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Everything posted by glefty

  1. And now for the ginger headed step kids that will be up for sale at some point...
  2. This may be better L-R, Tune Bass Maniac 5, Fernandes P-Project 5, NSD NXT4, Ibanez EHBMS5L, Steinberger Spirit XZ25, GoldTone Fretless MBF, Aria 68-5, FauxFender 4, MIJ Tele, Godin A6, MIJ Tele Thinline, Spirit GT, '88 Steinberger GL4T Back in Aus: '92 Steinberger XL2L Elite 5 narrow, converted to lined fretless 4 & XL25WL, Warwick Thumb b/o 5 & Corvette 5F, Ibanez SR505, Tune Bass Maniac 4 converted to 5, Musicman Sterling 4
  3. Been a while so hopefully you can see the pic in the next post ....
  4. These basses were produced in Japan in the early-mid 90s, a boutique Fernandes so it's a bit of a collectors item; I have a lefty 5 string and it's probably one of only a few ever produced lefty, 4 or 5 string. It's a beautiful quality build, sounds amazing & it ain't going nowhere. Enjoy your gold chicken's tooth you found in a pile of rocking horse poop: a holy grail!
  5. Sorry, just saw pups info but anything else you think relevant. Cheers
  6. G'day mate, very interested, can u give us some dimensions, like string spacing at bridge and nut, weight, pups, etc. for those not in the UK. Cheers, lefty bro!
  7. I'm a foreigner in Japan so didn't pay any duties n back home in Oz we've got a A$1k leeway for this kind of stuff but I guess they slug you guys mightily in the UK with VAT. Still seems like a decent deal for a genuine G&L neck though, even with the extra
  8. Just letting you all know that these necks are available again on the G&L site. Bought 2, a 5 & a 4 so got 3 now, just need to do something with them. DIY lefties rule!
  9. Get a new guitarist without manhood inadequacy issues & problem solved! Oh, hang on a sec........
  10. If u guys wanna find out what Jeff n Andy r up 2, go 2 TB thread 'Future of Genz Benz' but Andy is at Mesa n Jeff is laying low, or in wait, probably coz of the FMIC gag/no compete clause I'd guess. If any of u need repairs etc, the GB boys r still advising on n servicing their brill products so how's that 4 amazing CS?? Ffffffender's bean counters n thinking heads must've all grown up near high voltage power lines n now wear their tinfoil hats 24/7. Effing ffffender!
  11. The only real issues with them are the neck dive on the bolt-on's (the NT models don't have this and came first) and the aesthetics that many don't like. Wow, I'd say the opposite on the neck dive. I have a lefty B/O Thumb 5 n while it has a little lean that way, it's entirely manageable but when I played a lefty NT 5 in a store this year with a view to buying, it was an ergo nightmare; kept wanting to head to the floor & after 15 mins of strap playing my whole torso & arms were feeling pain, mainly from the further reach needed & keeping the neck up in a 30-40 degree angle as is usual for me. I really wanted to like & buy it, as it was a great price but just couldn't. I'm also 5'6 so being a midget may have some bearing but I've never had that bad a time with any other bass, & I have 2 Steinbergers & a Hohner B2V so I know a thing or 2 about stretchy positioning.
  12. Not sure that markbass & reliability isn't an oxymoron as my MBLMII promptly shut itself down in 2007. 2 weeks after the warranty expired, 4 weeks prior 2 an overseas move so it's still in storage waiting 2 b repaired n then very promptly sold. Great sound, iffy reliability. Caveat emptor so Chinese MB or US GK? GK by a light year. My 2c.
  13. Oops, sorry, guess I was mistaken then. I'm pretty sure my defretted Steiny xl2 still has the zero fret as a nut but it's on the other side of the world so I can't check it. I'd guess the spirits would need to have the zero fret as it would be pretty costly to ramp a wood neck/fingerboard, even that small amount, no? The graphites were all moulded so it was easier I suppose. Of course, the luthier could file the zero fret down to compensate as a nut also. Good luck with it.
  14. http://g-l-online-store.myshopify.com/collections/necks This is the link.
  15. Not affiliated with G&L in any way but just in case any of my lefty Brit brethren haven't been over to leftybassist.com for a while, $30 for a G&L genuine tribute neck, 4 or 5, maple or rosewood board with 3 nut sizings! Insane, I got mine in 7 days to Japan for $25 postage, $55 all up. It's a gorgeous maple 5 but no decal, nut or neck heel mount holes & frets are a bit sharp but eBay for nut n decal, local luthier for dress n fit n u got a great genuine lefty neck to whack on a body, just be careful of the heel compatibility with some bodies. Wahey!!!!
