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KK Jale

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Everything posted by KK Jale

  1. Now THIS is a bass player who knows how to move Some band called Rich Kelly & Friendship, somewhere in New Jersey, 1978... be sure to watch past the 1.30 mark.
  2. [quote name='algmusic' post='1238285' date='May 20 2011, 03:28 PM']Sounds like the midget, might be the way forward... I think the super 12 just seems really cool :-) I live in Charlton (Greenwich side), If you don't mind, I'd love to give it a little try, if that's ok. I think you're based in Greenwich :-)[/quote] Sure thing, I'm playing tonight and tomorrow but I'm around in the week, drop me a PM.
  3. I have a Terror Bass and got my Midget last week. Only done one show so far, but I'm very impressed. It easily coped, backline only, with a six-piece band in a medium pub, with lots to spare. Beautiful, articulate, balanced, boom-free tone. I imagine the Super Twelve would be capable of anything but I think Alex was 100% right to recommend the Midget for my needs.
  4. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1236898' date='May 19 2011, 01:32 PM']So. Which YOB bass could I get for 1947?[/quote] Paul 'Bud' Tutmarc Jr bass, circa 1947 info: [url="http://tutmarc.tripod.com/paultutmarc.html"]http://tutmarc.tripod.com/paultutmarc.html[/url]
  5. MIJ - Made In Japan MIM - Made In Mexico MIA - Made In America CIJ - Crafted In Japan (different era to MIJ) FIUK - Faked In UK just kiddin'...
  6. Done my share. It's anything from transcendent to ground-swallow-me-up time. Best ever was maybe a last-second fill-in for a (mostly) German band at a festival in Spain. Rock covers, sort of. It was a cool anarchic kind of do, and the crowd was going utter freak out mental bananas. Ace! This weekend I have a no-rehearsal folkie function gig and it could all go BADLY wrong but I've got a lot of those tunes hardwired in so we'll busk it fine. The ability to turn on a sixpence and play tunes I've never heard before is what makes people think I'm a good player. Little do they know, that's usually as good as it gets...
  7. Damn. My biccie's fallen in my brew.
  8. I kind of admire SS's schtick and self-invention but does the music really compare... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_DOnKJ232M"]RL Burnside somewhere in a field in 1978[/url]
  9. All these Tradetang fakes have the logos and everything. Music Mans, Rickenbackers, Fenders... here's a 'bass' search on that site... worth a trawl to spot the warning signs... [url="http://www.tradetang.com/wholesale+bass.html"]http://www.tradetang.com/wholesale+bass.html[/url]
  10. Logo manky and off-centre. Headstock peak not sharp enough. Tailpiece looks unlikely. Sunburst horrid. I say Chinese fake. Likely one of these.. [url="http://www.tradetang.com/for-sale/Free-shipping-New-Arrival-Jazz-L-5-CES-Electric-Guitar-guitar-G-A0204A-Wholesale/129626-2297529.html#"]http://www.tradetang.com/for-sale/Free-shi...6-2297529.html#[/url]
  11. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1227660' date='May 11 2011, 03:37 PM']Bill Withers & co have the right idea. I prefer to sit during a gig (I'd sit in the audience if I could!).[/quote] Thank heavens. I thought I was the only one. Alone in the world. *chokes back a sob*
  12. Nice work, Happy Jack. Good advice about using a precisely-fitted crosshead screwdriver to remove the amp cover. The screws on mine were incredibly tight. In the end I had to lay the amp down, use a socket set with a foot-long extension and apply all my weight… that did it. Just! One more idea, especially if anybody chooses to use secondhand replacement valves (though I used a new Sovtek for V2 I robbed a lovely General Electric 12AX7 from my Fender amp for V1). On removing the Chinese originals, lightly press the nine pins into a soft surface (eg plasticine) and check that the pins on your replacement line up perfectly before inserting. If not, tweak them carefully into shape with needle-nose pliers. Bending the connections on the TB500's valve holders may (*probably will*) necessitate entire circuit board replacement!! I bought this 80mm PC fan – [url="http://www.quietpc.com/gb-en-gbp/products/casefans/x-rw-80r"]http://www.quietpc.com/gb-en-gbp/products/casefans/x-rw-80r[/url] - to reduce noise but my tech advised that at 19CFM it didn't push as much air as the original so we left the old one in place. A 30CFM fan would be better.
  13. Cool semi! That's an Old Kraftsman, basically a re-badged Kay.
  14. Love Mariza. I believe that's a Portuguese guitar... 12-string... [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_guitar"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_guitar[/url]
  15. You'll never hear that 'cos I don't describe myself as a singer... As for my "flat" comment... I love some singers with very odd voices... Tom Waits, hell, even Dylan... some can sound amazing out of tune, some don't. If this doesn't trouble your ears, fair play! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xLIb7KopyY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xLIb7KopyY[/url]
  16. 'Kin 'ell... just how appallingly, unspeakably, irredeemably flat does Adele sing?
  17. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1209155' date='Apr 23 2011, 01:37 PM']Muriatic acid fumes.[/quote] Forget Coke/wee and all the rest. Hillbilly told you the pro way. Plenty of info via the web!
  18. [quote name='Wil' post='1212506' date='Apr 27 2011, 12:17 PM']I missed it, what did PJ Harvey play? Love her latest record.[/quote] PJ did Let England Shake and The Words That Maketh Murder. Pretty compelling, IMNSHO. Love the new album… bit of a fan ever since her first EP… used to see gigs in Bristol... her pink Gretsch Broadkaster used to be mine. Looooong story.
  19. I went to the filming of a Later show last year… a friend of a friend got us passes. You're made to BUY your own bottled beer in the canteen beforehand and then not allowed to take any drink into the studio. I was appalled! As most people know, it's all done on Tuesday night… the Friday show is recorded in a one-hour take with no re-runs, then there's a 15-minute break, then they do the 10 o'clock show live. So when Jools says "and you may hear such-and-such on the Friday show... " it's already happened. As casapete says, the seated folks are band friends, PR, record company monkeys or BBC staff on a night out. Comely lasses are shepherded to the front of the standing areas. It's a rotten situation to concentrate on the music - the live sound is far worse than the TV feed. Still, got to see the Specials! (Oh, and Franz Ferdinand, the wonderful Carole King, and the utterly pants Yeah Yeah Yeahs). And we blagged our way into the aftershow in the Pop Bar afterwards... which Jools never, ever attends, apparently. Though he does go down my local every other Monday night, so I'm very used to ignoring him.
  20. [quote name='Doddy' post='1205325' date='Apr 19 2011, 10:53 PM']The band probably does know what it's doing,but I'm not sure that she did. She certainly didn't know when to come in.[/quote] Ha! I'd forgotten that! Double length intro, yeah, big boo-boo. But I'll take great vibe over honest mistakes any day...
  21. [quote name='uke' post='1205302' date='Apr 19 2011, 10:35 PM']KD could have done with another rehearsal![/quote] Disagree! Outrageously wild version of Constant Craving. That band knows what they're doing. Vintage Trouble very well honed. The guitarist was a bit route one '70s blues for me, but a good act.. they'll gain a lot by that.
  22. If search doesn't work, insert into google: "member's name" site:http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=23
  23. Lots of pics – neck pockets, routing, electronics etc – at the JV forum at [url="http://www.21frets.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl"]http://www.21frets.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl[/url]. You'll need to sign up.
  24. Will bought a cab from me, good comms, recommended.
  25. On hold pending the usual!
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