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Everything posted by icastle

  1. Out of interest, what make of powered desk is it?
  2. I picked up a 12 string acoustic like that years ago. I had no absolutely no idea how to straighten it but it was a trade in for something else and had only cost about £20 in real terms. [b][u]This is what I did, it's not necessarily the right way to do it though.[/u][/b] I took off the machine heads and slackened the truss rod right off. I then filled a tall pedal bin full of water and immersed the neck and then left it for a week. I made two wooden neck braces (one flat, the other with a contour cut out to accept the back of the neck). I used half a dozen C clamps and then tightened the whole thing up, making sure I put plenty of pressure on the opposite side of the twist (essentially persuading it to pull back the other way). I then stuck it in the airing cupboard like that for about three weeks. Once a week I'd take it out and tighten up the C clamps again. Restrung it, put a new set of strings on, retightened the truss rod and set it up. I've still got it, still play it and the neck is as straight as an arrow.
  3. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1395782719' post='2406348'] Ditto. I also switch the bass I take out with me; depending on the band, the type of venue, colour of shirt I'm wearing or any other whim. [/quote] I'll switch basses, but only depending on band - I have slightly less fashion sense than someone without any at all. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1395782719' post='2406348'] Sometimes I run out of EQ 'fiddle time' or just get bored and stop doing it. No one ever seems to notice anyway. [/quote] I don't usually get that problem as I pretty much have a 'one sound fits all' sort of approach with any tweaks being done using the bass tone controls and playing position.
  4. I really should read things properly before I click on links. I thought Status had got into acoustics for a moment there.
  5. [quote name='Titus Bramble' timestamp='1395865572' post='2407456'] I've found my way through the system! [/quote] Don't worry - it'll get you lost again shortly I'm sure.
  6. Ah the missing Mr Bramble. Welcome aboard.
  7. I absolutely loathe going to gigs as an audience member. By the time the third song starts I generally just want to go home.
  8. You've done an absolutely fantastic job on that Nige. Work driven by love always stands out. There have been a lot of build threads on here that have made me think 'that's bl**dy good' and one that made me think 'Wow!'. There are two now. Of course, even well deserved praise has to be balanced up or else the world would cease to exist, so it's good to see you've got rid of that dodgy looking guitar stand that featured in the first pic you posted.
  9. One of us visits the venue a week or more before the gig. It gives the owner a recognisable face to deal with on the night, allows us to see if we need to make any special provisions for power\cable runs and we put up the posters to save the owner the effort. That 10 minute visit has saved us a lot of mucking about on the night on many occasions.
  10. I play in lots of different places, so I just use the 'flat' setting as a starting off point and adjust until it sounds right.
  11. You wanna come round my house and fix my washing machine?
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1395741052' post='2405594'] Personally, I'd get it to Bernie. It's dead easy to blow the LEDs with a short, especially with the older GB Controller that is in this Status. When you see the amount of strands coming off the circuit board, you'll see what I mean. [/quote] +1 If this is a clever piece of kit that has different light patterns then I'd say just look for a loose wire, if you find it then great, if you don't then hand it back to the manufacturer. Digging blown LEDs out of a fingerboard isn't my idea of a fun afternoon.
  13. Despite the phrase 'learning curve', it's not a smooth path from 'absolute beginner' to 'accomplished player'. It's a series of plateaus, some will be easy to cross, others somewhat harder. It's not a race, take your time and get it right.
  14. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1395704398' post='2405435'] It's now SOLD wood. [/quote]
  15. These guys are good: http://www.neonstudios.co.uk/. Last time I went over there the place was absolutely immaculate. They have a cafe, a licensed bar and keep a small stock of 'oh sh*t I forgot to bring my xyz' type musical accessories.
  16. Is the on\off switch connected to the battery?
  17. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1395688939' post='2405168'] Is it possible there's an accumulation of 'crud' at the end of the track causing the bad connection? Have you tried spraying switch cleaner into the pot to see if that helps at all? [/quote] That's OK up to a point, but to have accumulated that much crud then it's likely that a lot of it is going to be the carbon track of the pot anyway. It might buy a few months grace though, so no harm in trying.
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1395677529' post='2404961'] Is it all clear now? [/quote] Yep, but I should keep your kevlar knickers on for a day or two.
  19. My guess would be a faulty switch that is applying a short circuit instead of breaking it.
  20. 100% my own rig every time.
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1395602470' post='2404236'] but....................... I'll stop digging, I think [/quote] You OK down there or do you need a step ladder?
  22. Weird gig on Friday night. Small town pub, rap music blaring so loud that setting up was done using sign language, and a middle to upper aged crowd sat waiting expectantly. We played the first song and the audience moved their seats into 'seated gig formation' on the dance floor and sat there the whole night, listening intently and clapping enthusiastically at the end of each song and someone coming up to us at the end of the last set and asking if we'd "possibly consider playing a couple more songs". Never experienced anything like it with a rock covers band.
  23. I always carry a spare head and a DI box. Belt and braces man me.
  24. No problem, glad you've got it working.
  25. In that case, soldering it to the back of one of the pots will do the job.
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