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Everything posted by icastle

  1. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='1042840' date='Nov 30 2010, 07:59 PM']I have to big up the service response from Laney here. I asked for the circuits for this amp via email and got them back in 4 minutes! That takes some beating, no?[/quote] Very impressive - circuit diagrams can be very hard to come by from some manufacturers and often come with a price attached.
  2. [quote name='Marvin' post='1043121' date='Nov 30 2010, 11:10 PM']The damn thing's out of tune FFS. I thought it was punk that was played primarily out of tune. I knew there was a reason I hated the Stones /rant[/quote] Easy - just retune your bass to the tune and put it back when you're done...
  3. [quote name='jonnyfastfingers' post='1042590' date='Nov 30 2010, 05:01 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PAIR-2-X-18-SUB-BASS-CABS-1300-WRMS-EARTH-MOVING-/250717370603?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item3a5feb78eb"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PAIR-2-X-18-SUB-BASS...=item3a5feb78eb[/url] Theoretically of course!! [/quote] Ye gods!!!! Please tell me you don't live anywhere in the East Midlands !!!
  4. [quote name='Johnston' post='1042604' date='Nov 30 2010, 05:11 PM']I originally read that as retard !!!! Couldn't understand why you would go to Halfords purposefully to get a member of their staff .[/quote]
  5. [quote name='Alien' post='1042585' date='Nov 30 2010, 04:57 PM']Mate of mine did the same thing, but with Little Angels. About a year later he hung up his spurs and hasn't played since - pity really.[/quote] On the odd occasions I bumped into him I used to have a little tease but it's not as much fun as it used to be since he found out that I'm not a lot better at making choices either.
  6. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='1042571' date='Nov 30 2010, 04:48 PM']"Rarity" has been mentioned before, but the number of Westone Thunders which are described as "RARE RARE RARE" is astonishing.[/quote] "Rare" as in you can't buy them new any more. Seeing as FCN imported thousands and thousands of Thunder 1s, 1As, 2s and 3s over the time they were the UK distributor they shouldn't be that rare!
  7. [quote name='tazza1' post='1042475' date='Nov 30 2010, 03:47 PM']When did you see my bass then?!![/quote] At Halfords last weekend when it was going in for a retread!
  8. [quote name='jonunders' post='1042351' date='Nov 30 2010, 01:41 PM']is this a good show, worth going to. can you pick up some good bargins at these show's[/quote] It really depends what the ultimate goal of the show is. If it's a retailing exercise then you'll be bound to find a few bargains, but if it's a "showcase" for manufacturers/importers to display their wares then probably not so much so. If it is a "showcase" then you might still find a bargain late on the last day - the products will have been seen by everyone and will be finished with "publicity wise". Only the most foolish would try and return the item into stock for full RRP resale so the standholders will then decide whether they want to lug their wares all the way back to their offices or just sell it off and save the effort.
  9. [quote name='tauzero' post='1042370' date='Nov 30 2010, 01:52 PM']That's quite true, have you ever tried making a phone call with a Hasselblad?[/quote] Nah. Too much blady hassel !
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1042233' date='Nov 30 2010, 12:34 PM']My camera phone has been used by a professional bass player, and he says it's better than any Hasselblad ...[/quote] Am tempted to try selling the one that Neil Armstrong left behind..."Up for sale is my superb Hasselblad - buyer must collect"
  11. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1042203' date='Nov 30 2010, 12:13 PM']I was in a 6 piece. We were on the verge of making it. Ginger said I didn't have the legs for the gig and Sporty was jealous of my looks. TV Spice was written out of the bands history. [/quote] Yeah but Sporty got renamed Elephant so there is some justice in the world
  12. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1042164' date='Nov 30 2010, 11:49 AM']Back in the early 60's I had an audition with a 4 beat combo from Liverpool. I was offered the gig, but they were planning on doing some gigs in Germany for a while which I didn't fancy, so I turned them down. I often wonder what happened to them...[/quote] ...probably never came to anything
  13. Funniest one I ever came across was a huy who used to play drums where I went to school. He went to an audition with a "rock band", got offered the job but didn't rate them very much and said "no thanks". The band was Rainbow...
  14. [quote name='spinynorman' post='1042019' date='Nov 30 2010, 09:48 AM']Also remember that buyers do like to use their imagination, so take those photos from a distance, in a darkened room, with that old Nokia mobile you keep meaning to put in the bin at the tip.[/quote] No way man! It's a rare example of a high quality photographic legend that out performs the entire Nikon range...
  15. [quote name='Rich' post='1041939' date='Nov 30 2010, 08:02 AM']Rackmount amplifiers with the power switch on the BACK. Thus meaning that you've got to go shoving your arm into the back of your rackcase like Herriot up a cow in order to get the thing powered up.[/quote] +1 to that !
  16. You do all realise that I'm keeping an eye on who has the highest PLI and will be coming along to the winners next gig to have an accident - an opportunity for MEGA GAS...
