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KK Jale

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Everything posted by KK Jale

  1. It is a pub... not a bad one... gigs are held in the room above. PA is okay-ish. I played there once in a previous band and it was a normal Camden gig - ie parking is near-impossible within a mile, punters were variable and somewhat jaded, and our singer made the classic error of being flattered into taking the "headline" spot, which meant that all the other acts had vanished by the time we got on, so we played to even less people than all the bands before. I'm old, but to me "showcase" sets of the same alarm bells as "exposure". Personally I wouldn't be keen to travel from south of the river let alone Scotland, but it MAY be an ok night, and as an originals band your outlook might be different to mine...
  2. Your suspicions are well founded. Not isolated, despite claims. See here: http://stinkfoot.se/archives/808
  3. As said above. I keep a -30dB inline attenuator in the bag pocket. Works fine.
  4. Same old same old in the Dog & Decibel Meter last night. Is it just me getting old and jaded, or is the proliferation of sh*te "coke" making for even more arseholish behaviour than normal? Getting really sick of manic, gurning, teeth-grinding tosspots spoiling it for everyone in the place.
  5. Not personally, but Halfords etc paints can be dodgy on wood. Do check out [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/shop/sonic-blue/"]http://www.mancheste...hop/sonic-blue/[/url] and indeed that whole site. Bit more spendy but with proper prep it'll come out far better than DIY chain aerosols.
  6. Nice project on first look but the real shame is that it's been a leftie.
  7. Love CDAMTF, did it a few months ago. Today's tricky for me but have a goodie!
  8. I'm no expert but it seems the combination of blade pickups and raised logo might indicate 1967, not 1968. Have you tried cross-checking against Steve Russell's site at [url="http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/gallery/gallery2/bass.html"]http://www.vintageho...lery2/bass.html[/url] ?
  9. We have many German friends here on Basschat, so.... My long-time buddy Hazel is doing two dates in Berlin with her small band very soon and cannot entrust her Gibson to the airline. She is a good person, mature, experienced, and a remarkable songwriter.... Do any of our Berlin-dwelling Basschatters have an Epiphone / Peerless / Samick 335 or Casino or similar that they might be able to lend? Needs to be a thinline semi, and able to feed back PM me and I will put her in touch with you. Beer and making new friends is guaranteed!
  10. The writer's name is Starshine Roshell. That's about all I need to know.
  11. ^Good work... This guy on Twitter says he was a mate of theirs... https://twitter.com/RockcliffeFiles/status/393138421465874434
  12. Ebony Rhythm Band, Light My Fire (though it's instrumental) Johnny Jones & The Casuals, Purple Haze Merry Clayton, Southern Man
  13. Serial numbers from that period can be inaccurate by two whole years. Neck heel date is the one. Pot codes are a nice back-up.
  14. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Always full up on a Precision for me. But the knob can be useful in the first tune if I've had to guess the master volume setting because we haven't had a soundcheck. Which is often. Also good for delicately rolling off the last note as the cymbals die away... a professional little touch which I'm confident invariably goes unnoticed. [/font][/color]
  15. Not much to go on! A Hofner might swing the needle towards it being some unknown UK or European club combo, though. And if (it's a big if) that's an Ajax drum logo I espy, then it's a cert.
  16. Currently springing to mind: Sorrow, Lady Grinning Soul, Teenage Wildlife...
  17. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1421966272' post='2667340'] Ooh yes please, would be great! [/quote] *phew* that was in a VERY obscure place! Actually it's a Wilkinson. Fits into Precision bass screw holes. The D string tunes at the bridge end, and is clamped up top by a natty dual-purpose replacement string tree. Comes with instructions, screws, a new nut blank, and even a B string… but I wouldn't use that, 'cos this all this stuff is about 20 years old. Brand new and unused, in knackered box [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/transalp1998/media/bridge_zpstzwup8cm.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v348/transalp1998/bridge_zpstzwup8cm.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  18. Sorry for the late reply! I'll get amongst my boxes of clobber tomorrow.
  19. I've got a Schaller 5-string conversion bridge stashed away somewhere.... want me to hunt it out?
  20. Meaningful brand engagement. A buzzing gateway to London. Quick branded surprises. Capturing the playful spirit of Denmark St. Pop-up physical activities. Bringing us together. *pukes* [url="http://www.scottradnor.com/stgiles-outernet-retail-development-promo/"]http://www.scottradn...elopment-promo/[/url]
  21. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Switchcraft-Stereo-Input-Jack-High-Quality-/271739743487?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f44f36cff
  22. It's solid state. RRP is £479, 500 is £589. Active EQ.
  23. Martin is the more mature beardy gent with the swept-back hair. Various ex-Denmark St connections among the staff AFAIK, including most significantly V&R... but there is no Chris Tr*gg connection. At all.
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