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Everything posted by icastle

  1. True Story: A guitarist in a band I used to play in was looking for a new combo. He spent months trawling the internet for info and travelling around different music shops trying out Fenders, Marshalls, Mesa Boogies etc. He finally selected a Line 6 combo. After a weeks worth of fiddling around with it and driving the rest of us up the wall with a whole pile of inappropriate sounds - he set it to 'Marshall' and left it there... His Line 6 combo cost more than the Marshall he was emulating. The point I'm making here is that having 60 different amps and 85 different cabinets emulated on units like these may be fine on paper but I think the majority of users will find the sound they like and stick to it. Kinda makes me wonder whether these emulation units are really worth it to be honest... P.S. Just so I don't get accused of having a 'downer' on Line 6 because of past experiences with them - I've been looking at the Roland CB100 as a wee practice amp but have been put off by the COSM modelling stuff they shoved into it!
  2. [quote name='grayn' post='1086654' date='Jan 12 2011, 01:31 PM']I recently got a Roland Cube-100. Basically becasue I really liked it's sound and for a small 1X12 combo, it's pretty loud and deep. Obviously it'll struggle in louder situations. Initially I thought of getting a 4 ohm ext cab (1X15 or 2X10). As the speaker output says "maximum 8 ohms". Then I though, for that money I could just get another Cube-100. Then having 2X12 and 200 watts. Does this make sense, or should I just get a much larger combo, when required? [/quote] Looking at the instruction manual it gives the impression that the Spkr Out socket has another 100W amp sat behind it... not sure if that's the case or not though as the manual has a very 'loosly translated' feel about it... Manual is [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/assets/media/pdf/CB-100_OM.pdf"]here[/url].
  3. [quote name='paul h' post='1086470' date='Jan 12 2011, 10:21 AM']Thanks. Any particular place on the socket?[/quote] On a P bass the jack socket has two connection points. One of them connects to the tip (stick a jack lead into the socket and you'll see which connection that is). The other one connects to the 'sleeve' part of the jack plug - that's where your earth needs to connect to. ...if you can be bothered to solder it of course...
  4. [quote name='paul h' post='1085994' date='Jan 11 2011, 08:09 PM']It would have been more accurate to say that I can't be bothered![/quote]
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1085984' date='Jan 11 2011, 08:02 PM']Yeah but those highly motivated and uber skilled technicians need to pay the bills too. [/quote] Not to that extent unless they own RBS...
  6. +1 I've followed the thread where this bass has been discussed. I almost fell off my chair when I saw the £200 quote - probably one of, if not the most blatant ripoff attempts I have ever seen (and I've seen a few over the years!).
  7. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1085279' date='Jan 11 2011, 11:10 AM']ducks as some purists maintain that even at tone on 10 the cap and the pot have their own inherent capacitance, inductance and resistance that can influence the circuit, pickup impedence and hence colour the tone, that removing all from the circuit improves clarity, etc. Whilst this may technically be true it is the stuff of snakeoil as I do not believe in a controlled blind test even a trained sensitive musician will be able to tell the difference. Since I have spent the last few years playing bass for a punk band standing too close tot eh drummers cymbals I'm lucky to hear the doorbell ring.[/quote] If you're hanging around with punk drummers you're lucky that anyone rings your door bell... I agree with your snakeoil sentiments. Given that all passive electronic components have a 'leeway' in tolerance, a variable value dependant on temperature and different characteristics at different frequencies, I'm sure a lot of it is more subjective and/or imagined than reality.
  8. [quote name='john turner' post='1085611' date='Jan 11 2011, 03:36 PM']probably. and there'd be folks who liked the plywood and cardboard version much better. [/quote] Yeah - Blue Peter has a lot to answer for...
  9. [quote name='dlloyd' post='1085293' date='Jan 11 2011, 11:26 AM']My back hurts just looking at John's basses... [/quote] Yeah - but at least he built in a chin rest...
  10. [quote name='paul h' post='1085865' date='Jan 11 2011, 06:21 PM']I need to replace the gubbins in a cheapo P copy and because I have awful soldering skills I thought I would go for a wiring harness. I have found one on ebay but wondered if anyone has any recommendations?[/quote] I guess they'll all be pretty similar in quality - the wiring will be done to an acceptable standard, the pots will be reasonable but not super high quality, but in a 'cheapo P copy' it'll not be a huge issue. Soldering skills are always worth practicing - you can save yourself a small fortune in leads and tech bills...
  11. [quote name='Pliskin' post='1085065' date='Jan 11 2011, 12:28 AM']Almost everything is custom made to order at Matamp, although they currently don't offer any rackable amps I'm sure Jeff would find a way to make it happen.[/quote] Cool - that kinda supports the degree of service the OP was looking for by the sound of it...
  12. [quote name='Pliskin' post='1085049' date='Jan 10 2011, 11:56 PM']+1 for Matamp, one of the oldest amp manufacturers in England and everything is designed and hand built in their workshop near Huddersfield. Some of the highest quality amplification money can buy.[/quote] Yep - but not rack mountable (unless Matamp can do a conversion of some description?!?)...
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1085030' date='Jan 10 2011, 11:35 PM']Pah. You're jedi mind tricks will not work on me... 8658 5685 68... [/quote] Damn. Foiled again...
  14. [quote name='gilmour' post='1085027' date='Jan 10 2011, 11:34 PM']Trouble is the website looks [url="http://www.bassculture.de/"]like this[/url] and even with Google translate there's not a lot I can make from it. [/quote] There's not a lot there for Google translate to work with! They do look rather nice though... If you look under the 'impressum' link you'll find an e-mail address - you could try dropping the a line and see if they have a UK distributor perhaps?
