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Everything posted by icastle

  1. EMG active circuits are pretty standard and most of them even support the use of passive pups. The one's that you probably can't just plonk any old thing in are: EMG-EXG EMG-EXB EMG-BTC EMG-BTS EMG-BQC EMG-BQS
  2. [quote name='2008escottp' post='1148167' date='Mar 3 2011, 11:08 AM']I've recently bought myself an Ashdown Evo 3 575watt head and have been running it through my trusty mag 410 cab. I've now bought an abm 1x15 cab to add to my rig a swell. Now, the head has 2 speakon outputs, however the abm cab only has 2 1/4" jack inputs. Soooo I've connected head to 4x10 via speakon, then 4x10 to 1x15 via speaker jack cable. Am I right in thinking this is now wired in series? and if so am I also right in thinking that means im running at half the power/volume? if not am I completely wrong? is it even a good idea to wire up speakers this way? any help would be much appreciated as I haven't gigged with both the speakers yet so I need to know if I'm doing it right before I do[/quote] No that's parallel.
  3. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1147918' date='Mar 3 2011, 12:30 AM']Given the value, or at least the going rate for em, and with the facilities available to sell them these days, what can go wrong that would make them only fit for the skip ?[/quote] Lack of understanding of just what it is that's being thrown in the skip? Look at it from a non-musician point of view... Fred Smith is emptying out 50 years worth of clutter from his great-grandfathers house and finds a beat up old guitar, paint chipped and worn off most of it and equipped with three rusty strings. It could be Fender Precision Bass serial number 0000001 but Fred doesn't know anything about stuff like that so it goes into the skip because it's old and knackered...
  4. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1147883' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:32 PM']That'll be me then............................ [/quote] Don't be so hard on yourself - you've not had the misfortune of hearing me 'playing' the guitar...
  5. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1147861' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:19 PM']Last time I saw my guitarist play bass his face reminded me of the time I picked my cats up after they'd be neutered - same expression![/quote]
  6. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1147848' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:07 PM']If I told you what I did for a living you'd be very scared, believe me (missing emoticon)[/quote] Hmmm - scissors, sticky tape... you work in A&E? By the way - love your version of The Scarecrow...
  7. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1147815' date='Mar 2 2011, 10:45 PM']I think I read somewhere on Talkbass that some guy "joined up the black and white wires..." and made it passive. I can do that, all I need is some scissors and the sellotape. [/quote] Do us all a favour and never apply for a job in bomb disposal...
  8. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1147728' date='Mar 2 2011, 09:35 PM']where have all the old Precisions/Jazzes/Mustangs/SGs etc. gone ?[/quote] Pete Seeger has them? Some of them inevitably end up in collections, some are damaged beyond repair and get skipped, others end up staying with their owners and I dare say some of them just end up on a bonfire during house clearances. I don't think they generally just 'disappear', they just don't turn up very often.
  9. [quote name='pietruszka' post='1147774' date='Mar 2 2011, 10:11 PM']But really, I am missing the tip of one of my fingers which stops me playing triplets with 3 fingers. It just doesn't reach the strings![/quote] That's gotta be a right nuiscance - do you avoid playing triplets or have you managed to master playing them with just two? A guitarist I work with a lot managed to lose one of his left fingers at the knuckle about 15 years back - being a stubborn git he taught himself to play guitar left handed.
  10. I can usually spot a guitarist playing bass, it generally comes out as complete mush - I've always found that drummers make quite good bass players though...
  11. As musicians we communicate through music. Someone who cannot grasp the what the name of the chord they are playing is called is destined to be a solo artist.
  12. My understanding is that this is a home made amp reputed to be based on a Bassman 100. I think you're going to find it very hard to find an amp tech willing to take on such an item. Any that do will have a rather hefty bill for you at the end of it as they would have to unravel the build without the aid of known and accurate circuit diagrams.
  13. [quote name='Jondeeman' post='1146987' date='Mar 2 2011, 12:32 PM']personally, I'd go with the passive plan. If it doesn't work you can always go back and do the upgrade later, and if it does, you've saved the wad![/quote] +1 It might sound perfectly ok as a passive - after all, the highest selling and most copied bass of all time is a passive...
  14. I think it's probably a mix between the callous theory already mentioned here and the difference in angle between the middle and fore fingers as they hit the string. If it really bugs you then try rotating your wrist just slightly when your middle finger is about to hit the string. Another alternative would be to cut the top of your middle finger off to make it the same length as the forefinger...
  15. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='1146682' date='Mar 2 2011, 03:22 AM']'Expert Village'? Expert in what? Plumbing? Certainly not sound. [/quote] Never trust self proclaimed experts...
