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Everything posted by icastle

  1. I'm sure the same discussion has been held every decade. Things are never 'what they used to be' and it really all depends on how well you are able to ride those changes should you decide to try to.
  2. Pity you can't get Artisan basses... http://www.fender.com/en-GB/custom-shop/guitars/stratocaster/?series=artisan
  3. Perhaps not the prettiest models to have come out of Matsumoku, but eminently playable and well constructed.
  4. Frankly, if a bassist is halfway good then they'll know what will work and stay away from things that wont. If what comes out the other end is rubbish then you've chosen a crap bass player.
  5. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1397391205' post='2423408'] its a behringer fbq 1502 unit, got it secondhand on ebay, worth getting it looked at to be repaired? or just go grab a new eq? [/quote] They're only £70 new so this has the potential to cost you more to get repaired than you actually paid for it in the first place. Personally, I'd draw a line under it and move on.
  6. Whilst the threat remains there won't be a change in BC policy regarding this. It's not about who's 'right' or 'wrong', it's about who has the most money to fight a legal battle and it's both unfair and unrealistic to expect the owners of BC to have that fight.
  7. Most of my bands gigs are private functions so we do tend no to have too many pub gigs. We do about 4 or 5 a year and use them as showcases to which we invite prospective clients along to - always the same pub. The locals like us and a good plastering of posters a few weeks beforehand ensures that they always turn out. Prospective clients are rarely single and we regularly see previous clients coming along to see us again - often with their friends who 'might want to book us' as well. We also have a group of hardcore 'fans' who always come and see us when we play in pubs because there's not a lot of opportunity to see us throughout the rest of the year. As there's always a couple of months gap, we've always got some new material to surprise them with as well. From a financial perspective, the pub has always taken significantly more than they normally take on a Saturday and we've often come away with more money than we'd agreed to.
  8. For me, gloss appears to be the default setting no matter what the original finish was. All but one of my basses started off with satin necks and they all end up with a high gloss finish within a month of using them. It's a good job I don't scratch my head very often.
  9. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1396977430' post='2419401'] In any event, while such expenditure may be set against profits for tax purposes, no amount of tax breaks will overcome an absence of profits. In such cases it merely reduces the loss after tax; which in the greater scheme of things is precious little use to the loss-making landlord or company. [/quote] That kinda depends on how well the pub has done prior to letting the band within half a mile of the place.
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1396972770' post='2419314'] The statistics vary wildly but I've seen profit per pint quoted as being between 12p and £1.10. Even at the higher figure a landlord will have to sell an extra 200 or so pints to cover the band. That's around 50 people at 4 pints each or about 66 people at 3 pints each - just to break even. Now there may be local bands who can regularly pull 66 punters whenever they play. But can they guarantee it? If not, the landlord loses money. [/quote] My understanding is that many breweries have a entertainments budget which is used as a tax write off anyway. If that's the case then the gamble for the landlord isn't quite as large, or indeed, clear cut.
  11. Well... It's not the amp - you've already changed that . It's not a bad ring main - you've had the problem at other locations. It's not the leads - you've changed those. Despite what the guitar shop says, it can only be the bass.
  12. It has an Eastern European look about it - something like a Musima perhaps?
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1396881048' post='2418304'] The simple reply is 'No'. I'm not interested in comparing my earning ability with others, i whatever field, and I don't look over my shoulder to see how I'm dong vis-à-vis others. [/quote] I don't have any interest in that either, never have been and never will be. Although music isn't my sole income, it does provide me with an income of sorts and I protect that by ensuring I get paid. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1396881048' post='2418304'] Most especially if I was an archer; I'd be more interested in hitting the target as best I can. [/quote] I'd be more interested in running away from you very very quickly.
