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Everything posted by icastle

  1. Is it not just a massive great resistor that is either in circuit or not?
  2. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1432718810' post='2784159'] I definitely saw him first, anyway it's my forum so I'll just have the last word and delete the database and shut down the server [/quote] Note to Charic: Order plane tickets to Bolivia before Ped realises that we swapped his laptop for an Etch-a-Sketch.
  3. Yeah, I know about this bug. It's not just the mobile site it affects, it's decidedly flaky on the full site as well. The upcoming software upgrade seems to not have this issue, so hang in there.
  4. From what I understand it was a link to someone selling fake Rickenbackers. We've been over this repeatedly, we do not allow that here.
  5. Kodak branded alkalines for me. I get about a year from a Duracell and about 9 months out of a Kodak. I get mine from one of those pound shops... for £1.
  6. I very much doubt there was the equivalent of four card thicknesses of paint you removed, but if you're sure you've reassembled everything properly then your only real alternatives are to deepen the neck pocket or get a shim underneath the bridge. If you go for the shim option, don't forget to make sure that the grounding wire under the bridge is above the shim so it can make contact with the bridge or you'll get a whole pile of other problems.
  7. When I first moved up to the Midlands I knew absolutely nobody. I went to an open mic night and got some contacts. Within a month was playing in one band and depping for a number of others. That grew and I'm now in three bands, depping has increased and I'm in and out of studios pretty much most months. My advice would be to get yourself out there, do some networking and get into the local scene.
  8. I can't really afford to have a 'hatred' for any genre, but there are certainly musical types that I won't listen to given the choice. Fortunately, I am of the age now where being asked to play with a rap, grunge or thrash band or recording are long gone. Unfortunately, I still get asked to play country & western, jazz and ridiculously angst ridden 'fake folk' stuff about unrequited love.
  9. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1430917879' post='2765910'] Ah man...you've just hexed me and I'm going to snap my rod now! [/quote] One can only hope that's not a euphemism...
  10. My gut reaction is to aim at the noisiest pots first. Check to make sure there's no loose wiring there and swap it out if necessary. You don’t generally get crackling noises after moving a mechanical item (i.e. a pot) without a mechanical fault (i.e. a duff track or intermittent connection).
  11. You really have to go some to break a truss rod. If it's easy to turn then it's barely 'pulling' and you'll easily get another turn out of it.
  12. If its a crackling then that indicates a bad connection somewhere in the vicinity of a movable part. First up, check for dry joints and loose wires. Second job would be to eliminate the jack socket from the equation. SRs all use barrel sockets and they have been known to fail regardless of manufacturer. Squirting switch cleaner into pots will clear out any debris, but if the track on the pot is damaged or the wiper has become worn, no amount of switch cleaner is going to fix that. If the first and second steps don't fix the problem, then I'd be inclined to identify the worst pot and change it. If that pot then starts behaving itself, then change the rest of them. IIRC the barts used in the SR series have to be powered, so changing to a passive setup would be awkward and would achieve nothing if the pots are faulty anyway. HTH EDIT: 9v 'flying' battery connectors all have one thing in common, they're all sh*t, so try wiggling the wires and see if that makes a difference as well.
  13. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1430813282' post='2764688'] Extended range bass music sounds very different from what you typically get from a bassist and guitarist working together. There's no reason why we can't have both of these, and more, styles of music and performance. [/quote] Listening to the earlier example and separating the two parts, the 'bass part' was poorly intonated and the 'guitar part' was what I'd expect from a guitarist with only a few months experience. Sure, it's a neat trick, but it reminds me of a bass version of this:
  14. Call me old fashioned but I'd much rather listen to a bassist and guitarist working together than someone trying to do both.
  15. You can't rush these things...
  16. Blimey. No chance of tuning that beastie in 30 seconds.
  17. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1430722730' post='2763894'] Pretty crowded. [/quote]
  18. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1430687306' post='2763782'] I can remember reading somewhere that pots manufactured in other markets can often be marked the other way round, A=linear & B=log [/quote] There were some issues around standardisation of codes some years ago, but that doesn't apply here because 'B' wasn't used back then. My example is the general accepted standard now. The 'old standard' used A for linear and C for log. If you'd specified 'A50k' then things could have got confusing.
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1430688540' post='2763796'] Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Mr Average [/quote] Hello Mr Average. What's it like up there?
  20. A is log, B is linear. Therefore, a B50k is linear.
  21. I have a 'bonding issue' with Fender. It doesn't matter if it's a PB, JB, acoustic guitar or Telecaster, I always feel pretty underwhelmed by the experience. No hatred of the brand, it just doesn't tick any boxes with me. The only exception is their Stratocaster which I'm quite happy playing with very little arm twisting, or indeed encouragement. I do actually own a JB, it rarely leaves the case and I groan inwardly whenever I get cornered into having to use it. In all fairness to Fender, they were designed to be mass produced to suit an 'average' user. I'm not an 'average' anything - interpret that as you wish.
  22. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1430635238' post='2763170'] i get where you guys are coming from and think you guys keep and excellent handle on all the crap that must go on, i just look at this issue from my personal area of caution and that's my personal reaction to seeing something that expensive advertised by someone i've never met and have no way of tracking down ever again. [/quote] Nothing wrong with that in the slightest. There are three common items that nearly always appear during conversations about bad deals: 1) I paid using Paypal Gift. 2) I thought it sounded too good to be true. 3) I had a feeling about this but...
  23. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1430508490' post='2762229'] I once contacted a seller of a Westone Thunder who was saying "RARE RARE RARE". They said that it was rare compared to a Squier. There were about six Thunders up on eBay at that time. [/quote] They are rare in a way. It's probably the only bass from that price range in the 1980s to still appear with the regularity it does.
  24. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1430613190' post='2763135'] Hmmmm.....I am always skeptical of newbies flogging stuff from anywhere east of Norwich. [/quote] If it's east of Norwich then it's going to be naturally fishy anyway...
  25. One thing chaps, if you have suspicions or concerns about an advert, it'd be much gentler and nicer to tell me or another mod about it by PM.
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