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Everything posted by icastle
I've used other brands over the years but I must admit that if I dash into a music shop for a set of strings "Swing Bass" is usually amongst the first words I say to the person on the other side of the counter...
[quote name='fender73' post='1083596' date='Jan 9 2011, 09:00 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-4001-Warranty-Registration-Card-/200563680776?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2eb286e608"] Ten quid?[/quote] I've got a Tesco till receipt you can have for £5...
[quote name='far0n' post='1083565' date='Jan 9 2011, 08:40 PM']I had a gig after a 12 hour shift the other night, so rather than pack my car with gear at 5:30am I did it the night before and left the gear in the car overnight. Went to the gig and the action on my Cort Funkmachine was flat against the neck. Now bearing in mind I've never altered the truss rod on that bass in about 5 years 'cos it's rock steady... so I'm kinda panicking a bit here. I'm assuming the cold has maybe warped the neck? I've had a look at it, it doesn't seem twisted at all, it's just weird that it's pulled all the strings so far back. Once it had warmed up it didn't move back again, so it's like a permanent neck movement. Obviously if the truss rod had snapped it would have bowed forward instead of backwards, so I'm a tad confused. All help and advice greatly appreciated ! Faron[/quote] If the strings are now flat with the neck you can be pretty damn certain that you haven't got a broken truss rod - so that's good news I'd be inclined to get it back indoors, let it settle down for a day and then slacken the truss rod. Probably a daft question, but the strings haven't somehow fallen off of the little roller type guides on the bridge have they?
Would ohm readings from pickups differ when fitted?
icastle replied to Sibob's topic in Repairs and Technical
[quote name='Phil Starr' post='1083555' date='Jan 9 2011, 08:31 PM']Don't forget that the impedance and DC resistance are not the same. As well as the resistance of the wire itself there is the inductance of the coil to add on. Inductance is frequency dependent and so the impedance of the coil is a 'nominal' figure anyway.[/quote] Makes little difference in this scenario. The OP is just taking readings on 'cold' pups for comparative purposes. -
[quote name='bassman2790' post='1082948' date='Jan 9 2011, 10:18 AM']Recently, I have been running my Peavey Max 450 into two 4 ohm Peavey 410TVX cabinets. Despite them being a right royal pain in the ass to move about (and get in the back of my Rover 400), I just don't need to shift that much air. I only need to hear myself over our (admittedly quite loud) drummer. I'm thinking of switching to a single 210TX and the one available is 8 ohm. The 450 Max head is rated at 450W @ 2 ohms, 300W @ 4 ohms, or 170W @ 8 ohms. How much 'real' volume difference is there between 450W and 170W or even between 300W and 170W?[/quote] According to the Peavey website the 210TX and 210TVX cabs are both rated at [b]4Ω[/b] - so you might not be losing as much power as you first thought (assuming the 210TX you are looking at hasn't been changed). You could always use a pair of 2x10s if you need to move more air - might be easier to lug around if your rig is in two smaller pieces!
Would ohm readings from pickups differ when fitted?
icastle replied to Sibob's topic in Repairs and Technical
[quote name='Sibob' post='1083397' date='Jan 9 2011, 06:28 PM']If I was to replace the erroneous pickup, I would do so with a matched pair. But would a set of 64's be a better match to the rest of my collection than the 84's?....I don't want a bass that is considerably louder than my others. So I'm trying to assatain whether the ratings of pickups unattached would be similar to their equivalent ratings whilst fitted in the bass. 11kohms unattached might equate to 9kohms fitted because of pots/caps/wiring etc?? I don't know these things lol If not, I'm thinking the 64's would better match the '83 Jazz with my other basses Si[/quote] As you've already surmised, measuring a component in circuit has the potential to be incorrect. If you haven't got a circuit diagram or the ability to translate metered resistance readings into 'real values', the best thing to do is to disconnect one end of the component you are testing. That way there's no chance of any items paralleled with said component affecting the reading - 30 seconds spent desoldering and then resoldering the connection after metering could save you a lot of stress... -
[quote name='Al Heeley' post='1082738' date='Jan 8 2011, 11:24 PM']...in the amount of treble cut off as the tone knob is turned down, the [i]ramp[/i] of the tone pot. On 10, a change of cap value will have no significant audible difference. [ducks][/quote] What you ducking for? That's totally correct ya big wuss
[quote name='bramleyapple' post='1082675' date='Jan 8 2011, 10:37 PM']hi guys and girls ive been offerd a peavy rig and some cash for my exsiting rig which i have up for sale it consists of a line6 hd 750 head and a warwick wca611 cab the feller has offered me a peavey usa t max 900 watt head and a peavey usa 410 tx cab 8 ohm, does anyone think much or know much about the peavey stuff any help would be greatly appriciated[/quote] As Steve has already said - it's not a 900W amp - Peavey never made a T-Max 900. So it will deliver: 200 W RMS into 8 ohms 350 W RMS into 4 ohms 500 W RMS into 2 ohms Peavey amps just seem to go on forever though (and they have a brilliant Service Department in case of mishaps). I was a Line 6 HD750 owner (albeit for less than 24 hours) and it was without doubt the most underpowered and horrid amp I've ever used. If the deal is a good one and you feel you need the power, then it might be worth selling off the 8Ω cab and picking up a couple of smaller 4Ω cabs - that'll give you the full 500W.