  16. I switch between 4, 5 and 6 as required. I really don't notice the switch between 4 and 5 but the 6 has a significantly wider neck that forces me to concentrate a little more on what I'm doing.
  17. [quote name='algmusic' post='1146648' date='Mar 2 2011, 12:51 AM']someone with a speaker fetish and also who is deaf.. Be careful I just might buy one, you'll never know what I'll do [/quote] My eyes are bleeding just at the thought of it!
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1146398' date='Mar 1 2011, 08:47 PM']From the sounds of it, one is an input & the other is an output. thing is, what way round??? They're called "Pre Amp In" & "PWR Amp Out" (from what I can see on web pics) & would suggest that you take the lead from your Sansamp & put it into the "Pre Amp In", but I'd check that it is an input & not an out for it's pre amp.[/quote] It's the other way round - Pre Amp Out and PWR Amp In. Pre-Amp Out is your 'Send' Power Amp In is your 'Return' Operating Manual is [url="http://www.peavey.com/media/pdf/manuals/80300567.pdf"]here[/url] - take a look at Page 6.
  19. [quote name='algmusic' post='1146537' date='Mar 1 2011, 10:43 PM']I'm pretty the guy on the vid hasn't heard of the word neodymium[/quote] Isn't it what they make replacement hip joints out of for the poor suckers who buy 1x18s to go with their 4x10s..?
  20. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1146363' date='Mar 1 2011, 08:29 PM']He actually sounds a little out of breath too. I assume he's been lugging it about!?[/quote] Oh. I thought it was more trouser based...
  21. [quote name='mep' post='1146572' date='Mar 1 2011, 11:17 PM']I dont' believe this model has the black widow speaker in it? If so then check it out first as the original speaker can get abused easily and start flapping under gigging load. A pupil of mine bought a TNT115 almost new a few years ago and then it started to flap and it was quite annoying. I put him in touch with a BC'er who was selling a black widow loaded cab. He got it and we swapped the speakers around. Wow, what a difference. He is blasting now with no problems and has a 2nd 15" cab for those monolithic stack rock moments.[/quote] Peavey sold two different TNT115 models. There was the TNT115 which had a Blue somethingorother driver and the TNT115-BW which had the Black Widow driver.
  22. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' post='1146077' date='Mar 1 2011, 05:17 PM']....Get a 410 to go with your brand new 18" speaker?? [/quote]
  23. [quote name='algmusic' post='1146064' date='Mar 1 2011, 05:07 PM']'todays bass player, you never know what they're gonna do'[/quote] I know exactly what this one's not gonna do...
  24. [quote name='dougie' post='1146019' date='Mar 1 2011, 04:42 PM']All good advice,for drilling at angles etc i got one of these last week on offer at Aldis....£17,cant find actual offer link but this is what it is.far more powerful than a dremel,has flexi drive and loads of useful sh*t for guitar work,i used it for smoothing out the cavities before copper taping it etc,in my opinion its the best all in one kit if yer into guitar diy. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Power-Craft-Tool-grinding-stones-brushes-ect-/170608789137?pt=UK_Home_Garden_PowerTools_SM&hash=item27b9138691"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Power-Craft-Tool-gri...=item27b9138691[/url][/quote] That's a useful looking piece of kit - I'd have expected to pay more than that just for the flexi !
  25. [quote name='Johnston' post='1145868' date='Mar 1 2011, 03:05 PM']I would usually factor in the postage price though as the mainland charges a fortune to get stuff here. I'm usually happy to pay a bit over the online price to get the one I played and was happy with. BUT When a shop quotes you a firm best they can do £330 for a Squier CV but it will take 6 weeks at and then add the £15 return on the bus for myself and the Mrs whilst the same time Thomanns was around £250 inc free postage with a 3 day delivery. If the shop wants a deposit to make sure you take home which ever one they get in etc what you gonna do?? Incidentally the shop did offer to get it in just for me to try as I said I didn't want to part with money until I did. If they had have I would have likely bought it from them anyway. Unfortunately I'm still waiting on the "it's in" call nearly a year down the line.[/quote] Yeah. Your 'BUT' part would be the killer for me. As much as I like to support local retailers, I'd have to choose Thomann's and take a punt on the quality if the instrument. Luckily for me when I moved up here from 'daaan souf' I ended up in a village that has had a music festival every summer for nearly 20 years - I didn't really 'move in' I just sort of crash landed. There's a small music shop in the next village and I've got to know the owner pretty well - he's the worst salesman in the world so I trust him. I tell him what I want and how much money I'm gonna give him and he sorts it out for me.
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