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KK Jale

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Everything posted by KK Jale

  1. Moving from a house to a shoebox soon means I'm shedding some stuff. This cab is a US-made Eden D210T… not the XST, nor the XLT, but the original 250W 8-ohm model. It's in very good cosmetic condition indeed. From the Eden website: Please note… I'm pricing this cab at a somewhat remarkable [b]£99[/b] firm because last time I tried it, it displayed a slight intermittent crackle with one of my amps. With the other amp it seemed fine. Alas, I have neither the knowledge nor the time to investigate. It might be the tweeter; there might be no problem at all. The tweeter works; the tweeter attenuator works; I'm certain that both speakers are perfect, with no rub. Really, you need to bring your own amp along, drink tea, and check it out for yourself. Pick up from London SE10 8LF preferred. No trades, thanks! All questions welcome.
  2. Odd one on Saturday. A blues night, with dinner, at a sports club bar… all went quite well, and not our usual kind of do at all. Anyway, we'd been told there'd be no grub, not without paying for it, but we arrive to be told by the promoter that there was a Thai chicken curry going and we were welcome to some of that, so we set up and soundchecked and then settled down with a curry to while away the 90 mins till gig time. Seriously lovely curry it was too, so when we nipped out for a ciggie afterwards and the chef came out for one at the same time, we all complimented him. The chef turns to us, snarling, and goes "I've been here since 6am slaving my f-ing fingers to the bone and you lot all waltz in and get 50 quid, well it makes me f-ing sick," and storms off shouting around the corner. There was this very long silence while we all looked at each other until the keyboard player shrugged and said "Well... learn to play piano. Kitchen monkey." Later we were told that the chef had been through booze and coke problems and is known for being the grumpiest man in town. The only thing that worried us was what he might have done to our curries...
  3. Yep! Same value little green caps. Good sleepy thinking though!
  4. It's a funny thing. I've got two Precisions here, a 62 reissue and a 57, but one has much worse shielding hum than the other, and I'm struggling to understand why. Both basses are near-identical Japanese Squiers from 1982. Same pickups, same pots, same everything, with grounding plates in the pickup cavity and earth wires from under the bridge running back to a pot casing. However, but the 62 reissue hums MUCH more than the 57 (when you're not touching the strings, of course - then they're both fine). One difference between the two is that the 57 has an anodised aluminium guard… but it's not soldered to ground so in theory IFAIK it shouldn't make a difference. In fact today I just backed the '62's guard with aluminium foil, not grounded yet, and it made no difference either, so that should prove it. BTW, I've been through both basses with an ohmmeter checking resistance between output jack ground and various points, and both check out almost identically. Before you say "The 62's pickup is dodgy" - well, I just swapped in a Lollar. Superb pickup! But still the same shielding hum difference. I really want to improve the 62 to be as good as the 57.... but before I set to work, I wish I knew WHY the 57 is naturally so much better... Any ideas most welcome.
  5. KK Jale


    "Purple Hi gross nitro"
  6. It's now apparently been moved to Wembley in November.
  7. [quote name='Machines' post='1170584' date='Mar 21 2011, 12:58 PM']Website doesn't mention anything about cancellation, got a source or reason why ?[/quote] I'm in the trade (sort of). Heard on Friday. I believe it's a lack of stand bookings.
  8. Guitar Nation 2011 at the NEC has been cancelled.
  9. I tried the fretless for a few moments. Appallingly heavy. Fingerboard is very flat, very wide, very sharp-edged. Overall: horrid.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the stolen list from the infamous Italian theft in 2006 which certain Northern UK vintage dealers are going to court for in about a month's time? Allegedly having previously stayed at the collector's villa at his invitation and then used their inside knowledge to organise the heist? From 2006: [url="http://www.lespaulforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=118454"]http://www.lespaulforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=118454[/url]
  11. Am/F#
  12. Not even the Framus book shows one exactly like yours (or the Google find). It does show the 5/150 Star Bass De Luxe, same non-f-hole single-cut body and ‘New Line’ wood stripe finish, but two pickups and a large pickguard with four knobs mounted on it. Built late '50s-mid ’60s.
  13. I use these: [url="http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.html"]http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.html[/url] Handmade with Neutrik plugs, Van Damme or Proel cable, never had one fail, very very VERY affordable. PS The last two I ordered took a good week to arrive, so bear that in mind.
  14. [url="http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fender.html#cases"]http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fender.html#cases[/url]
  15. [quote name='99ster' post='1149141' date='Mar 4 2011, 01:08 AM']I've played bass in a band with Chris Leslie - one of the nicest & most talented musicians you could ever hope to meet...and he even makes his own violins! [/quote] Wow, great! What band was that? And yes, he's one of the loveliest (and most musical) blokes you could imagine. We were both at college to learn violin-making... he had more talent in that as well
  16. I went to college in Newark with Chris Leslie. Heck of a fiddle player even then. The folk sessions we had in the pubs were amazing... I was playing guitar in DADGAD in those days, don't any more... I've got several of the classic Fairport LPs but have never seen them live! Really must put that right.
  17. Here, here. Real music. I've never been sure of a certain note that Steve Cropper played on (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay. The chords go G - B - C - A but over the B he plays a G#, the sixth. Either he muffed the barre chord or it's pretty, um, brave… but now so much part of the song. It's in verse 2 at 0:50…. "Left my home in Georgia…" [i]Ding![/i] "…headed for the Frisco bay…" [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCmUhYSr-e4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCmUhYSr-e4[/url]
  18. KK Jale


