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Everything posted by LiamPodmore

  1. Has anybody got an experience with this guy. My Fender is in desperate need of a set up and probably a new nut and Phil seems to be very local to me, but i obviously don't want to end up paying upwards of £100 for a bad service. Thanks in advance, Liam
  2. They're the little bass-tards that convince my Behringer that on some days, it will only work when powered from my Boss TU-2, as well as stealing my picks (Or is that you Spike?), but they can't do that now as they're all in a tin in my gig bag! I suggest everyone who uses picks to put them in a mint tin when you've ran out of mints, if you're like me and end up with them in your mouth whilst playing, the minty taste makes it much better. Liam
  3. I had this and it just turned out to be the gear screw was loose. Quick tighten and it was fine, so this may the case for you. Liam
  4. Yamaha TRB, Ibanez SR50x (505 or 506, depending on how you feel) and i've also heard good things about the ESP LTD D-5/6 and B-415/416 so they might be worth a look. Liam
  5. I went from 5 back down to 4 after 2 years with my 5 string. I only bought it because i was sick of constantly tuning (E Standard, Drop D, D Standard & Drop C, all in one set), but we changed our set completely so i didn't need the 5 anymore, plus I got a cracking deal on an '86 Japanese P which i couldn't refuse, so I made the switch back to 4. I still have the 5 string, and do still use it, i just don't gig it any more (Partly because i have the Fender, and partly because it has a HUGE neck, neck dives and weighs a tonne and a half on a thin strap) Liam
  6. Currently, a bit of Mr Casey Abrams. The guy who showed American Idol how music should really be done. Liam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG8W7Owq28A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wfsaE9TNso&feature=fvwrel
  7. Terror Bass 1000 into a Super12? I recommend earplugs, or, send it all to me to protect your ears. Absolutely lovely looking rig, and i bet the tone can be menacing. Liam
  8. Popped a fiver in myself a few weeks ago. Remember guys and gals, the more we donate, the more sausage rolls/pasties for Ped! Liam
  9. Another 2 i'd like to add are when me and my friend Jess were messing around after a live lounge. The first time we'd ever played guitar together (It's normally me on guitar and her on vocals, then she takes the guitar and i f*ck off to take pictures), threw out Your Call by Secondhand Serenade and up to the second solo of Sweet Child of Mine whilst just stood in the kitchen doorway with 2 acoustics. Both came out of nowhere, and i really wish they'd been caught on camera (Except my singing, get rid of that) Liam
  10. LiamPodmore


    Home, 2 different computers at work, my phone, and about 5 different PC when i was at school. Doing well so far. Liam
  11. Drop C/Drop C# tuning and a Big Muff is his usual, and that's just what this sounds like to me. Liam
  12. Drums, bass, 2 guitars and vocals. Best sounding ones, to my ears, as well as the most fun were pop/punk versions: Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin I Believe I Can Fly - R Kelly Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepson Friday/Baby - Rebecca Black/Justin Beiber Tik Tok - Ke$ha (An acoustic version of this is on our youtube account) Those are the stand outs to me, but there's other stuff like Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Country Roads, Pokemon Theme, etc... that have all been thrown out there before which were fun. Also, Bilbo, does it make a difference to you if it's covered in a totally different way to the original (Me First And The Gimme Gimmes are a good example of that), and not just a straight out tribute style cover? Liam
  13. P bass, new set of his signature strings, Marshall DBS rig. If i remember correctly, he actually has quite a light touch a lot of the time, just very low action, and plays inwards toward the bass, not up like most fingerstyle players do. Liam
  14. We did ours as best as we could, not much splicing of tracks done as we did things over and over again till David (The producer) thought it was a good enough. He was pretty simple and blunt at times, one point during vocal tracking Louis had finished a take and all he heard afterwards was David saying "Louis, that was completely and utterly sh*t". Nice and simple. Liam
  15. If i concentrate on playing, i f*ck up. So my mind at gigs is usually What've they got at the bar that looks good, will they serve me, she's a fiiiine looking lady, where did i put my bottle of water, and in one case, why the f*ck did you just grab my crown jewels?! Liam
  16. Drummer: "Liam that fall looked pretty painful, made for a good show though" Singer: "When the hell did you fall over? I didn't notice" Another gig Me: "I should really get some straplocks, my strap falling off mid song, although quite entertaining, is not fun whatsoever" Again, singer doesn't notice. I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment about my bass playing, due to the fact i didn't miss a note during either incident, or that he just doesn't take any notice of me whatsoever. Liam
  17. My suggestion: Go used. My bands drummer currently uses a Pearl Export kit (Cost him £250 with a set of Zildjian ZBT's and all hardware) and a set of Sabian B8's (Cost him £100 used). Altogether £350 for almost a pro level kit, cymbals aren't the best but they're better than most starter sets. If it has to be new, i would stick with the Sabian B8's and either get a Mapex, or that Gretsch which does look nice, depending on budget of course. Liam
  18. Shep, your ear for tone is beyond good. That is some of the best sounding bass synth stuff i've ever heard, smooth yet very defined and clear. The drums around the 2:40 mark remind me quite a bit of Firestarter by The Prodigy, which isn't a bad thing, and i like the simplicity of the video, it works well with the track and overall feel. Liam
  19. Interesting findings. By the sound of things, just a small battery powered headphone amp would do the trick? Liam
  20. I think the first essential is finding a comfortable position for you to actually hold the pick, it works wonders for stamina when picking if you don't get pain in your finger/thumb. What i normally do is rest the bottom of my hand (The bit between my wrist and pinkie) on the bridge which gives me enough room to move where my thumb and finger are so i can skip strings pretty speedily. This might work for you, it might not, but as many things are with playing an instrument, it's all about comfort and finding the right position for you. Liam
  21. I had one. A '95 Squier Affinity, but i sold it in bits as it was a pile of sh*t due to it's mistreatment in life. Liam
  22. [url="http://www.myspace.com/deceasewhs"]The only other band i've been in[/url] and it's beyond atrocious. I think i'd been playing for 6 months at the time, if that. All recorded on a webcam mic in the practice room at school, and i think i was using my Ibanez and a Trace Elliot Boxer 60 that hated active basses. Liam
  23. Andrew just sent me some pickup screws, arrived in less than 24 hours, and the only payment required was a donation to BC (For Ped's sausage rolls). Brilliant guy to deal with. Thanks Andrew, Liam
  24. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1348839519' post='1818958'] now what can i do next? [/quote] Build me one! That really does look like a MUCH more expensive bass than it is. I would've gone for a solid black pickguard myself but i'm a bit boring like that. I think a video/sound samples are in order now as well. Liam
  25. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1348563775' post='1815120'] I think sometimes you get an over-abundance of musicians in the audience, and a majority of them would rather watch you play than dance about. We were supposed to have a gig on Saturday night in Salford. The headline act was bringing a drum kit and backline but never showed up!! 2 hours drive, 1 hour waiting around, all for nothing. Why would a band do this? I hope it was a f*** up at promoter level rather than fellow musicians screwing us over. [/quote] I've had that one before. Was told by the promoter that there'll definately be a bass cab on stage for me to use. Checked with the band, guitarist said they're bringing all their cabs and we can use them. Get to the gig, the headline band have combos for guitar and the only bass amps are the ones the other bands brought (All combos) and my bass head. Ended up DI only on a really crappy set of monitors that night. Thankfully i'm used to not having monitors at all, so it wasn't that much of a challenge. The headline band were pretty good though (Four Short of a Miracle) as were the openers who i can't remember the name of. Liam
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