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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. Jings not having a good start to 2025. Our gig next week cancelled due to only half the tickets sold. Was sold out the same venue last summer. Time of year maybe ? who knows. Then we get told our March gig in Arbroath is possibly cancelled. Again we sold out there last time. Committee in the club think the fee is too high. They asked us to half our fee. We said no. Arbroath for me is a 2.5hr drive and 110 miles each way. The club committee have gone thru several changes end last year and apparently there's a lot of bitterness. Several shows in the club have been cancelled at short notice recently. We decided the Xmas gig we had booked there this year was now at risk and decided to take another booking. We decided to clear the year at this venue and if they decided to have us back they can get in touch. Next gig is in March, that's 2.5 mths since last gig. Not so good. Band are looking at other avenues for getting gigs. Dave
  2. Brilliant album. Great song. Dave
  3. Wicked sense of humour your wife. Dave
  4. A skoosh for you guys. Sounds great to me. All very well organised by sounds of it. Enjoy and have fun. Dave
  5. Have to admit the Gretsch looks very nice. Dave
  6. I've sold quite a lot of items using the FB for sale forum without too many issues. Always ask for cash on collection to be on the safe side tho. Dave
  7. Yep i noticed that in his playing too. Have to admit i do enjoy a challenge like this when its bassists i like. Dave
  8. I've never heard of Stefano Cerri but maybe i should have listened to him before coming to a conclusion between Giblin and Bruce Off to youtube him now. Dave Edit :- He's very good but has a slightly more aggressive style based on the various youtube clips i listened to compared to John Giblin. Always found Giblin to have quite a mellow, flowing style.
  9. Our punk band was getting between £250 - £300 but we were talking about asking for more until the band folded earlier this month. We did get more for Biker Rallies that we did every year usually £400. Glam band makes considerably more but generally play clubs rather than pubs plus its more of a show with all the costumes than just a band on stage. The new classic rock hits project intends doing the club circuit too so hopefully a decent paycheck at the end of the gigs too. We'll see how that pans out tho. Dave
  10. 100% Suppers Ready. My all time fav prog album is Seconds Out. Dave
  11. there's a song in there somewhere Dave
  12. That's a hard one as most of it sounds more John Giblin but some specific parts sound very Jack Bruce. In 82 Bruce had more of an attack in his playing altho he was a very adaptable player whereas Giblin had a more mellow sound. Based on that i'd go with Giblin but i guess we'll never know for certain. Great wee song, thoroughly enjoyed it. Good choice. Dave
  13. That's such a great concept you guys have. Love the whole idea of doing a full album like that. Well done. Any sound clips or vids would be good to hear too. The one thing that crossed my mind was how you all agreed on which album to cover. ? That in itself is quite a challenge. Dave
  14. Is there a better way to be remembered ? 🤩 Dave
  15. Don't know about you Daryl but your girlfriend is Dave
  16. 100% i think they could be worth looking into. Any further info on them would be helpful. Dave
  17. Such a simple idea that i reckon would work quite well for most bands. Might look into that. Dave
  18. Most of the Glam gigs are stage venues but some only have small stages and our singers have to move forward on to the dance floor. Sometimes it makes for a more friendly atmosphere as most of our audiences are women and they usually control themselves better. The punk band was almost entirely bars with no stages and we would set up monitors as a makeshift barrier that does help but not always. Our singer Lynn had her nose and eye burst open when a drunk guy fell over a monitor and hit her mic stand. Luckily no major damage to her other than a black eye the following day at her work. Being a nurse it was a bit embarrassing. Dave
  19. I've never really listened to Solstice but that was really nice. I enjoyed that. Might look into them a bit more Rob. Dave
  20. Yep no stage is a sore point with me too. I find that audiences think they are part of the band if you set up on the dance floor area. Had one experience with the Glam band on a stage that as only about 6" high and a girl came up on the edge of the stage in front of the band and started dancing to her friends. It was the last song to be fair but she seemed to think that was ok to use the stage. No gigs till 8th Feb for me. I'm actually quite enjoying the free time TBH. New classic rock project has a meet on Sun to decide what direction and songs so that a start. It started as an 80's rock project but singer found it a bit limited and suggested we try classic rock instead. Dave
  21. Oddly enough when i saw the ELO band the thing i remember the most was the 2 female cellists just having a great time. Aprt from the smiling all night they seemed to work off each other with little dance sequences that looked spur of the moment to me but brilliant to watch. The full band did come across as having a fun night. Dave
  22. If Gene Simmons can do it then why not. ? Dave
  23. Yet still everyone's clapping so they must be enjoying it. Dave
  24. This just looks like such good fun to watch. Dave
  25. Sure i saw it on Amazon. Had a listen on Youtube but preferred the Rockland. I'll have another wee listen tho. Dave
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