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Matt P

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Everything posted by Matt P

  1. I had this exact problem, i've just downloaded opera mini from the ovi store for free and it let me sign in straight away. Matt
  2. gosh there are a few of us on here, i'm a Christian and play regularly at Heaton Baptist Church, i guess if i wasn't a Christian then i'd still be a guitarist, I only made the transition to bass because of that church, started there when I moved to newcastle for uni, and volunteered for an all-age service for electric guitar duties (which i'd done for many years at my old church), turned up to the practice with my custom super-strat and my marshall all valve 2x12, turned out that the bassist was actually a seriously good guitarist too (much better than me on guitar and bass), and within 5 minutes he had my guitar round his neck and i was holding his mex precision special, so come the sunday service everyone saw me with a bass and assumed that i was a bassist, i would get regualrly asked to play bass and would have to borrow a bass most weeks to play, i even made an "i am not a bassist" t-shirt, in the end i aquired an aria bass and then my yamaha rbx765a but i didn't consider myself a bassist till i bought my precision last year. we're lucky enough to have a nice rig owned by the church (donated by a old member who moved away), Trace Elliot gp11 ah250 with a peavey 4x10 and a modded behringer 1x15, sounds ace when it's cranked up, i'd have to say that playing in a worship band really helps when it comes to seat of the pants playing, especially when the leader starts in the wrong key and you have to wing it. Matt
  3. i always keep bits of old strings for fettling nuts, tensioned in an old hacksaw frame they're perfect for lowering the action a tiny bit or just to smooth out rough spots on the grooves..
  4. bought a bass neck from Jose, another top deal, trade with confidence. Matt
  5. thanks for that, yes measuring from the nut is much better, (you'd never guess i was an engineer would you!) it seems that my j-pup is in the 70's position, and the p-pup is at 712/740mm to the centre of the polepieces if it's useful info for anyone. would still love to have positions for other classic bass pickups, (stingray etc) Matt
  6. hello, I did a search but couldn't find anything, I apologise if I was just being a dolt and missed something, I hear a lot about standard positions for pickups and about 60's/70's spacing for jazz pickups but what are the actual dimensions, (from 12th fret to centre of polepieces in millimetres would be the most useful fo most i guess) I have a couple of basses but no idea what the positions actually are, especialy my beloved 77 precision that had a j-pup added at some point, I love the tone but have no idea if it's in a 70's position or a 60's or just thrown in any old place, it certainly isn't in the same position as the p/j body I bought off here. I thought that some kind of record would come in handy for those building new basses, so i guess measurements of all kinds of basses would be useful, (have a hankering for a Pingray and just saw an ibanez roadstar on here that looked rather tasty) I guess I should start the ball rolling, Fender P-bass (1977) 280mm from centre of 12th fret to centre of polepieces E-A half of pup, 309mm to the D-G polepieces. Matt
  7. mmmmm, what are the pickups in those? they look great and i love a straightforward bass. matt
  8. as another owner of a VM fretless with a fretted p-neck (a sue ryder in my case) i have to echo Darkstrike, the pups have to be pretty close (as close as you can really) then they really sing. i wan't too impressed with mine in a band situation till i moved the pups, now it's just awesome. (but i am thinking of a preamp when i have some spare cash, probably a j-retro) Matt
  9. i'd say that was a bit pricey, the hardware tarnishes pretty badly on those, i've got exactly the same bass but in red (with the tarnished gold hardware) they're good basses mind, where in the country are you? i might be prepared to part with mine for a lot less than that one. matt
  10. Matt P


    yes i forgot about that, the echo park seems to object if you daisy-chain the power, i run mine from a seperate supply, some of the better power supply units can provide an isolated power output for this reason. that aside it's a great sounding pedal and can be had pretty cheaply. matt
  11. Matt P


    i went with the line 6 echo park, has some of the features of the dl4 but smaller and cheaper, has tap tempo as well, picked mine up for 60 quid off gumtree, found it very easy to set and got some great sounds with very little fiddling. [url="http://line6.com/tonecore/echoPark.html"]http://line6.com/tonecore/echoPark.html[/url] Matt
  12. another vote for the hiscox from me, i've got one for almost every guitar and bass i own, strength was proven to me when the guy inthe shop stood on it with my guitar was in it (before i'd even paid for it!) and there's one for sale on here at the moment! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150629"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150629[/url] Matt
  13. just bought a loaded Jazz body from Paul, a top Bloke, he even dropped it off on his way to a gig. Matt
  14. this also interests me, i'd love to fit a pre into one of my basses but don't have the cash at the moment (but have some soldering skill) i'd be incredibly surprised if anyone has the schematic for the sadowsky pre though (or any of the other aftermarket pre's). I'd guess that the exact specs of these are a closely guarded secret (hence the black epoxy over the circuit). but if anyone has a generic design for a preamp (2/3 band) then a link would be great, i'm prepared to have a go with building and tweaking and if i get anywhere i'll happily share my findings matt
  15. i'd be surprised if he couldn't help and he quotes prices for most "std" pickups of around 50 quid (for a guitar humbucker), as they are pretty much all made to order (number of windings etc) that shouldn't be too far off, let me know what kind of price he quotes as i'm tempted to order some of these for my next build and it would be cool to have some custom pickups. Matt
  16. how about this guy? [url="http://www.catswhiskerpickups.co.uk/index.html"]http://www.catswhiskerpickups.co.uk/index.html[/url] pretty much every pickup he makes is to order and the prices seem reasonable, i'd guess that he'd be able to knock up a pair of pickups that would sound how you want and look right. if you look at the specials page and the bass page it seems that he wouldn't have any trouble making you some great pickups. i should add that i haven't actually tried these myself but i've heard great things about them and am sorely tempted to have him make me some fat jazz pickups for a future project. Matt
  17. Matt P


    mmmm that is nice, what does it weigh and what's the balance like? Matt
  18. i guess i must be a little luckier than some, i live just 10 minutes from the bass doc, popped in on tuesday and came away with all the bits i needed to finish my build, are you trying to get branded fender parts or just parts to fit? i'd say that fender branded parts would be harder to get. Matt
  19. just bought my bronco from me, excellent communication and super fast payment, a great guy to deal with. trade with confidence. Matt
  20. late 90's for me, bought a few Klotz leads from sound control in about 97, at least one of them is still working, although i bought a whirlwind in about 98 thats my absolute banker, it's just bombproof, it's a bit long (20ft i think) but i know that if every other lead fails, that one won't let me down, best 18 quid i ever spent all i've ever done was put a name label on it. Matt
  21. i've also used the gift option on paypal (sorry if i broke the rules, is there a naughty step i should sit on for a bit?) but it was for items totalling about a tenner (which is the most i would be prepared to lose), personally i always prefer a personal meet up for an instrument but bank transfer is the next best thing (which i've used as both a buyer and now as a seller) Matt
  22. Just Bought a neck from Mal, a great price and arrived safe and sound, great communication throughout as well. a very reliable person to deal with and reccomended to anyone. Matt
  23. thanks Mal, the neck is perfect. Matt
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