  16. There were quite a few factory fretless 4s n 5s in spirits n original steinys n they all had zero frets. Had my '92 Steiny XL2A defretted (filed down actually)15 yrs ago, action is so stupid low you'd swear the strings were in the fingerboard n plays like butta!
  17. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1402586763' post='2475063'] A picture paints a thousand words .... [url=http://www.ephotobay.com/share/-57-10.html][/url] The bass with this monstrosity is on sale for a mere £700 on the bay. I think there's going to be a bidding war. [/quote] The perfect avatar for hamfist!!??
  18. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1397755294' post='2427154'] To be honest, this has long mystefied me. I mean, when you think about it logically, it does follow that one's most sensitive and for want of a better word 'dexterous' hand should be the one doing the fretting. So why is this not the case for 99.9% of us? How do we end up doing the comparitively ploddy plucking stuff with the same hand we write with, and doing the intricate notey stuff with our weaker limb? Why is it that it feels so natural to be doing it, effectively, arse about face? [/quote] I'm a righty who plays lefty for those exact reasons! As a kid maybe I was influenced by my fave Beatle, Paul, but I first picked up a righty guitar at a mate's place, tried it righty which felt unco, flipped it and it immediately felt natural, albeit with the strings upside down. When I got my first guitar, a righty acoustic, I had it restrung lefty & away I went! My first electric was a full on lefty SG by Navarro, a budget Ibanez which I still have 41 years later & my first bass was a righty SG cheapie flipped & restrung lefty, now 40 years old. After that, I refused to buy a righty flipper and have been steadfast on that to this day. I can play a righty strung guitar or bass but not as well as lefty strung of course but am hopeless at it righty style. I am however naturally or self taught lefty in some other things but am a natural righty & have always wondered this too & have made the comparison to a piano layout umpteen times, as in left hand doing comping/rhythm & right hand playing melody. I don't buy into the 'strong hand plucking' theory as that hand usually has a bow or plectrum in it so what a waste of that dominant hand dexterity. Re: the OP's thinking, I feel his frustration as I couldn't get my hands on or afford a coveted 5 string bass, headless, aco-electric upright, thin line tele or nylon thin line cutaway for many years & I pity kids starting out lefty who won't have those more exotic options but it certainly is 10000 times better now than what I had available in the 70s & 80s. I admire your passion Mccarp & can see your point but from what I've read in this thread from various posters I can't see it happening anytime soon.
  19. I'm always a bit mystified as to why we play the way we do given that whatever handedness we are, in our case the left hand is the one with most dexterity, logic would dictate that would be the hand we use for the fingering of the fret board. Wonder if there's any right handed people that play left handed? I gotta fess up, n I hope it don't get me thrown outta this fine club but I'm a righty who plays lefty for the exact reason listed above. When I was 9 it seemed to make perfect sense, dexterity wise, plus Paul was my fave Beatle so I flipped the strings to lefty n jumped in. Got a proper lefty later n have been at it for 40 yrs now. Rare for a righty but I do have some lefty or ambidexterity in me, about 20/80 lefty tho the strongest n dominant is the right. Guess I'm a muso version of Rafa Nadal. Pls don't disown me now! 😖
  20. Add me 2 the long list of Rottensound haters, 4 all the afore mentioned reasons. Except 4 them, I've liked everything else I've played over 30 odd yrs, but special mention 2 SIT & GHS for non coated & Aurora & DR for coated, never had a dud string, let alone a set.
  21. How'd u make the clamp??
  22. The headpiece was a clamp style so I used to have to cut the strings as close to the clamp end as possible so they wouldn't carve up the gig bag but it was pretty elementary, 2 or 3 allen bolt down so you had to fit the strings all at once & clamp it tight, tune up & then give the strings a briss! (Rabbi optional) EMGs fitted straight in the cavities but it was 1986 so who knows these days....good luck n enjoy!
  23. Is this a 34" or 35" scale & what's the spacing at the bridge? I guess it has the curved back as well ala Warwick streamer? Thnx
  24. In the mid 80s I had a rare lefty version of the quantum which I stuck emgs in n it was great, my 1st headless n I also wish I still had it. 32" medium scale, great balance, ez 2 play, nice sound....enjoy ur rebuild!
  25. EBMM Sterling is a USA made, smaller bodied, jazz necked Stingray with 22 frets & the 3 way switch for parallel, series & single coil configurations. Sterling by Musicman is their Indonesian made budget line, akin to the old SUB series but better than their OLP licenced series. with the Stingray copy called the Ray 34 & the EBMM Sterling copy called the S14. To make matters worse, they are reintroducing the SUB line too. Basically, Sterling Ball has a REAL love affair with his name & seems to find somewhere to slap it on anything that MM make....BTW, I have a lefty MM Sterling & it's gorgeous, a flat out keeper.
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