A few things spring to mind here. Playing an instrument that isn't producing the sound you are trying to achieve is always going to be disheartening. You've had a few musical 'upsets' with bands recently (as have many others on here) and that can perhaps lead to feelings of doubt and a lack of musical direction/purpose. I've always found that writing a bassline is easy [b]IF[/b] you have a tune to write it against - writing a bassline as a stand alone piece isn't quite so easy. Don't let it get you down - you're still young and have many years of playing ahead of you. Why not spend some quality time playing with your gear to get the sound you are looking for - perhaps that'll give you the kickstart you are looking for?
[quote name='chilievans' post='1082409' date='Jan 8 2011, 06:27 PM']Just trying to understand the workings of the bass. Not really thinking of changing anything apart from putting in a series parallel switch[/quote] Ah right. In rather simplistic terms (I am a simplistic person after all!)... On a passive bass, all the tone control does is 'shove' some of the pup signal through an unpolarised capacitor. Signal going through that capacitor 'loses' it's treble. Therefore when you turn the tone control to 'full treble' you are getting the natural sound of the pup, and conversely - turning the tone control to 'full bass' shoves the output of the pup through a capacitor. Changing the pot to a different value would be like changing the way your car accelerator pedal works - it'll still tick over when you foot is off of it but it won't make it go any faster... if that makes any sense at all?
[quote name='Chris2112' post='1082313' date='Jan 8 2011, 05:07 PM']Who is Greg Lake?[/quote] Emerson, Lake & Palmer Or Emerson, Entwistle & Phillips in this version
[quote name='agoulding' post='1081759' date='Jan 8 2011, 02:37 AM']Right, very recently I visited my father who hasn't really taken an interest in my bass playing exploits. Infact, he saw me play for the first time EVER literally weeks ago, and I've been playing for nearly 8 years. I don't see my father much and tbf, he was shocked and also very impressed. He said to me i was "wasted" doing what i am doing (I am a simple store operative at marks and spencer) which is fair enough. I don't doubt my playing abilities, I know for a fact i can make something of them. He said it himself, he even said i was more talented than Ellie (wtf?!). Now, I look up to this guy, even though he has never had a big input in my life. He has never encouraged me to do anything, never acknowleged me for anything i have done, but i look up to him because he has been there and done it. He's a great guitar player and has been playing longer than i have been on this planet. So it's only natural that I still listen to him, right (point aside he is my dad, but i see him as much as rick waller sees salad)? My point is, upon seeing me play, he said i could get very far with my playing and I should pursue it as a career. This really, really inspired me and I am currently working on material. Something struck me though, I didn't really like what he said, he said my music lacked feel. So Im asking you guys, what is feel? surely if you have written something and it means something to you, that is feel, and that is all that matters right? do others need to see the meaning or purpose behind your music?? sure, some people may be able to se it/hear it, but youre the only one that knows deep inside what its all about? Aaaaaand one mooooreee thing. Have you ever experienced anything that has really given you the drive and inspiration to "go for it"? and what inspires you more than anything??[/quote] Trying to describe 'feel' using written words is a little bit like trying to describe an aroma, but here goes... Feel is about locking into the rhythm of what's going on around you, it's about painting in fine detail with sound. Feel is about knowing what you and your instrument are capable of together and knowing which notes need to be left unplayed. Feel is about instinct, understanding and acceptance of the image and emotion that the tune is trying to convey to the audience. 'Drive and inspiration' varies massively from one person to the next. For me it's acknowledging to myself that I've done a good job, the 'icing on the cake' comes from other people acknowledging that I've done a good job - even though I find it a toe curling experience... As for your Dad, has it occured to you that being a somewhat 'distant' parent possibly made his recognition of your musical abilities worth 100x more than one of your mates saying "that's good"? I'm in no way judging your Dad (I come from an extremely disparate family) but I'm guessing it must have been a hard thing for him to say having not been hugely supportive in the past.
[quote name='gizmo6789' post='1082263' date='Jan 8 2011, 04:23 PM']Right there is sooo much stuff has gone wrong with this bass it is unbelieveable. First off, it is an active bass and eats batteries like you would not believe, 1 a week, No i dont leave it plugged into my amp because i know that completes the active circuit. Think there is something not right with the wiring causing the batteries to run low. The switch that contols the pickups, is knackered, it doesnt switch very well and crackles sometimes, think it needs a new control pot or something, that what the guy at Jimmy Egypts said anyway. it also needs set up for playing in drop C. i really dont think the way the action is just now is the right way. best for last, the jack is gubbed too, need a new jack for it, and last week it shocked me, the bridge went live and shocked me. not touched it since. It's my favourite bass, it sounds meaty and i just want it back in working order again.[/quote] Well the good news is that your knackered jack is probably whats eating batteries (the battery 'switch' is part of the jack). The bridge earth is sometimes taken from the jack socket as well (it's usually the closest earthing point) so that might explain the lack of bridge earth as well. The pickup 'switch' looks like a pot to me (a balance control with a centre 'click' perhaps?) - giving it a squirt with some switch cleaner would perhaps sort that problem out. The action setup is easy to DIY but you might consider taking it to a guitar tech if you are at all uncertain about setting up or doing any of the above.