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1084978' date='Jan 10 2011, 10:49 PM']You know I'll find a way to exploit that particular error of judgement, don'cha? J.[/quote] pssst - ask him for his debit card details quick
  16. [quote name='NeonAdz' post='1083930' date='Jan 10 2011, 09:18 AM'][attachment=68324:11880497704.jpg] I found this some where on google but i need some help. I just need to find what this bass guitar is called. Someone suggested it was a Traben Chaos or something but at the same time it has an ibanez decal on the head stock. Grate appreciated if someone finds out what this is Thanks ![/quote] I don't think it's a Traben. I'm guessing it's an old(ish) Ibanez that someone has stuck a Traben looking bridge surround onto. EDIT: Sorry Neepheid - forgot to refresh the page and didn't see you'd already said the same thing!
  17. [quote name='Dongoodman' post='1084859' date='Jan 10 2011, 09:15 PM']Hello folks, was wondering if any folks with supreme bass knowledge could help me out here. I was given a Peavey bass a long while back from my uncle and never quite found out its make. I'm looking to sell it on now in order to buy a cheap touring guitar as i'm going to need one soon but I can't seem to find its make or model anywhere to understand a price. I've only got one picture here at the moment but anyway any help is appreciated if possible, I don't imagine its anything too unusual. While i'm at it i'm looking to sell a Digitech BP200 if anyone has any suggestions where would be the best place to get rid of one.[/quote] It looks like a bubinga bodied Peavey Cirrus (headstock shape is a little bit different to a Grind).
  18. [quote name='john turner' post='1084846' date='Jan 10 2011, 09:08 PM']normally i might agree with you, but lately i hope i can be excused in hoping that nobody tries. that'd be all i need [/quote] You'd get blamed for that as well?
  19. [quote name='steelbeard' post='1084824' date='Jan 10 2011, 08:48 PM']I heard say once that Ashdown sort of carried on with hand made stuff where Trace Elliot (UK) left off, any truth there ??[/quote] I can't find the reference, but I do remember readng that Ashdown stuff was originally made in the UK but latter models were made abroad. You can't buy enough english made electronic components to make an amp anyway these days - all the components tend to be sourced in the far east regardless of country of manufacture of the final product.
  20. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1084609' date='Jan 10 2011, 06:38 PM']I've just acquired a Mark Bass CMD 102p combo and I like it very much indeed. The tweeter is a bit OTT (I usually turn them off / fully attenuate) but the 102p doesn't have a control on it. Would it be safe just to disconnect the tweeter, or would there be other wiring needed? thanks[/quote] No other wiring needed - just disconnect it (make sure you don't leave bare wires or connectors floating around inside the cab though).
  21. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1083839' date='Jan 10 2011, 01:41 AM']The daft thing is, on a relatively simple bass like a Ric or a Stingray (which seem to be the most copied) I doubt there is much to separate them, especially if you can get a fretjob and setup done when you buy them in. I'm not surprised people are making money off this. It's also funny that Musicman and Rickenbacker are the most copied, saying as they are the ones who are so desperate to protect their designs![/quote] Not sure how Ric and Musicman can protect their designs in China - I get the distinct impression that any legal papers sent over there just get shredded and used as packaging for more guitars...
  22. [quote name='Russ' post='1083830' date='Jan 10 2011, 01:30 AM']If you look at a Chinese wholesale goods website like [url="http://www.tradetang.com"]http://www.tradetang.com[/url] , you'll find all sorts of counterfeit instruments. The most popular styles to rip off seem to be Musicmen, Rickys and yep, Ibanezes. Beware though, you'll see a huge amount of stuff on a site like that - gets very tempting to consider starting an imported instruments business. [/quote] I particularly like the description of a Ric on there:- [i]I am dedicated to bring joy, safe and top products for you. All the products I offer in my store come with fashion style, superior but cheaper price all the time[/i]
  23. Ritter aren't the only ones being faked. I see that Ibanez have a Counterfeit Warning on their homepage...
  24. [quote name='noelk27' post='1083761' date='Jan 9 2011, 11:22 PM']Cr*p. Abrasive, tight, ill-defined, old technologies, redundant features, don't last, poor quality materials, poor quality control. Would love to be able to say a British manufacturer making a quality string, but this lot are not that. Because the strings are cheap, in relative terms, see people endlessly trying to justify to themselves that this lot make a quality product. But that's just bullsh*t.[/quote] So are you saying we can't persuade you to join the James Howe Industries Appreciation Society then?
  25. [quote name='minkey1980' post='1083670' date='Jan 9 2011, 10:08 PM']hi, ok I have bought an ashdown 515 at 100 watts to do some smaller gigs. Unfortunately it does not have a line out to the PA like I assumed (stupid never checked and it was via ebay). It does have wheels though so its not all bad! What it does have is a 8/4 ohms extension out. Does that mean If i need it to go louder I can add an extra cab? Will this make it louder or just half the sound between speakers? Can I put it through a PA speaker? Thanks PS Just read this back and it makes me sound a right wolly but truth is I am used to it all being set up and just playing, times change!!!![/quote] The Ashdown 515 is 100w into 4Ω. As soon as you plug an extension cab into the Ext Speaker socket it will cut out the internal speaker so you'll not get any extra volume. You only have two choices if you want extra volume using this combo: 1) Mic it up and send it through the PA. 2) Use a DI splitter box and send one of the channels back to the PA or another bass amp. The instruction manual for the 515 is [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/tech/manuals/AllAccessOps.pdf"]here[/url] if that's any help
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