b][u]both[/u][/b] as a system. So people who pay the, say, £20 get a years "free" advertising and those who don't .... have to pay £2 per advert. That way people who advertise only occasionally are not put off by having to pay £20. But those who advertise a lot still feel they are getting a decent deal. [/quote] this is exactly what i've been thinking since my last post, those who sell a lot would make the upfront larger payments, as would those that just wanted to keep the site running because of what it contributes to their lives, those who just want to sell something or who haven't got the cash to hand over in one lump could pay a small listings fee. the only small thing that would make it better in my opinion would be different fees dependant on which section you were listing in, say £3-4 to list a more valuble item like a bass/cab/amp/upright and say £1 to list in the 'other' section so that things like strings and leads are still worth listing. Matt [size=2](edited as the first draft didn't actually make sense!)[/size]
  17. i'd quite like it to go back to the old style but with the 5 points in the original post, my only niggle would be the price, a single £20 charge might stop some of the cheaper items from being listed, and i'd imagine that the smaller items in the "other" catagory would dissapear altogether (leads/straps/strings/cases etc) what about the recycling section? could this be kept as free with a donation suggested rather than compulsory? some kind of sliding scale or a smaller fee (2 quid?) per listing would be good for me (i don't think i've got anything i'm thinking of selling that would be worth the £20) Matt
  18. if you have his phone number then i'd try that (should get an answer) if you haven't got his number send me a PM and i'll send it over. Matt
  19. another vote of confidence from me, i had an rbx765 for ages and only sold it the other week, i paid the grand sum of 120 quid for it about 7 years ago from a mate, if you can find a 260/270 rather than a 160/170 then i'd say go for it, a friend has the 260 and it's an all round great bass and if the upgrade bug hits then they're easliy modified. Matt
  20. i guess i'm both lucky and unlucky in equal measures, i'm 1981 so a usa fender is a bit of a minefield, but luckily the japanese were making some great basses so i picked up a defretted Aria Cardinal which is an '81, the only problem is that i'm not a fretless player and as the scale is different to all my other basses i find it very difficult to play, i'm toying with either getting it re-fretted or finding another japanese 81 bass an Aria SB would fit the bill nicely as would a Westone thunder. or for a USA bass a Peavey T-40, or possibly all 3! Matt
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1354209585' post='1883684'] We need bass specialist store up here. Didn't the Bass Doc used to run one? [/quote] Yup, Howard's Bass Place, it was just a doorway on Nun street, next to the hoover repair shop, you went in and up the stairs and doubled back on yourself into a smokey bass heaven! not much by way of new stuff that i remember but you could pick up (or commission) one of Howard's fantastic hand built basses or take your pick from the large and varied collection of used gear. it was one of those shops that you only found if someone told you how to get there, a secret except for those in the know! Matt
  22. i'm not going to get int a northerners vs southerners debate except to say that i'm a southerner who moved up here against my will when my family relocated for my Dad's work, i originally planned to move away as soon as i was old enough, but that was 15 years ago and it would take a pretty big crowbar to get me to leave the north-east now! i was actually thinking the other day that it would be great to have some kind of BassChat approved/reccomended retailer scheme, a sticker or notice that could be awarded to those shops that go above and beyond the regular customer service, like the good pub guide but for music shops. if you see the latest sticker in the window then you know that you're going to get good service. it would probably be too much work to implement but it seemed like a good idea at the time. matt
  23. i can't really help you with shops local to you but in Newcastle i'd say that they're all pretty good with the exception of GuitarGuitar! Sounds live are always helpful and patient wth me, Windows have got a lot better in recent years and my last proper visit was actually a real joy, and The Guitar Shop (small place that dosn't really have any bass gear but has some wonderful skinny stringed 6's) is excellent and has accounted for quite alot of my hard earned over the years. But i've yet to have any joy in Guitar Guitar, i get ignored most of the time and when i do ask questions it feels like i'm only being spoken to in the hope that i'll go away! i've been in there with cash in my pocket ready to buy and then just walked out because of the service, it's as if they don't actually want to sell you any of their precious instruments! Matt
  24. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1354119459' post='1882322'] [sub]ON topic - a Single Midget is more than plenty, I've had 'compliments' of the bass being too loud t some events with that thing and at a bass bash long ago everyone felt that another wasn't needed or a tweeter wouldn't be necessary. [/sub] [sub]Wants vs Needs with a lot of realism. if you get a single 8 ohm cab that is plenty loud for most stuff at least you have the option of adding another. [/sub] [sub]By the way how does the SWR headlite sound?[/sub] [/quote] ok well now the midget is top of the wishlist (this might change tomorrow!) i think i really need to try out the midget and compact and make my choice then (i've got till the end of the year before the prices go up) the tweeter debate is still raging in my head though, if Jacks one sounds "right" then i'll go tweeterless (and vintage clothed) i can easily add another midget or a compact if i want more. I really like the headlite, but i don't have much to compare it to, it was an impulse purchase from the classifieds (at a bargain price) the only other amps i have really used are a very early trace head and an Ashdown Superfly, it's very tweakable and sounds great to my ears, the controls are very hard to read at a glance though and i sometimes wonder if something simpler would be better as i rarely touch the eq. the compressor does exactly what i want though (i've stopped carring my mxr super comp) and the aural enhancer does get switched in occasionally. if you were closer i'd be happy to let you have a go with it. matt
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