    Mogwai are great. I've only seen them once... the Astoria, I think. Blinding! Love the way they go from a whisper to earbleed and back... Have you ever heard Burn Girl Prom Queen, the brass band number? Beautiful.
  19. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='1139783' date='Feb 24 2011, 11:49 AM']Used it live twice and was great, then third time it made an absolute racket when I pushed it through the PA. Was unable to add any volume to the PA channel without horrible distortion.[/quote] I'm yet to use the DI out myself but the TB is infamous for its ridiculously hot DI out. It runs at +4dB when most desks want to see something like -10dB. Apparently the TB's DI level is affected by the gain knob, which doesn't help if you need a fair whack of stage level. The answer is an inline attenuator. Some TB owners report success with this one, though -40dB seems like a lot to me. [url="http://www.studiospares.com/mic-accessories/pro-40db-inline-attenuator/invt/568600/"]http://www.studiospares.com/mic-accessorie...or/invt/568600/[/url] Hope this helps.
  20. I will defer to those with proper techy knowledge, but the TB500 manual says: IMPORTANT! Before connecting your amplifier to a power source, please check the following: Ensure your speaker cabinet is connected to the correct impedance with the Terror Bass unit,(see Rear Panel section for guidance), using a good quality speaker speakon cable.
  21. In my experience, keep scrapers/razor blades and wire wool the hell away from lacquered maple fingerboards. And if the lacquer's worn away, or it's an oiled MM board, don't use oil on it. I have discovered the magic formula for removing gunge without a trace. It's called Virtuoso Cleaner and it costs about $10 bucks from the USA. It's not like the others. This stuff is supernatural. I have an old Gibson guitar with sweaty haze and gunk that would not, repeat not, come off with any amount of clean cotton cloths and huff-n-puff, nor normal cleaners/polishes, or anything. Tried this stuff, and it's like new. I'm not big on recommending products unless they blow me away. This one did!
  22. These are lovely pedals. Is it the handwired or the PCB version? Either way, tip top gear. Bump for your good taste in delays.
  23. Ah. We are on the same path. The commonest answer you'll get is a 5751 or a 12AT7…. but I read recently that modern 12AX7's have a gain factor that can vary by 40%. So maybe try any half-decent 12AX7s you can get hold of and judge 'em by ear before splashing out on spendy NOS tubes. Here are some 12AX7 review sites I have bookmarked. There's a fabulous one I can't find at the moment. Warning: this way absolute madness lies. [url="http://thetubestore.com/12ax7review.html"]http://thetubestore.com/12ax7review.html[/url] [url="http://www.ecc83.co.uk/category/ecc8312ax7-overview/"]http://www.ecc83.co.uk/category/ecc8312ax7-overview/[/url] [url="http://www.vacuumtubes.com/12ax7.html"]http://www.vacuumtubes.com/12ax7.html[/url] [url="https://www.tubeworld.com/12ax7.htm"]https://www.tubeworld.com/12ax7.htm[/url] [url="http://www.watfordvalves.com/cgi-bin/docum...estreport_2.pdf"]http://www.watfordvalves.com/cgi-bin/docum...estreport_2.pdf[/url] (pdf) Yet more useful/non-useful 12AX7 blather…… [url="http://vintageamps.com/plexiboard/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=54164&p=508924"]http://vintageamps.com/plexiboard/viewtopi...64&p=508924[/url] [url="http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=121087"]http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=121087[/url] Some 12AX7's which MIGHT (IMHO) do what you want: new… JJ or Tung-Sol. NOS… GE.
  24. So very obviously going to be a scam. But I emailed, for a laugh, and asked for a phone number. Got this: [i]Hi, Thank you so much for your response and for your interest in buying my Jazz Sunburst. Unfortunately, I just arrived in Italy and I'm going to stay here as long as my job requires. I left the guitar to my brother, before leaving to Italy, he's from Leeds. If interested indeed in buying it and have the funds available, please let me know and we'll set up a meeting at your proposal or I can also have the guitar delivered up to your address. Where are you located? [/i] And lo and behold, google is your friend... [url="http://tinyurl.com/5tptmtp"]http://tinyurl.com/5tptmtp[/url] Lazy crims, always with the cut and paste
  25. Nope... on a Mac/Firefox here, and I have to sign in pretty much every time I refresh "new posts" or even open a thread.
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