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Everything posted by icastle

  1. [quote name='Burg' timestamp='1419257008' post='2638055'] What does adding the 3rd finger on your right hand help you to do that 2 fingers doesn't? [/quote] Another finger? Seriously though, I do find it useful to have a third finger 'in play' when playing anything that involves a complex and fast run of notes.
  2. It's a technique that takes time and patience to master. The index and middle finger are easy to use as they fall naturally on the strings (the middle finger, being slightly longer, reaches the next string nicely). I find that tilting my hand slightly when using my third finger make it easier to reach the string.
  3. About 60 gigs this year and another band coming online in Spring.
  4. It'll be interesting to see what bands are playing in 50 years time. I very much doubt it'll be stuff that's in the 'charts' today - at the risk of generalisation, it's not memorable or particularly well crafted - we're almost back into the 'stagnant' 70's music scene.
  5. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1419185921' post='2637374'] Would a simple a/b pedal with a Y-cable to the power amp not do the job? [/quote] I see absolutely no reason why not.
  6. I used to work for the company that (probably) made your projector. I believe they still manufacture the same wheels, although the projectors themselves have had a bit of a facelift in the intervening years. http://www.optikinetics.co.uk/index.php/category/effect-wheels-cassettes-gobos/catalogue/optikinetics
  7. I actually started out as a vaguely passable (depending on wind direction) recorder player in a Renaissance music ensemble. About 35 years ago now, they decided to reinvent themselves as a folk rock band and nobody wanted to be the bass player - being the youngest, I got the job. I spent about three months getting to grips with a totally alien (i.e. stringed) instrument and I've done brief stints as a guitarist and woodwind player since, but have pretty much stuck to bass ever since.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419081358' post='2636323'] Ooh... that's a very sensitive area round the back of the greggs... [/quote] ...especially if you manage to get a splinter in the pasties...
  9. The thing that makes the difference here is that we have a smaller, tighter community who are drawn here with a common interest. We occasionally get little outbursts, but these are dealt with quickly and quietly with a piece of 4x2 and a roll of gaffa tape, obviously in a deeply caring and spiritual manner, round the back of Greggs...
  10. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1419041213' post='2636048'] Yuletide is all about being mellow.....with definite added spirit(s)😵 [/quote] Yep. Which is why I didn't tie you to my herb drying rack for likening us all to Matthew Hopkins.
  11. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1419038109' post='2636037'] Yeah one of the Moderators..... [/quote] Oh absolutely. I'm renowned for my manic Christmas spirit and zeal.
  12. LED's generally work or they don't - intermittent doesn't really happen. If it's intermittent then it's more likely to be a bad solder joint on one of the LED legs. Try resoldering the joints before you start buying parts.
  13. If I have the option of either sitting at home or earning £50+ playing, then I put my shoes on. It may seem like a lot of work, and to begin with it is, but once you get into the swing of it it's not as onerous a task as it first appears.
  14. [quote name='aardvark' timestamp='1418752339' post='2632985'] Two EBow questions: 1. Will EBow work with nylon flatwound strings? [/quote] I don't think so. IIRC an Ebow uses a moving magnetic field to 'vibrate' the string. Unless your strings have a steel core then it just won't work.
  15. [quote name='Samfordia' timestamp='1418615363' post='2631725'] What I have is a combo. If it had a phones socket then I'd have no problem. I would like to actually use the amp and familiarise myself with all it can do and the sound I can get from it. At the same time I would like to use my pedals. It's highly possible I'm being a tad thick, though. (The amp does have the ability to connect a phone etc, so that's all okay) [/quote] If the amp you are looking at buying doesn't have a headphone socket then there's no device that will allow you to experiment with the amp controls without making a noise. If that's a major requirement then the proposed amp is not for you.
  16. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1418597933' post='2631657'] The poor sod buying this will get vintage alright, back to the days when it was a two horse race. [/quote] ...and one of those was a bit under the weather...
  17. The Zoom B1, B2 and B3 multi effect units have a facility to plug headphones in. HTH
  18. We generally go back midweek and sort out the next gig. A couple of places we play at book us in yearly blocks and we've built a special relationship with them over the years. They happily take turns with NYE and 'last Saturday night before xmas' bookings.
  19. We generally go back midweek and sort out the next gig. A couple of places we play at book us in yearly blocks and we've built a special relationship with them over the years. They happily take turns with NYE and 'last Saturday night before xmas' bookings.
  20. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1418250788' post='2628565'] I`m a qualified electrical engineer you know [/quote] Yes, but what in?
  21. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1418245844' post='2628492'] Only if you make the bass stuff in the wire go uphill. You need to stand on the amp so it always flows downhill, or put your amp on the floor rather than on top of the cab. [/quote] Lead guitarists have long known this which is why they put their foot on the monitor in order to achieve a higher velocity as the notes travel down the cable. The idea that it allows the audience to see the half cucumber that they had earlier shoved down the front of their leather trousers is nothing more than an urban myth.
  22. Just to clarify, the thread locking is a manual process. We're only (almost) human, so if we [b]do[/b] accidentally close a thread before the item has sold, or if the sale falls through, please let me, or indeed any of the Moderation Team know and we'll reopen it for you straight away.
  23. Another old favourite was sending the new guy to the stores to get some elbow grease. That backfired eventually when an enterprising company actually bought out a cleaning product called 'Elbow Grease' and just about every stores manager ordered a box of it.
  24. From a totally different perspective, I'm involved in running one of these nights. I've read some people saying that these places are 'cliquey' but that's really dependant on everyone involved - our club certainly isn't and of all the others around this area I've only found one that is. Find a club, give it a couple of tries and, if you think it's 'cliquey', find another one. I see people tentatively get to grips with playing with other musicians and, slowly but surely, start to relax and become performers. It essentially gives you all of the 'bits' that lessons can't.
  25. I guess in fairness, it really depends on the type of gig. If it's a Sunday lunchtime job where you're going to leave with £40 - £50 in your pocket, it's perhaps not a big deal. Any mishaps will be forgotten about fairly quickly. If it's a function where you're going to leave with £200 - £300 in your pocket then playing about with screwdrivers or soldering irons isn't really on - unless you're looking for early retirement. As for disasters never happening, how many times have we had the 'would you lend someone your bass?' discussion here?
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