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Everything posted by icastle

  1. It's called a molex connector.
  2. They've been in the valve business for donkeys years. What they don't know about valves probably isn't worth knowing.
  3. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1459898029' post='3020753'] Have you inspected it to make sure it's not a build-up of dust and dirt? I usually find a good clean and a blast of wd40 in the bearings does the trick. [/quote] Switch cleaner is a better alternative as it evaporates quickly and leaves next to no residue - the bearings are generally unlubricated and WD40 has a tendency to get blown in all directions when the fan spins if you're not careful.
  4. Voice coil or crossover. If its the voicecoil the speaker will need reconing or replacing - reconing isn't something you can do cheaply or effectively at home, especially if you've not done it before. If its the crossover then you might be able to get it fixed easily, or do it yourself if you can handle a soldering iron. Something that might give you a clue is to remove the front speaker grille(s) and lay the cab on its back. Gently, push the cone(s) back using the palm of you hand. They should depress smoothly (no grating noises) and spring back to their original position when you release the pressure - if its blown then it will grate like sandpaper. If the cones feel ok then release one of the speakers (so you can get inside the cab) and look for burnt components on the crossover circuit board. hth
  5. I've always just shoved stuff into the Active or 'Hi' socket regardless of what bass it is. Never had an amp go bang, never had a problem with distortion, and I hate distorted bass, so I'd notice. I think its a conspiracy leftover from yesteryear put there simply to satisfy a bassists need to analyse stuff into oblivion.
  6. Most of the musicians I know gig, or have done in the past. I also know a few that refuse to go within 20' of a microphone and perhaps never will - they're perfectly content doing what they do in the way that they do it. In the same way that not every person has the ability or interest in playing a musical instrument, not every person who can play a musical instrument wants to perform - you've only got to look at the number of guitars sold each year to work out it'd be bloody noisy if they did...
  7. Play for long enough and socialise with other musicians and the problem goes away. If I have an urge to play something different to what I normally play I just pick up my phone book (I'm not a fan of electronic phone books ), ring up a few people and can put together a gig ready band in a matter of a couple of weeks. It'll last for a little while and then we'll all drift off again and do other stuff. Next time round the focus will change and there'll be other faces involved because they bring something different to the overall mix. I have a couple of regular 'core' bands, but everything else is a 'project' with a fluid membership that keeps stuff interesting.
  8. [quote name='Indy' timestamp='1459368717' post='3015955'] You would be correct, useless! Thank you for the response. I'll take it to someone who knows what they're doing. Thanks [/quote] No problem Indy. In the meantime I promise to stay off the catwalk.
  9. There are two inputs on the cab so you daisy chain out of the first cab into a second one. As for the evenly spaced 'thuds' thats most likely a duff electrolytic capacitor, probably around the power supply area of the board. I get the impression that you are to electronics what I am to male modelling, so an amp tech is probably your best bet with that.
  10. Not had it for many years. I am a content man.
  11. Depends on what feel I'm looking for. Could be flicking fingers, could be a straight 'strum' using forefinger and thumb, could be a guitar style finger pick (thumb and as many fingers as I need to play it comfortably). There are no 'rules' as such, just different styles and techniques.
  12. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1458728183' post='3010160'] I cannot see how you chose what value each pot is unless yo choose a value and it is the same for both? [/quote] That's the way dual pots come.
  13. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1458836623' post='3011410'] I bought a 25 watt Antex iron from Maplins about 25 years ago and it's still going strong. [/quote] Those go on forever, I've got a 17w one ('cos I'm so delicate ) that I must have had for a similar amount of time.
  14. Speaking as an ex retailer, 'out of stock' might mean they're selling loads of them and can't keep up with demand. On the other hand it might mean they're not convinced that keeping them as a stock item is a great idea. I'd seriously try before buying...
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1458561446' post='3008528'] I think it's a jolly pop song. I've played it before and audiences like it, a lot. Any song that causes such a positive response would always be on my list of songs to do. I don't see why people should rant about songs they play in cover bands. Every song you play to an audience should be your best performance. A cover band isn't about personal favourites, it's about the business of entertaining an audience. [/quote] +1 I currently play in several cover bands. I've played in cover bands for most of my 36 years as a musician. I can honestly say that I haven't liked any of the songs enough to listen to them outside of the band setting - even the one's I suggest we cover. There's a compromise between playing what you like and keeping an audience engaged, and if you go too far you're going to struggle to get repeat bookings. Personally, I'd much rather play Mustang Sally to a room full of people shouting 'RIDE SALLY RIDE' at the top of their voices than a 'personal favourite' that people aren't interested in hearing.
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1458583184' post='3008843'] Try hitting the button on the top left of the composer that looks like a lightswitch to turn off all the rich text editing stuff, that should help. [/quote] Yep, that's the way round the problem.
  17. "I'm getting married in the morning" always brings a tear to my eye, but that might be fear...
  18. Reading through the instructions, they've used T nuts on the inside of the cab. The T nut has prongs on it that bite into the wood as you tighten the bolt into it... All you have to watch out for is that you don't push down on the screw as you turn it - do that and the nut will disattach itself from the wood inside and then you'll have to remove the speaker to get it back. Seriously, it's so easy that even a Mod could do it...
  19. Those 9v battery snaps are always pennies and always the first thing I test when something stops working. They come in two grades: 1) Sh*t and dead. 2) Sh*t and not dead yet.
  20. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1457390614' post='2998160'] You are right but the big guitar builders always cut costs on the electrics. They would go for 20% as I this usually lower priced. [/quote] Except of course that they don't use electrolytics in the bog standard passive circuits we're talking about here.
  21. Depends what you're using them for. The FXX range accepts a larger diameter cable and has had a few minor design changes to remove some of the complaints that are sometimes made about XLRs in general (fiddly latching system, awkward to get an earth connection onto the plug casing). I like the look of them, but to be honest they're massive overkill for what I, and probably most of us, want out of an XLR.
  22. What often seems to happen on BassChat is that 'the one' gets replaced with a new 'the one' about a dozen times.
  23. It's not the destination that matters, it's what you do on the journey.
  24. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1457291802' post='2997094'] Now why didnt i think of that ? This why its best to ask [/quote] It's why I wear a cloak and my underpants outside my trousers.
  25. How about getting a splitter cable and sharing the 500mA output between the Soundblox and BSW? If your figures are correct, combined they'll only draw between 200mA and 420mA.
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