  14. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1396879706' post='2418275'] If I took up archery, I'd have to pay for the bow, the arrows, the transport etc, but wouldn't expect to rock up to an event and be paid for it.. why should music be different? or am I missing something completely [/quote] The main difference is that your investment in time and equipment is being used to provide a free profit. It's a little bit like you lending me your car in the evenings so I can use it as a taxi and me returning it every morning with an empty tank and never giving you any money for it.
  15. I have a standard 'test' I apply before agreeing to play for nothing. If everyone else involved (i.e. bar staff, PA provider) is getting paid then I expect the same professional courtesy as everyone else involved.
  16. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1396782076' post='2417197'] If your account is anything like mine, the majority of my own posts don't appear when I hit 'View New Content' and sometimes don't even appear in 'My Content'. It was all fine until the 'upgrade' a year or so back..... [/quote] It's not just you mate - mine doesn't work either. I spent some time fiddling with the settings for it a while back and came to the conclusion that it has a technical problem starting with 'F' and ending with 'D'. The next upgrade should take care of it.
  17. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1396621786' post='2415773'] They are just patterns that seem to sound right. [/quote] Which is essentially what scales are. You probably know more than you think but just don't know what the names are yet.
  18. He's one of the many bass players I've only heard of since arriving here and I've been playing for about 35 years. Like nearly all of them, he just doesn't 'do it' for me.
  19. A good repair with enough change out of a fiver to buy a bag of chips. Excellent.
  20. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1396524130' post='2414582'] Sorry, I've got no pics of this, but any suggestions on how to remove a screw not much thicker than a darning needle, that is embedded in maple with a tiny bit sticking out would be welcome. [/quote] Well if it's only a tiny bit sticking out, how about drilling a slight recess in the surround so it fit's over the piece of remaining screw?
  21. A lot of them, yes. All of them, no. I'd guess that I'm like most people, I learn the ones I need and add to them if I have to.
  22. Well Boss pedals are negative tip, so the polarity is OK for the G50 and looking at the G50 manual it shows it as needing 300mA. If it fits, it should work. EDIT: But you already know that because you tried it out while I was typing.
  23. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1396217763' post='2411175'] Using the method in the post above but with near boiling water in the bin would have done the job in a few mins rather than weeks as the heat just speeds the process up no end. [/quote] That's a much better idea. IIRC, I went climbing for a week and just left it dangling. I'm wondering if one of those wallpaper steamers with the head disconnected might help - plenty of steam off of one of those.
  24. [quote name='jjscreeds' timestamp='1396475161' post='2414220'] they are j112 transistors, i just edited the above post with another idea, 1 more transistor is on the pcb and thats in the input gain circuit [/quote] One of the big drawbacks with FETs is that they are prone to failure from voltage spikes and you could have potentially had those when the cable broke. The direct equivalent is a BF245C and they're only pennies... http://www.conrad-electronic.co.uk/ce/en/product/157120/BF-245-C-MOSFET-BF-245-C-N-channel-TO-92-01A-30V As for replacing TR1, it's more common to test components before replacing them, but quite honestly, by the time you've got the PCB out, and for the sake of 30p it's probably easier to just replace it.
  25. [quote name='jjscreeds' timestamp='1396465219' post='2414063'] Thanks for the diagrams, reading the output stage bit about a transistor between the output and ground that is switched on by sw3 (standby switch) and the drain is the same voltage as the source and shorts that out to ground for standby. Could that be why i cant switch to standby? and if so where is it on the diagram? because the standby switch does nothing but turn the led on, the amp functions as normal, maybe its not grounding the output. maybe tr22 and tr23? but the parts list for the main pcb is incomplete [/quote] I didn't read the whole thing, I just got as far as the first diagram and looked for something that'd make a noise. Yes, TR22 and TR23 will both drop a signal to ground when the standby switch is off, so (provided the switch is working of course) that'd be a good place to look at. I've no idea what they are though, as you correctly state, they aren't listed. They'll be in the positions labelled TR22 and TR23 on the PCB though and the components will have a value stamped on them.
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