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Everything posted by icastle

  1. I have a couple of 4s and a 6 but my main 'go to' bass has been a 5 for many years now. On my occasional 'window shopping' sessions, I totally disregard 4s these days.
  2. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1453673424' post='2961727'] How does one carve silence? [/quote] With a shhhhaw.
  3. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1453238951' post='2957807'] Boss - light blue thingy [/quote] [quote name='Urban Bassman' timestamp='1453242189' post='2957844'] Me to, does what I need it to do. [/quote] ...unless you want dark green of course...
  4. An old DOD FX65 that I bought about 30 years ago and is still going strong.
  5. Do you have dimmer switches in your house?
  6. What's his name again?
  7. I don't so much have a gap, I have a chasm. We have revered bass players mentioned here all the time and, in all honesty, I could sit next to them on a bus and not know who they were or who they've played with. In my early days here it used to bother me a little, but not enough to feel the need to rectify it as they've probably never heard of me either.
  8. Five basses and an EUB. I play in several bands and do a lot of recording and dep work in between, so they pretty much all get used with the exception of a Fender JB which I only use when I have to.
  9. It's possible to spend an absolute fortune on a couple of guitar leads and gain relatively little back in the way of quality. You want cable from a well known manufacturer, Klotz or Van Damme. The plugs need to be Neutriks. That combination is about as good as you're ever going to get. I believe there's someone on here that makes these cables... I'm sure someone will be along in a minute to remind me who it is...
  10. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1451853036' post='2944097'] For a pedal to only take what millamps it needs, doesnt the PS need to be the regulated kind ? [/quote] Nope. The current drawn is dictated by the item thats drawing the current. Think of your household ring main. It'll probably be on a 16A breaker but a 60w table lamp plugged into it will only draw about 4A, not the 16A available to it. A regulated power supply just keeps the output voltage constant as the load on it increases (up to its rated maximum load).
  11. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1451652632' post='2942085'] What's this electricity you speak of sorcerer? [/quote]
  12. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1451652317' post='2942079'] I joined TALKTALK in September, biggest mistake I've made. Virgin got daft expensive, hence changing. TALKTALK is like going back 20 years to dial up via fax line They have been written to twice, second time telling them to get their sh*te out of my house. Still awaiting reply [/quote] TALK TALK are a rebrand of Tiscali UK. The Tiscali group spread themselves both very wide and very thin and, as a result of that, it was extremely difficult and expensive for them to upgrade and maintain their infrastructure. TALK TALK may have introduced new services but there are some big clues out there that show they're still using old Tiscali infrastructure.
  13. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1451641759' post='2941936'] Yes, welcome to the South West's super information Highway. There's glaciers retreating quicker than my BB [/quote] Well, there are a lot of technical reasons why you guys are getting poor bb down in the South West but it's mostly to do with being too close to the edge of the world.
  14. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1451595281' post='2941804'] Would whatever these attacks are possibly be responsible for my home internet keep dropping out, restarting or whatever you call it? The front of my BT hub keeps going red for thirty seconds or so before returning to the normal blue. [/quote] Nope.
  15. Reopened Limelight Jazz bump
  16. If you see -5.7v instead of 5.7v then you've almost certainly got your DVM leads back to front. The Thunder 1A uses an 18v supply, so the two batteries are wired in series. That means that the cheapo battery will run out quicker than the Duracell and the whole thing, as you've found, stops working. Best off replacing the batteries in matching pairs.
  17. Lindisfarne are for life, not just xmas. I do know what you mean though, 10cc always remind me of Cambridge and I have absolutely no idea why as they came from Manchester.
  18. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1450470485' post='2933231'] It Does have two green packet things soldered onto the switch I assume these are some sort of caps? No value on them. So really unsure about them if they had a value I would replace them. On the switching off thud this isn't a thud it's a loud bang/pop so I turn it down before I switch off issue solved. I checked the caps and resistors and zero signs of any damage at all. Amp sounds great really liking it, shame about the noise. it's useable for now though and not as bad as some old valve amps I've had. [/quote] Aha! Those green packet things are capacitors. You can't verify their effectiveness by just looking at them though. They act as a, somewhat crude, thud supressor. On the side of them there will be some numbers and a letter... something like 104K. Tell me what's written there and I'll tell you what value you're looking for.
  19. I don't know that amp specifically, but a lot of amps from that era had a capacitor soldered to the back of the mains switch. If yours has this then change it. It's a simple thing to do and the caps are cheap enough to make it a worthwhile punt.
  20. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1450428181' post='2932608'] So the majority of us took up bass because it was the only instrument left in our first bands? ... doesn't say much about our instruments appeal does it [/quote] I prefer to look at it as being the path of least resistance. In the intervening years I've also gigged and recorded as a guitarist as well, but it's a bit like going on holiday - you look forward to being somewhere different, you enjoy being there, but its always nice to get home.
  21. It was the usual 'bunch of mates' thing with me. Everyone wanted to play guitar so I chose bass, primarily as there were no arguments attached. When the fascination died off, as it often inevitably does at that age when the realisation finally hits home that there's more to being a succesful musician than just preening, posturing and self promotion, they all stopped playing and... I just never got around to it. That was 35+ years ago and I've been lucky enough to have filled those years playing with some fabulous musicians and loved every day of it.
  22. Windows 8.n and IE11? A workaround is here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/231036-why-doesnt-my-enter-key-work/
  23. Quite aside from the tech and safety aspects, it's also a good way to deter grey imports.
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