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Everything posted by icastle

  1. There's more than one server, but the one that sends mail is in the US. Not sure what you're using to block the mail, but adding an exception to the US block shouldn't be too hard.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1399764461' post='2447519'] As for UPS, that's getting into the realms of quite specialised gear and I'd share icastle's point about the power quality. I've heard of 'true sinewave' units so I'm sure it would be possible, but at what cost? [/quote] About £250 for a basic 'no name' one, but that'll only buy you 500VA for about 6 minutes as there's an extra overhead involved in providing an unclipped sinewave.
  3. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1399674833' post='2446684'] Hi Bob. I dont think you can, well I've never been able to. I've read of other folk having the same problem too. I just usually put the new price in the title or in the post. Hope this helps. [/quote] ^ This is the way to do it.
  4. The sort of UPSs that are even remotely portable generally clip the top of the AC wave form off. That's fine in an IT environment where everything you hang off the back of a UPS is digital, but hanging analogue gear off the back of it is likely to be an unpleasant experience. Surge protectors offer some basic protection and are as cheap as chips. IMO, the single most important piece of kit if you're worried about electric supplies is something like this:
  5. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1399408385' post='2444017'] But which is the best power cable for Metal? [/quote]
  6. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1399158201' post='2441709'] Fender have never persisted with their brief bursts into innovation. [/quote] Probably for the best.
  7. I've done this on occasion as well but absolutely hate it. 30+ years of playing with a bass rig behind you will do that.
  8. My next door neighbour has spent nearly £400 on posh kitchen taps. Mine are the cheapest things I could find at B&Q. Does their tap water taste any better than mine?
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1399148572' post='2441597'] But the fact remains that on some bass amps in certain situations , these cable could improve the sound . [/quote] That situation being "I haven't got a mains lead"...
  10. I particularly liked the 'hospital grade components' claim. You're not going to find any of this rubbish in a hospital anywhere - that polyester sleeve is going to harbour all sorts of nasties, but I guess it'll allow you to keep hold of it - snake oil is distinctly slippery.
  11. Beedster - if you have an issue with moderation then you really need to take it to PM as per the T&Cs.
  12. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1398898735' post='2438950'] No, you were trying to escalate as opposed to moderate. I agree with most of the posts suggesting that this should be left alone, despite the poor response in the original thread, but not for the first timeIMO your unhelpful intervention seems to be aimed at pushing things along as opposed to diffusing or resolving them [/quote] So in other words, neither of us are actually waiting for a bass but both of us want to see people who are waiting get theirs.
  13. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1398898252' post='2438942'] He says he's updated the phone number on his website. [/quote] I checked - the number has been updated.
  14. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1398897942' post='2438941'] How do you know I'm not? [/quote] I don't, that's why I asked the question.
  15. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1398897133' post='2438925'] But it wasn't, or at least, if it was becoming one they, Letts, were providing the rope. Whilst the feedback forum is normally the place, it was clear that in this case it was about more than feeding back, but about trying to get something done. I don't think the thread should have been closed until the OP's situation had been resolved, most appropriately I'd guess by a full refund. [/quote] How long have you been waiting for your Letts bass now?
  16. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1398896098' post='2438908'] Normally me too, especially when there's a good debate/argument going on. But a public execution leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. [/quote] Which is exactly why I closed it down. What possible good can come out of a bunch of people, most of whom aren't even waiting on a bass to keep stating the bleeding obvious? It's already a matter of record that some people have had problems and are unhappy, it's a matter of record that one of Jon's employees made a mistake. It's just coming across as petty now.
  17. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1398890496' post='2438805'] Sometimes it feels as though you just can't do anything right. [/quote] Quite. Right folks, Jon has explained the situation and has stated that he is working towards removing the backlog before he moves to his new premises in June. He knows he's had a problem, and we know he's had a problem. Brent made a faux pas and I'm sure the message has sunken in without needing to be told that repeatedly. I think we're done here.
  18. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1398856285' post='2438271'] I do now want a Shiny Silver Star Deputy badge though.... [/quote] Get out of my head.
  19. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1398852647' post='2438184'] my main concern with using deps is a quality of performance issue, so you've been playing in a band for a number of years, building up to a 2 hour set, I don't really understand how someone can come in with minimal rehearsal and do a good job, or maybe it's just that I couldn't/wouldn't want to do it, it is slightly different for drummers, they can wing it a lot more easily [/quote] It really depends on the type of band. If it's a covers band then the chances are that I've played most of the material before which gives me a head start. Key shifts can be a PITA with 'familiar' songs, so you have to be able to play it in any key without fumbling. Keeping a close eye on everyone in the band is also useful as you can pick up a lot in visual cues. If it's an originals band then you obviously lose the advantage of 'familiarity' and have to put a lot more work in beforehand. If you get 'zero time' then this is your best option:
  20. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1398851805' post='2438168'] The dep player is probably as good, if not better than me but I am confident enough that I will not be replaced, they are friends at the end of the day and I am confident enough in the job I do for the band. [/quote] I do quite a lot of dep work and most of it is 'repeat business' from the same bands or 'word of mouth' recommendations from people I've worked with before, so I must be regarded as being able to do a half reasonable job. Deps are there purely to fill a temporary gap in the same way that I may need a plumber for the duration of a piece of work, no more and no less. Replacing the band member permanently is a topic that has never arisen, although it will at some point I'm sure. I dep purely for the money and, as nice as the rest of the people in the band may be, I've got to be brutally honest and say that there's every probability that I'd not want to play with them on a permanent basis.
  21. Some really nice studio spaces here. All of my gear has been piled into a spare bedroom for several years, but I've got a 45' x 23' brick built outhouse down the garden that I [b]will[/b] get around to converting... one of these days.
  22. [quote name='jamondrums' timestamp='1398809696' post='2437951'] I definitely welcome any trial for anyone interested. Just don't be bringing the wife round...as you say, it'd be a long walk home with a broken leg. [/quote] Fixed.
  23. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1398806586' post='2437895'] I've never even heard of them - what a sh*t name. [/quote] Oooh - no need to be such a snarky puppy about it...
  24. A middle aged spread?
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