[quote name='chilievans' post='1082231' date='Jan 8 2011, 03:50 PM']AM i right in thinking that if I change my tone pot from 250 ohms to a lesser or greater ohms it will result in a change of sound from my bass?[/quote] Sort of, but not in the way I suspect you are trying to achieve. What will happen is the 'sweep' from bass to treble that your 250KΩ pot currently has will either be shifted or cut off (depending on the value of the pot you put in). I guess the best question to ask at this point would be: what is it that you are trying to achieve?
Leaving out the swear words, he's just a guitarist having a go at playing a bass guitar.
[quote name='arthurhenry' post='1081485' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:20 PM'](Bass) "is a supplementary instrument."[/quote] Yep - I'd go along with that although 'supporting' perhaps better describes it. I've always said that bass is there to 'glue' the drums to the tune and to enhance whatever else is going on.
[quote name='Chris2112' post='1081353' date='Jan 7 2011, 05:57 PM']Funny that neither of them look like they've ever held a bass in their life.[/quote] ...and with a set of techniques more suited to a DIY programme...
[quote name='Chris2112' post='1081321' date='Jan 7 2011, 05:27 PM']Well, these must be the worst...[/quote] I think these guys must live just outside Expert Village - a little place called Numptyville I think...
some kind of amplification to leave round my girlfriends?
icastle replied to burno70's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='burno70' post='1081285' date='Jan 7 2011, 04:50 PM']My girlfriend doesn't know yet but I'm planning on leaving my spare bass round at hers so I can noodle away when I'm round there. I need some sort of amplication - cheap as possible - my wallets still reeling from chrimbo. Doesn't even have to be be an amp, is there anything I can just plug into and use headphones with that still sounds decent? Any ideas, cheaper the better. thanks.[/quote] How about one of [url="http://www.voxamps.com/amplug/"]these[/url] - about £35? -
[quote name='tauzero' post='1081205' date='Jan 7 2011, 03:40 PM']I forgot another one - had the wireless die on me just as I was about to go into a bass-n-drums breakdown section of a song. Cue rapid shuffling of wires and continuation. I didn't use the wireless (a Nady 101) for years after that, and when I did I discovered that the problem was the power supply connector, a 3.5mm jack plug - the wire to it had broken internally and invisibly just where it entered the moulded plug. Exactly the same thing later happened to a second Nady unit I bought later.[/quote] It was a common thing with Nady PSUs it seems - I got through two of them in the space of the 12 month warranty period. On the last one that Arbiter supplied me with I put a 3" length of adhesive shrink sleeve over the plug so that the potential break point was moved up the cable. I still have it and it works fine, but I only use it on big stages these days.
[quote name='Truckstop' post='1080765' date='Jan 7 2011, 09:30 AM']I would love to know how he achieves the gold finish on some of those quilted maple basses. Absolutely gorgeous. Loving the 9,500 year old oak one too, but it'd be better if he could have split the headstock aswell and not just the body. Matching grey and blue headstock would be amazing! Truckstop[/quote] Thinking about it a bit more - if the wood is 9500 years old doesn't that mean it's gonna turn into graphite half way through a gig?
[quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1080857' date='Jan 7 2011, 11:15 AM']I pickup up my bass to my daily niggle to some tunes, as I do every day. Only today the rug was making terrible farting noises when any of the strings where plucked really hard, but not when slapping or popping. The fart noise is similar to clipping noise it makes, but the amps clip light wasn't coming on(I'd not changed it since I last used yesterday) I turned it down some notches anyway, and the noise was still there. I reset all the setting on my bass and amp, too work back up to get the input gain right, still farts. I shifted the preamp nob to SS and Tube, it did it on both. After a process of ilimination it's either my lead, or the amp head. If it turns out it is the amp, how the hell did this happen, I used it not 2 days ago quite loud an it was fine then, my only guess is something during the input or output stage has fried. It's a Markbass LMTube500, I know Fuzz in Nottingham sell MB gear but other than them I dont know where to go?[/quote] A few things to check: Are you using an active bass with a dead (or almost dead) battery? Have you replaced guitar and amp<>cab leads? If it's not any of those then I'd hazard a guess that you have a dead preamp valve in your Markbass LMTube 500.
[quote name='xgsjx' post='1080388' date='Jan 6 2011, 08:22 PM']The Roya with the 9500year old Bog Oak body has been there for a few months. It has my name on it & I'm trying to save up for it but so far I only have 34p. [/quote] 9500 years old? Wow - that's incredible!
I've dealt with them a couple of times for replacement valves and can thoroughly agree with the OPs comments. These guys know their valves, are enthusiastic about their subject matter and are a pleasure to deal with.
[quote name='Pete Academy' post='1080282' date='Jan 6 2011, 07:15 PM']Not too keen on the body shape? Are you talking about my avatar? [/quote] As if...