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Everything posted by icastle

  1. [quote name='mart' post='1103799' date='Jan 26 2011, 03:11 PM']Looks like we're not the only ones to be slightly suspicious of fancy cables: [url="http://www.amazon.com/Denon-AKDL1-Dedicated-Link-Cable/product-reviews/B000I1X6PM/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_helpful?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending"]http://www.amazon.com/Denon-AKDL1-Dedicate...nDateDescending[/url][/quote] Looks like it's made out of the flex my granny used to have on her clothes iron...
  2. That is a ridiculously good deal for £60!!!. Nice detail on the scratchplate - I thought the Ryder logo was just a transfer, didn't realise it was cut.
  3. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='1103646' date='Jan 26 2011, 01:54 PM']Oi, Nigel stop being such a tart Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender although if you really want a Fender look why not think about a Squire [/quote] Why have I got an unexplainable urge to go to Warwick all of a sudden..?
  4. [quote name='dood' post='1103708' date='Jan 26 2011, 02:23 PM']There's no way I'd put 10 amps through an instrument cable, the same as I wouldn't use a desklamp cable plugged in to a kettle![/quote] I thought the whole of Norfolk only had 10A shared between it anyway...
  5. [quote name='obbm' post='1103712' date='Jan 26 2011, 02:26 PM']SAFETY WARNING - DO NOT USE YOUR INSTRUMENT CABLE TO POWER A KETTLE.[/quote]
  6. [quote name='mart' post='1103616' date='Jan 26 2011, 01:37 PM']Or am I missing something from his post? (Or am I looking at the wrong post? I did have to edit your link to get it to work!)[/quote] No that's the right post. I started reading through it but as soon as I saw the double negative I gave up.
  7. [quote name='bassistmike' post='1103303' date='Jan 26 2011, 10:44 AM']Any one had experience of the Black Knight Cb 44 fl Fretless, unable to finb much about it anywhere.[/quote] Black Knight is a brand imported and sold by a retailer called Gear4music so there isn't going to be much info around about them. Looking at the spec and prices I'd guess that they are pretty standard Chinese made instruments - reasonable starter instruments if setup but will be outgrown pretty quickly...
  8. You've probably chosen the wrong time to do the swap over. In the current climate I think people aren't tempted into buying something unless the price is really low. Fender have always seemed to hold their value whatever the weather, not sure if that's an indication of brand recognition or the customer types they attract... EDIT: Sorry, I forgot. You are a chisel...
  9. [quote name='basskit_case' post='1103201' date='Jan 26 2011, 09:26 AM']Wanted to start a new thread on the merits of Speaker Cables Vs Instrument Cables for connection Heads to Cabs. In deciding whether it was worth the risk of using a Instrument Cable I found [url="http://"%20<a%20href="http://www.sweetwater.com/forums/showthread.php?17485-Proper-cable-from-bass-amp-to-speaker""%20target="_blank">http://www.sweetwater.com/forums/showthrea...o-speaker"</a>"]this[/url] thread, the majority of people suggest that you shouldnt do it because it will blow all your gear up, but the last post says that you can use an instrument cable and it will be fine. What do people here think? BTW I have made a speaker cable purchase from OBBM, gone with the majority and not risked the instrument cable.[/quote] Well whoever it is that is saying it's fine to use an instrument cable is right in theory but wrong in practice. Yes, an instrument cable will work just fine for a while on an amp that is gently used at home, but at some point it is inevitably going to end up being used hard. Shielded cables that we all generally use have a shield (obviously!) and a thin cable running up inside it. That thin cable is even thinner than it looks - it has insulation on it and often a second sheath around that to make it noiseless. Shove enough amplified signal through that thin little piece of wire and it's gonna get warm. If it gets really extreme and manages to melt through the insulation it's got a good chance of shorting out against the shield - dead short circuit across the output of your amp... A decent speaker cable is just two whapping great wires that have no chance of melting under normal conditions - it might cost a couple of quid more than a cheapy guitar lead, but it's a damn sight cheaper than a potential amp repair.
  10. [quote name='blunderthumbs' post='1103171' date='Jan 26 2011, 08:55 AM']Some guy is selling a Trace elliot GP7 Sm 250w 2x10 combo for £99 without speakers. If I bought it what speakers should I put into it and what ohms? 2 x 8 ohms or 2 x 16 ohms???. Thanks,[/quote] The GP7 delivers 300W into 4Ω. So, 2 x 8Ω speakers wired in parallel would do the job nicely...
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1103144' date='Jan 26 2011, 07:49 AM']Calling EBS_Freak and his tales of carbon neck troubles recently [/quote] Oh! He meant a bass neck ... I knew that really...
  12. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1103028' date='Jan 26 2011, 12:20 AM']Ahh, yes, I actually came to post that I don't know why that'd be if you disconnected the 'send' but I guess that to sum the return to the main signal without creating a feedback loop may indeed need a buffer. Anyone?[/quote] Sort of. Problem being of course that you're physically breaking the connection your buffer needs to get to as soon as you stomp the switch... How about replacing the SPDT switch with a DPDT switch and using the 'other half' of the switch to join the Send and Return feeds to each other? I'm guessing that the signal will feedback for a little while until it decays, which is probably about as good as an analogue buffer is going to be anyway... I have to say that it feels very odd trying to intentionally induce feedback after 20 years of trying to avoid it...
  13. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1103092' date='Jan 26 2011, 02:09 AM']Well, I quite like Moses necks, but back in the day they had a reputation for being poor quality and a lot of US customers were less than impressed. By all accounts, I think they've gotten better these days.[/quote] I'd guess that, being a relatively new technology, they were making it up as they went along with what materials were available. I suspect that things are a lot different these days...
  14. [quote name='BTS_Spacebass' post='1103066' date='Jan 26 2011, 01:03 AM']Interesting, didn't really think about the manufacture and how costly that would make things. Cheers for the heads up. The moses website is quite interesting too[/quote] Yep. But at $700 for a neck I didn't stay long enough to get [b]that[/b] interested...
  15. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1103043' date='Jan 26 2011, 12:39 AM']I also found this, but what's the SPDT switch for?[/quote] Not really looked at these before but it looks to me as though the SPDT switch will either give you your feedback loop or a total bypass.
  16. [quote name='BTS_Spacebass' post='1103037' date='Jan 26 2011, 12:30 AM']Hey guys, I'm considering a graphite neck for a new bass i'm purchasing. I have checked with status and they won't make it so I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for somewhere I could put a custom order in.[/quote] The only 'neck only' company that springs to mind is Moses but they're based in the US.
  17. [quote name='funkyveed' post='1103018' date='Jan 26 2011, 12:10 AM']I'm trying to figure out what footswitch (channel selector) it is I need for my Ampeg BA600 combo? Any ideas?[/quote] Yep - you want an Ampeg AFP2 or similar.
  18. Is this a Revolution Solo or a Revolution Solo II? One of the things that was improved on the II was that they upgraded parts to make them fully shielded (so it's reasonable to assume that the Solo wasn't...)
  19. icastle

