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Everything posted by icastle

  1. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1407150841' post='2517739'] What happens if I only have red glitter nail varnish? [/quote] Then you'll forever be known as Petula Clarky.
  2. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1407142055' post='2517606'] A lot of finger players find fast 8 type passages hard, 'Dakota; is a typical example, as they can't get it to run as smooth and driving as with a pick which would make it easy as it is a simple up and down stroke. Playing 8's smoothly with alternating fingers is one thing.... but when the line is exposed with no gtr double, it is doubley important. A cheat would be to use a single digit pluck... [/quote] We play Dakota sometimes. I just use two alternating fingers and it works fine.
  3. I had a similar problem on my JB. All the earths were intact, so my solution was to paint over the top pole piece with clear nail varnish.
  4. I've had a VIP-3 for a little while now. Not a bad little GP combo... once you figure out how to turn off the pyrotechnic light show.
  5. Metal grilles every time for me. Cloth grilles may look pretty (if you have flares in your wardrobe... ) but they offer very little protection when the unexpected happens. As for the '63% of free air' thing, I don't see it making any difference in practical terms - I don't see a cab manufacturer slapping a metal grille on a product that's going to impact its performance capabilities by 37%.
  6. We don't even take mobiles into the venue when we're playing. Why would we? We're there to play, not chat on the phone.
  7. On the occasions where I want a 6x10 setup I usually cheat and use a 2x10 sat on top of a 4x10. Far easier to transport that way.
  8. No technical wizardry, just patience and perseverance.
  9. For me it has to be 'Another One Bites The Dust'.
  10. Got caught with one of these a few years ago. 'It's a charity gig' was all I was told. We did the gig, everyone walking around eating smoked salmon and availing themselves of the free bar in a rather posh venue. Turned out that the only 'charity' part was actually us playing for nothing for a tight fisted, but extremely wealthy, git.
  11. Is this unusual then, or am I missing something really obvious?
  12. This in 1979. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mve-xSd0AQ
  13. Hooking a thumb over the top of the neck I'd class as dubious technique and\or laziness - there are certainly no tangible advantages to doing it that I can think of. I've seen a number of bassists using their thumb to pick the strings and, although I'd be the first to admit it's totally subjective, to my ears it always sounds really horrid.
  14. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1406293408' post='2510277'] You could get one of these; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqB6uM2hRpo [/quote] Some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands...
  15. Every little helps I guess, but these UV makers are so common now that any half intelligent thief is going to have access to a UV lamp and a bottle of white spirit. It can't always be avoided of course, but it's far better to lock that stable door whenever you possibly can. Most of the thefts reported here are from vehicles before\after a gig, that's opportunist. Leave someone you know guarding the car\van, or lock it in between trips and that opportunity is lost.
  16. MEMO TO: AARGGHH!! MMMF! ....MFFFF! Please return Discreet immediately. You don't know where he's been. We do. Please ensure you wash your hands.
  17. If two 'willy wagglers' want to flame each other then they are free to get a room or to continue their pettiness via PM. Alternatively, join MumsNet.
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1406069687' post='2508152'] Wow, you really believe that don't you! If that is the case, I'll leave it there. [/quote] Indeed. One hopes that there have been some valuable lessons learned here, but there comes a point where walking away is the best option, and this is one of them.
  19. So, to recap. Someone has backed out of an eBay deal. Looking at the transcript, the buyer has clearly intimated that he is reconciled to that. You have all made it perfectly clear to the seller that you are unhappy about that and the seller has received that message loud and clear. My question at this point is, can anyone add anything helpful or different to this thread?
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1406044597' post='2507819'] By contrast, IMO..a salary is easy. [/quote] Absolutely. About 30 years ago I did nothing but play music for a living. A couple of bands, loads of session work, dep work, radio ad 'jingles', teaching and touring with other acts. The money was good when you were earning it, I bought my first house from the proceeds of it. However, when I averaged it out across the weeks where I wasn't getting paid, I came to the realisation that I'd get paid more working in a 'regular' occupation. Daft as it may sound, the final straw was waking up in yet another bland hotel room and realising that I had absolutely no idea which town I was in. I finished the tour and then quit music as a profession. I'm back in it again now but only to escape having to justify being alive to the Jobcentre and having my house repossessed before I find 'proper work' again.
  21. We just pick what's appropriate for the venue. We have Bose L1's, little Fender compact PA's (two sizes of those) and a full blown 3K rig if needed. Lighting wise we can do anything from a basic PAR can through to a video wall (don't ask ).
  22. A band is only ever going to be as good as it's weakest member. If it's you, pull your finger out. If it's someone else either nurture them or lose them, but don't ignore it. An audience will always remember the last song you played. Keep your best song for the encore. A silent audience is OK... unless they're moving towards you...
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1406032926' post='2507660'] The lol was aimed at discreet Ian, took ages to update, lol [/quote] I guessed that.
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1406030943' post='2507627'] Well I understood it and agree with him, I know people who earn much more than me but never have any spare money because they have a much more lavish lifestyle than me. The factual examples given are meaningless without knowing their personal circumstances, a guy bumming around crashing with mates or parents that had no children and is happy as long as they have a few meals a day and a bed to sleep in is going to be able to be in a full time music job playing covers easier than a guy with four teenage children,a massive mortgage on a five bed house in London and a wife that won't leave the house without a grands worth of clothes on and drives a range rover evoque but won't work herself. [/quote] That's true. I have a mortgage, a 14 year old car and the standard utility bills that we all generally have. No dependants thank goodness. The roof leaks, there's no hot water or heating, only one room has a carpet and I don't get to eat every day.
  25. The amp head will get warmer during band practice - you'll be using it at a higher volume level than you are when you're at home. Nothing to worry about there, it's perfectly normal. If you use the High output socket with a SS amp you'll just introduce distortion quicker - essentially your Boost pedal will be more of a Distortion pedal. The only thing I'd suggest is that you turn your amp down before trying it the first time in case you get an enormous volume boost.
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