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Matt P

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Posts posted by Matt P

  1. hello, a few questions.
    how much does this weigh? i'm guessing that the pickup cavities are for a standard jazz and a musicman humbucker pickup?
    also what is the nut width?
    is postage an option (i think i bought an ashdown cab off you earlier this year which you posted)


  2. hard cases for me, hiscox by preference (as long as there is a suitable one available) the only instruments i have that have gig bags are the bronco ( decided it's not a keeper so didn't bother with a case) and my uke which never goes anywhere.
    my entire collection lives on a perpose-built storage rack in the study (double height) with a strap to stop them falling so the hard cases store best for me, i just have a couple of instruments (one acoustic guitar and a bass) on wall hangers for noodling on. the rack looks like an advert for hiscox!

    i've had too many near misses now to ever go back to gig bags (favorite trick is to forget how tall i effectively am when caring a gigbag and smacking the neck/headstock into door frames.)

    Matt P

  3. hello, how much does it weigh?
    Can you offer postage?

    This would really fill a gap in my collection and make a great starting point for my first project.
    Matt P

  4. jammy sod! As a fan of p/j basses i'd put 2 pups in, get the neck looked at by a pro, put some frets in (or not depending on preferance) finish it in the colour of choice and play it.
    If not, just send it over to me, i'll double your money for you, 12 quid?.

  5. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1220800' date='May 5 2011, 11:13 AM']Looks like a less funky and more expensive version of my daisyrock

    wow, what are they made of? do you think they'd respond well to having all the finish stripped off? (then a nice tv yellow or cherry red)
    i wonder if one of those could be de-glittered and then pimped to make a great stage bass. (i'm rather fond of shorter scale basses)


  6. are you looking at new prices?
    definately check out the for sale adverts on there, both the little b@stard and the bass terror crop up regularly, and cabs are plentiful too.
    you should save yourself a few quid, might even bring the head and cab into your budget.



    (edited for link)

  7. i have to admit to being a guitarist too, i have more guitars than basses including an amazing handmade mcIlroy acoustic that was a wedding present to myself, but 9 times out of 10 when asked to play it's the bass, only really admitted that i was a bassist last year when i bought my '77 precision, couldn't keep on decieving myself after i'd spent that much on a bass.
    i guess i'm happy as long as i've got frets and strings (although i have serious GAS for a fretless jazz) i generally pick up whatever's to hand when i feel like a noodle.

    (i'll also admit to owning a mandolin, a banjo and a uke but haven't really mastered any of them)

    i found that moving from guitar to bass was fairly smooth but then i wanted a bass when i was a kid (but the local shop only had decent electric guitars, the basses were useless) so i guess i might just have been a frustrated bassist all these years.


  8. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1190147' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:44 AM']Bwahaa! They had 5 in stock this time last week. :)[/quote]

    they did say that they had a passive jazz in as well but they sold it last week, they didn't mention it was a 5 though!

  9. thought i'd post here, mainly as a note to those in the north east, core music in hexham has 4 tanglewaters in stock, went in to play the blackburst deluxe 5 (£700) and had a quick go on the natural elite 4 (£750), they also had an artist in red (£600)and a contemporary j (£580) as well, the basses were all wonderful but i'm not a great fan of the blackburst so i'm going to wait for the next batch (anyone know what other colours are being offered for the deluxe? and when the elite will be appearing in 5?)

    the guys in the shop were really friendly annd were offering great prices (they said they were flexible about discounts etc)

    i must say that i have no link to the shop, today was my first visit and i only found out about them by looking on the overwater website, but they actually have the basses on display and they are all top notch. given the funds and the space i would have taken at least one of them home with me. as it is i'm going to wait for an elite 5 or to see what the colours are for the deluxe, if not i may overlook my natural avoidance of black basses and go back for the deluxe 5 as it was an absolute corker.

    picture included (with permission of the shop) sorry it's a phone pic.


  10. Bought a Bronco bass from Jose on Saturday, met up in a great cafe he recommended and sat and chatted a bit, a great guy.
    really pleased with the bass, would heartily recommend trading with him.