    Amp Spares

    [quote name='casapete' post='1102310' date='Jan 25 2011, 04:26 PM']Loud Technologies are the Ampeg distributor, so first call for spares presumably. [email protected] or Tel 01494 557398[/quote] +1 Tracking down a replacement volume pot is usually easy but getting hold of the same slider pots for the EQ can be a real pain in the ar*e...
  20. [quote name='LethalLion' post='1102214' date='Jan 25 2011, 03:02 PM']Went with the Electric Blue, but when I got it today, realised I don't have a spare kettle lead. Will any old one do, or?[/quote] Yep. If it fit's the socket then it'll be fine (there are two types but one has a notch to stop people from doing anything daft!) Important thing is to make sure it's got the right size fuse in the mains plug end (not sure what it is but it'll be in your manual).
  21. [quote name='Mod_Machine' post='1102128' date='Jan 25 2011, 02:00 PM']thankyou - thats an extremely helpfull and informative answer. Im going to try cleanng the switches, and will resolder all exisiting with new wiring when i solder the bridge earth on. Ill then see what its like and change the switches for new ones in a couple of months when i change the bridge pickup. Cheers for all you help[/quote] No problem - feel free to shout if you are unsure of anything. Not sure what soldering experience you have, but there was a thread about soldering [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=110170"]here[/url] last year that may come in handy if you're not used to it.
  22. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1101635' date='Jan 25 2011, 12:37 AM']I'm not going to google for that.[/quote] I did. How the hell am I supposed to get that in my ear!?!
  23. [quote name='Alec' post='1101473' date='Jan 24 2011, 10:01 PM']Anyone for their insane VHD4.18 (4 x 18") sub!!![/quote] Only if it's trailer mounted
  24. [quote name='fryer' post='1101550' date='Jan 24 2011, 11:01 PM']Yeah, ' This Town ' , in 1974 was so different. And I imagined at the time they were German for some reason. But they're American.[/quote] And I thought they were Italian!
  25. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1101387' date='Jan 24 2011, 09:10 PM']Now I can appreciate in- ear monitoring for vocals but has anyone had to play with in-ear monitoring instead of using backline amps? I have such a gig on Friday. Is this sound man control gone mad? I can't imagine rocking out to my own little headphone world. Guitars certainly won't be getting any feedback! What's next, taking headphones to watch too, doing away with the whole amps thing altogether and enjoying a perfect mix? Upon argument we've been asked to give it a try before using our backline. Drums are behind shields so we'll still need 'phones for those. Rather than completely miked up kit and sending a signal back to us I'm hoping to be able to just remove the screens. Anyone else had to play like this?[/quote] In studio sessions - yes, more often than not, but certainly not at a gig. Not too sure what the sound mans rationale is here but the first time I was persuaded to let a sound man take full control of my sound during a live performance was the last time...
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