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KK Jale

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Everything posted by KK Jale

  1. I see Frank Mead now and then playing with Charlie Hart and the Equators. He always gives it the beans. I'm on Camberwell Grove incidentally, I do my best to bring the place down a bit.
  2. I probably agree but be reminded, Funkgod, that Now That's What I Call... is owned by EMI and they've got lawyers, nasty smelly ones with no sense of fun at all. https://www.famemagazine.co.uk/emis-now-thats-what-i-call-music-series-opens-trademark-dispute-with-steampunk-band-the-men-that-will-not-be-blamed-for-nothing/
  3. Sold Clarky an amp, lovely chap, great comms, timekeeping and hair both above reproach, a pleasure all round.
  4. Curtis Novak P-bass pickup, signed/dated 2019 P90-style bar magnets Push-back cloth wire Measures 10.7 kOhms Comes with cream covers, box and stickers, no screws Price £95 inc. UK postage Novak's site https://www.curtisnovak.com/shop/pb-90/ Here's a really good demo of the PB-90 and its politer cousin the PB-CC by Iggy Pop's bassist Ben Ellis (spoiler - he buys both)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5YCUJtwxZs Photos!
  5. Nice example of this great-sounding, adaptable and easy to use compressor/limiter - a lovely always-on compressor at low ratio/low threshold settings and a really effective limiter at the other end. This one is in vgc condition with no velcro on the back and comes with box and papers. £125 now £115 inc. UK postage
  6. This Mk1 Terror Bass 500 is in excellent condition and has recently been checked over by JPF Amps, the official Orange repair folk; one of the smoothing caps had come loose and so it had the entire power board replaced. I'm pretty sure it's in as good working order as a Mk1 can be. Extras: it has the original carry bag, with strap, though the pocket zip doesn't work any more. It comes in a tough plastic Stanley toolbox with fold-out handle which fits perfectly and makes a rather good flightcase. It also comes with a -30db inline attenuator in case you want to tame the DI out, though I've never had trouble. Brilliant amp, puts a very grunty 500W into either 4 or 8 ohms and has bags of character. Price £300 £270. Try-out and pickup preferred in London SE5 but shipping possible...
  7. There's a band in my neck of the woods who bill themselves as "Booker T & The MGs plays the songs of David Bowie". I am extremely jealous of this concept. It is BRILLIANT. As something of a major MGs (and Bowie) fan, I attended one of their gigs and was well hacked off that they'd seemingly done so little with it. It's basically a four-piece with keys playing the songs dead straight just with no vocals, same bass, mostly same guitar, keys taking the tune pretty much every time. Gah! Have these people never heard of McLemore Avenue? The possibilities were endless! *weeps*
  8. German luthier Wolfgang Kist, ex-Hoyer. Made plenty of Alembic-influenced stuff, early 80s.
  9. I carry my 32" scale P around in a Gruv Gear Edge guitar-sized bag. Took me ages to find a likely candidate for a medium scale and eventually I got one cheap in a sale from Kytary. It's a one-shoulder design and the bass fits quite nicely, just. One of the detail pics in this link has the measurements... https://gruvgear.com/products/gigblade-edge It lacks a boot though so unless they're toughened up the Mk2 version I'm not sure I'd recommend it for the road or lots and lots of gigging. I use mine for regular guitar too and it's done me for about 2 years of lightish use, tube/bus to rehearsals and about 50+ gigs.
  10. Looks basically like this one, with different paint and tailpiece and (home added?) fingerboard markers. Can't find a maker, but possibly Russian in origin.
  11. I feel your pain. I once played in a band where, in the breaks between songs, the guitarist would play a short excerpt from the next tune in the set, at full volume. He seemed to be utterly oblivious that he was doing it. As it happened the band didn't last long and I never got him to even admit to having this habit, let alone change it...
  12. The story behind those "Dylan with a Jazz Bass" pics is that Fender's East Coast salesman Jody Carver was sent by the CBS top brass to intercept the great man (then on CBS records of course) with a photographer in tow and a carload of new Fender clobber to try to get him to pose alongside some amps... and preferably holding a nice new Fender guitar as well. Dylan flatly refused but after lots of negotiation and plenty of extremely bad vibes he grudgingly consented, turned down the proffered Fender acoustic they wanted him to hold, and grabbed his bass player's instrument instead. (PS I got the story from Mr Carver himself, a remarkable man and a fine steel guitar player, RIP.]
  13. Randomly scattered F-holes like this* do rather heat my wee since the inside central indent was originally designed to show where you're supposed to replace the bridge (on a fiddle). Harrumph. I'd much rather they used a slash shape or a cat's eye design or something. *Honourable pass given to 1930s National resonator guitars, just because, so there
  14. Aka the "Vootar". Dreamed up by Voormann in 1965. Basically a one-off Vox with four bass strings and the top four strings of a guitar, routed to separate amps. A later version was the Cassandra Elk, with 30" scale, of which there are just three, one owned by Macca...
  15. Good to know that Chinese cables can feel like quality, I've saved 'em for a future try-out. 👍
  16. The acoustics for sale are very interesting. I hope Rob is okay and just having a clear-out.
  17. The H07F cable Bigguy links to above is 3 x 2.5mm which sounds more than a touch hefty to me. I have a trailing mains cable in the same stuff but 3 x 1.5mm and while it's great for the job I'd want something more flexible in an IEC cable. Custom Lynx use H07F but in a 3 x 1mm and my guess is it'll be pretty good. No affiliation yadda yadda. https://custom-lynx.co.uk/product-category/power-mains-cables/iec-cables/
  18. Here? Not exactly 'clean', I s'pose. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/fender-precision-custom-shop-62-pickup-vs-fender-precision-original-62-pickup-with-sound-samples.1257688/
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