  17. I really don't believe this! I tried to logon to the Bass Centre site about 45 minutes ago and struggled to remember the password I'd set. I clicked on the "Forgotten your Password?" link and it responded by telling me that my password had been sent to my email address. Guess what - it hasn't arrived! I guess that's on back order as well! :lol::lol::lol:
  18. [quote name='Moos3h' post='1041785' date='Nov 29 2010, 10:56 PM']I think it's Cimar...it actually looks a bit like 'Ciman' but it's so faint it's almost impossible to be sure![/quote] Not heard of Ciman so I'm guessing it's Cimar. I used to see these secondhand knocking around the stores years ago - they were the original fore-runners of Washburn or Ibanez (I don't remember which I'm afraid!).
  19. A personal favourite of mine is the concept of a "custom made" bass built from a coffee table offcut, a reclaimed neck with "Encore" rubbed off of it and hardware fixed using assorted woodscrews leftover from an Ikea session is going to be [i]"far better than all of the Wal's, Overwaters and Jaydee's that I've owned as a professional musician".[/i]
  20. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1041722' date='Nov 29 2010, 10:17 PM']Someone out there [i]must[/i] have a sixer with 3x split "P" pick-ups in.. 2strings per pick-up. The best way to make them hum-cancel would be a second set, (Buzzard style) and make them RW/RP with those! It'd look like someone had been playing dominoes all over your bass!![/quote] Well, the Fender 5 string PB has a "two string" pup and a "three string" pup - so I guess someone could make a 6 string using two of the three string pups...
  21. [quote name='dincz' post='1041682' date='Nov 29 2010, 09:46 PM']For those who do prefer a pre-power rig, what are your thoughts on Samson?[/quote] Biggest catch that I can see has to be that you can't run it in bridged mode into anything less than an 8Ω load.
  22. [quote name='bigash' post='1041678' date='Nov 29 2010, 09:45 PM']Joe strummer used to use what he called a strum guard. Two or three wrist bands bound with gaffa. Was used to stop arm getting shredded and the blood clotting up the pick ups.[/quote]
  23. [quote name='andytoad' post='1041662' date='Nov 29 2010, 09:21 PM']its on the edge of the driver on the diaphram...[/quote] Hmm. Not quite so easy there. In the past I have managed to get an extra year or two out of drivers like this by using tissue paper and copydex. Just build up layers of tissue paper on either side of the tear (assuming you can get to the underside of course) - the copydex soaks into the tissue and you end up with a flexible rubberised patch - 4 or 5 layers of paper seems to do the trick. If you can only get to the topside then I would guess it'll work but I wouldn't hold out much hope of it being a permanant fix. As the speaker is of no use as it is you've not got much to lose giving it a try to be honest.
  24. [quote name='dincz' post='1041627' date='Nov 29 2010, 08:51 PM']I wasn't suggesting it as a replacement for a head. Maybe I should have mentioned that I'm using a separate preamp (with tone controls) between the bass and the power amp, so wouldn't things be much the same with any pre/power rig in terms of connectors at the back etc?[/quote] LMAO - I [b]did[/b] wonder how the hell you were getting any sort of control, let alone output from it! I think in the big scheme of things, more bass players tend to go for a head and a cab (or six) for their rig instead of preamp, power amp and cab. [i]Having said that I know full well that 472 people are going to suddenly appear and tell me that I'm totally wrong because they've been connecting obscure preamps built in biscuit tins to equally obscure power amps powered directly from a National Grid pylon... [/i]
  25. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1041641' date='Nov 29 2010, 09:01 PM']5 strings seem to be mostly soapbars, but there are enough other ones that they're avoidable, unlike 6ers where the vast majority are soapbars. I suppose I don't need to know what's happening inside, but it's not really like the difference betwen two buckers where they sound similar. To use your TV comparison, it's more like if it's LCD or Plasma, you'd probably want to know before you bought it which it was. I just have a thing against soapbars, that's what made me wonder. With my rig and my fingers, they always sound a little flatter than MM pups and miss the sparkle of Js. I've only got limited experience with them with this rig so I'm not throwing all soapbars out of the window yet, but I do gravitate to other stuff. I'd love a Bongo 6, but for the difference between a 5 and 6, there's a huge price gap.[/quote] Yeah. You can get 5 and 6 versions of P and J pups but the P type are two different sizes (making machining more fiddly) and the J pups are physically longer than the normal 4 string versions (again making machining more fiddly). A soapbar just needs a rectangular shape hole and in it goes! Soapbars are, as you say, avoidable, but I wonder what would happen to the overall price of the instrument? I think there's also a "fashion" element to this as well - back in the 50's shiny chrome plated pups were [b]the[/b] thing - but you hardly ever see them on mass produced basses these days. I find that my three soapbar basses all sound different to each other (which is why I have three of them!) and my JB is totally different again - I just tweak anything that doesn't sound "right" out of the equation using the tone controls. I'm a born again luddite who embraces simplicity...
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