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Everything posted by icastle

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1405905053' post='2506403'] Well, here is another thing. When the band is "on fire" with a good size hot responsive crowd, that 4 hours goes by a lot quicker than playing to an uninterested crowd. [/quote] Absolutely. If the audience is having fun then we are as well. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1405905053' post='2506403'] BTW, I agree with the set list comment. When the dance floor is filled we push the setlist off to the side for a while. [/quote] We listen to our audience as well. Suggestions for new material are followed up afterwards and feedback about performance is worth its weight in gold.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405879681' post='2506097'] If that's professional restoration then I'm a Dutchman. Which I'm not. [/quote] I met a Dutch bloke in the street this afternoon. He was just wandering around looking a little bit lost, so I went and spoke to him. "Are you lost?" I asked him. "No" he replied. "I have GPS built into my shoes, which tells me if I am deviating from my predetermined route". Oh I thought... ...clever clogs...
  3. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1405904005' post='2506399'] When I was in a covers band in the '70's, we occasionally did two 90 minute gigs in different venues. Lunch time in one venue, break down and travel to the next gig for 5pm. Out by 9.30am for the first and getting home about 2am. Some weeks we would play 9 gigs in 7 days while holding down full time jobs. I'm knocking on 60 now and I couldn't imagine doing that now. [/quote] Hell yeah, I've done a few of those. Being a couple of years shorter than you in the years department, I can still do it but my coffee intake goes through the roof. I am [b]so[/b] rock and roll.
  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1405903183' post='2506395'] Being organized with a plan of action for set up and tear down helps. [/quote] Absolutely. My band take the p*ss out of me for the almost military precision I insist on for loading, setting up and breaking down. I get my revenge when they deviate from the plan and we end up with a bank of lights not working and nobody can tell me which cable is (supposedly) feeding them or a pair of wedge monitors that won't fit back in the same van they arrived in. I haven't quite managed to get them to salute when I enter the room, but I'm working on it.
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1405902430' post='2506393'] My 'covers' band now play 2 x 1/2 sets, with oxygen in between for me, and a paramedic in the wings..! No, I don't count as 'experienced' any more; simply 'old'..! [/quote] You are Mick Fleetwood and I claim my £5. I'm not feeling the 'old' part yet, but rest assured, it'll come.
  6. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1405895661' post='2506338'] 4 hours is way too long for one band...especially when it comes to the modern party/clubbing culture. The longest gig I've seen was Pearl Jam. 2 and s half hours ish. You lose a lot of the punters at 10/11 when they move on. [/quote] The trick is to just keep shovelling out stuff that people want and keep them on the dance floor. We gave up using setlists years ago. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1405895661' post='2506338'] 4 hours is a lot of music! Well done [/quote] It is a lot, but we've been together for about 8 years now so it's been quite easy to keep adding material as we've needed it. Rock band? easy 60's night? no problem 70's cheesy extravaganza? we have flares. 80's fancy dress night? dead easy. I draw the line at Abba nights though as I look cr*p in lycra and a blonde wig.
  7. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1405896491' post='2506349'] We've done 3 hours a couple of times before, and everyone considered it to be a ridiculously long time. Me included!! We generally do either one straight 2 hour set or an hour followed by a break then 90 minutes [/quote] You youngsters have no stamina... My day yesterday: 07:00 Load up van and travel to venue. 08:00 Arrive at venue and unload kit. 08:30 Coffee break 09:00 Setup PA, backline and lighting. 11:00 Soundcheck 11:30 Tidy up 12:00 Leave venue. 19:00 Back at venue. 19:15 First dance. 21:15 Break 22:00 Second set. 00:00 Finish 00:10 Encore 00:15 Finish 01:00 Break down 02:00 Leave venue 02:30 Back at lockup - unload. 03:00 Leave lockup. 03:30 Back home, shower, coffee and bed.
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1405900828' post='2506388'] My real concern was to get a consensus on why younger musicians seem to not be into the 4 hour bar gig as previous generations. [/quote] In fairness, four hours is a hell of a lot of material if you're going to play it to a good standard. It's one of the few things that gets easier as you get older, provided you can remember all that material of course.
  9. We generally do two one hour sets in a pub. It really depends on what the landlord\landlady want's though - if they want 4 hours, and are prepared to pay for it, then we can give them 4 hours.
  10. I wouldn't want one, but it'd be a very boring world if we all liked the same things.
  11. I haven't used valve amps for 20 years, but I still connect my speaker(s) before powering my amp up. Just get into the habit of always doing it and you'll never have a problem.
  12. Another evening of Mustang Sally and Sex On Fire for me in a marquee. Artistically unrewarding, but the audience loved it and wedding gigs are always good for the bank balance. Have been asked if I can fill a last minute slot at the [url="http://www.heathermusicfestival.co.uk/"]Heather Music Festival[/url] next weekend, so a nice little folky duo being put together at some point this week.
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1405737370' post='2504885'] Probably the case that the poster hasn't paid the subscription [/quote] That's generally the reason - we don't go around manually deleting those, the software does it automatically.
  14. I very nearly manage it, but there's no room for luxuries of any description.
  15. All musicians have a 'weak point' somewhere. Some have to use a pick, some can't use a pick, some can't slap, some can't improvise, some can only play dull ploddy stuff, some always insist on overcomplicating things... the list is endless. Instead of dwelling on it, concentrate on what you [b]can[/b] do and excel at it - that'll leave you free to concentrate on resolving the 'weak points' if you find you really need to.
  16. Not working and battery getting hot sounds like a dead short to me. My first guess would be the PSU socket being faulty.
  17. The BC Management Team are considering using [b]'Basschat keeps you healthy'[/b] as a new strapline as a consequence of the number of silly old farts we have here.
  18. [quote name='ingloriousoz' timestamp='1404972140' post='2497356'] Answered [/quote] It would be useful to future readers to know 1) What the problem was and 2) What the answer is.
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1405008896' post='2497896'] I knew someone would have a comeback for that! [/quote] Well it had to be done. Seriously though, I am absolutely dire with a pick - as soon as my fingers get tired it launches itself like a pebble from a catapult. I need a 20' exclusion zone around me to use one.
  20. I used to sell them. IIRC, the little brass plate covered a pickup.
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1404984184' post='2497492'] I find playing with a pick gives me more trouble than fingers. [/quote] I find playing with a pick gives [b]everyone[/b] more trouble than fingers.
  22. Well 405-742 is definitely an XLR connector. Neutrik don't appear to make a chassis mounted jack socket. However, they [b]do[/b] sell inserts as a separate item, so my best guess is that WAL take a bog standard 405-742, push the XLR insert out and replace it with a jack insert - only WAL will be able to confirm that though.
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1404979277' post='2497403'] Irreparable damage caused by unexplained low frequencies being the reason? [/quote] Absolutely not
  24. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1404581402' post='2493948'] All guitarists think they can play bass, but few of em get the right feel. Never been able to put my finger on why. [/quote] Obviously, they're both stringed instruments so some of the techniques are the same, but not all of them. As we all know, bass isn't just a big guitar with a couple of strings missing. In all due fairness though, I bet guitarists have the same conversation about bass players.
  25. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1404687168' post='2494789'] It's all about developing your own voice as a bassist and being in a situation where your voice is accepted and where it creates synergistic vibes with the music and other musicians. Most bassists are nowhere near that level, and the ones who have achieved it are not even noticed by most other bassists. [/quote] Happy to add a +1 to that.
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