  11. i came to the same conclusion as you and ended up picking up my '77 for £1000 from a good friend (actually i had to buy a perfect black 78 and do a swap with cash my way), mainly because it wasn't exactly as it left the factory, it was originally walnut finish (i think my friend got bass doc to strip the finish) and at some point in the dim and distant past someone had added the jazz pickup (dimarzio i think), but it just sounds so good and feels so good that i don't care (in fact i wanted a p/j anyway so it was a bonus),
    because it's not worth as much as a perfect one i'm not afraid to use it, and even though it's not the lightest (10lbs)it's still my go-to bass for every situation because it just feels right.
    i'd keep on the look out for a not quite original one (stripped finish, possibly one or two changed parts) that way you get some of that mojo, some of the kudos of owning an older bass and less of the worry that it cost you a fortune.

    here she is in all her glory (i've since taken off the pickup cover and added an extra long thumb rest which utilises two of the holes in the scratchplate/body and coveres over a couple of other holes)



  12. Aria do a short scale igb, i had one for a while, nice and light with a good tone, very easy to play. aquired it from a young lady who decided that bass wasn't for her, i loved it though, great fun.
    i seem to remember it was metallic blue, almost wish i hadn't got rid of it now!

  13. As a G**t*rist-turned-Bassist i find that I fit the same gauge strings to all my electrics (10's)
    (DR pure blues on a solid body and DR HI-Rollers on my semi-acoustic)
    my acoustics always have 12's (dr sunbeams with no exceptions)
    on gibson scaled guitars i have used 11's with no problem.
    I'd say that 11's on a strat should work well for you, and a semi with 12's will be great,
    maybe you need a nice acoustic for writing? (i find myself playing my McIlroy acoustic quite a lot of the time and it always inspires me although i've never written a song in my life)

  14. ahh fairport, i got into them a couple of years ago (december of 2009) a friend was given 2 tickets for the acoustic tour they were doing, Alnwick playhouse, we were front row centre, amazingly tight, a most enjoyable experience and then after the gig most of the band were out chatting to us, such a nice down to earth group of guys, all signed our programmes and chatted merrily about playing, giving tips and advice, we ended up on the stage chatting to the drummer while he was packing up, (we were led there by Peggy when he noticed we were missing a signature on the programmes, something like oh you're missing one, where is he, follow me we'll find him, next thing you know we're standing on stage surrounded by all the kit.)
    i'd have to reccommend them to anyone even if you're not a folk fan, they are an inspiration and a great example of what music should be - FUN!

    Oh and i think Peggy was playing 5 string Vintage that evening, sounded excellent.

  15. for cleaning a maple board i'd go for good old brasso, will bring up the board and the frets a treat, (i'm guessing that the maple is finished though ie has a varnish-like finish?)
    i don't know about lemon oil and razor blades, these are fine on a rosewood or ebony board but on maple i go for brasso every time (i'm pretty sure i saw it reccomended in a guitar magazine first)

  16. hmm, i'd have to side with icastle, it's a lot of work and possibly won't work, i'm guessing that you might be the first person to ask this question, usually it's the other way round with lefties trying to convert right handed guitars, i can see what the appeal was though, that's a pretty guitar at a stonking price if it could be done it would be a bargain.
    i'd just look out for a bargain right handed guitar and leave this one for the lefties (they have a hard enough time as it is getting guitars, i once spent a whole day searching for a (red) leftie electric guitar for a friends step father, got one in the end but it took about 6 shops to find it. i got a lovely botle of malt whisky for my trouble and spent a whole day engaged in my favorite pastime!)

    if you want a bargain acoustic keep your eye out for an aria, i've played loads of them of every age and they have never failed to raise a grin.


  17. i've had a similar experience, i had my superfly rigged up at church and had told a friiend he could use it for a practice, i showed him how to set the eq's and gave him permisson to save settings for the next practice. he plugged in his 77 precision and set the eq and off he went. the sound was awesome and from that moment on i knew i needed a precision like his, i spent the next 6 months searching for a precision with an added jazz pickup that sounded halfway as goood as his, in the end at a party (in the kitchen obv) i told him that if he ever wanted to sell it i would give him a great price, i also mentioned the immaculate 78 precision i'd seen in our local guitar shop, he perked up at this news and said he'd have to check it out, the following monday he called me and offered me a deal, well i contained my excitement and within 3 days i had his precision, took it home, plugged in, set the amp to his settings (which i'd saved) and there it was, my perfect tone.
    maybe you need a stingray? (or at least the loan of one to try out.)

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