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Everything posted by SPHDS

  1. Went down the local to see a band last night and spotted a nice bass, just not sure what it is......! So I was wondering if any of you could identify it......! It has Fender on the headstock, and there is no control plate for the knobs to perch on......! Any ideas (bass player said it came from Ebay as a bit of a 'mystery bass'...!) Cheers
  2. Further to my last post....got this from Hipshot in response to my email to them...... [font=comic sans ms][size=2][font=comic sans ms][size=2]Hello Samuel,[/size][/font][/size][/font] [font=comic sans ms][size=2][font=comic sans ms][size=2] Thank you for your question![/size][/font][/size][/font] [font=comic sans ms][size=2][font=comic sans ms][size=2] The only model that we have that should work would be our 3/8" Ultralite Xtender, HE6C-3/8". You will need to drill a new mounting hole and possibly enlarge the string post hole as well.[/size][/font][/size][/font] [font=comic sans ms][size=2][font=comic sans ms][size=2]Thanks![/size][/font][/size][/font] Sooooooo.......look's positive.....we will see! Next query is....do I fill old mounting holes.....? (and if so, how......PVA/cocktail stick pack out.......?)
  3. Cheers for that Paul.....although due to the closed back nature, it is proving hard to accurately measure the dimensions.....although distance between screw and shaft seem larger than any of the schematics you sent.....and also no measurement for string post size.....! I have messaged Hipshot to see if they are able to help, so we will see......!
  4. Cheers Paul, Will have a measure and check.....I know shaft dimensions (titter titter) are an issue, but my main worry was to do with positioning and screw holes......if I needed to fit a model that wasn't a exact match, I may need to drill more holes.....and that could prove difficult with there already being 4 holes per peg in close proimity.....! Sam
  5. Hi People, I am sorry for yet another question about D-Tuners......but here goes.....! I have just become the proud owner of a Squier Affinity P-Bass in Silver and Black. I would like to fit a D-Tuner to it, like I did to my Explorer last year, but I am unsure about which model would fit.....the tuners on the bass are like this, albeit in black - So, is there a Hipshot for me....(I don't mind if it doesn't match completely - open backed etc....but would like it have the 'elephant ear' though.....)....or would it call for major mods.....!?! Sam
  6. Looking at the pics, (and dredging up some school physics lessons.....!) I believe that this amp is rated, power wise (as most of us would know it) at about 141.4 Watts.... Now for the physics bit.....as far as I remember...and I could be yapping up the wrong sapling.....! To calculate an amp's 'power' (as most of us judge it...) you need the 'Root Mean Square' of the 'Peak Power' of the amp (which works out as 'Peak Power/square root of 2' (or 'Peak x 0.70711). Peak Power for the amp (I think...) is the 'Power Consumption' (as stated on the back as 200 VA) as 'Power (in Watts) = Voltage x Current' so 200 Voltage Amps = 200 W, and 200 x 0.70711 = 141.42
  7. Hi, just a query about the aforementioned axes.....! I am really tempted by one of these beasts, so am looking into getting one to add to the fold. I really like the looks of the Gibson/Epiphone offering and was wondering if they ever made a 'full scale' version (I know it comes as a 'shorter' 30"). I know there are various 34-35" 'V' basses available (Dean etc), but I would really like a Gibson/Epi type as I far prefer the looks......! So is there such a thing as 'a 34" Flying V' or is it like looking for a 'Zingy EB-0' or 'attractive boutique single-cut'....!?! Cheers
  8. SPHDS

    BOSS ME-50

    Right, this might be a really stupid question....but then I am blond.....! Would a BOSS ME-50 (the guitar model) still be suitable for use with a bass, (I know there is a dedicated bass model) or would it be a bit of lame duck.....!?! Opinions/suggestions gratefully recieved....!
  9. Anyone know what Bruce Watson is playing in this vid? (seen well at about 1:12 and 1:56) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAfilBNO940 Cheers Sam
  10. Sorry to seem a bit blond, but why do you need to detune across the board.....surely it is a case of going into drop D (DADG) then shifting the fingering a couple of frets along the fretboard for the other strings.....!?!
  11. That's the Jobbie....! (except it was red (possibly Fiesta.....) and had black pickups)
  12. I was at a gig last night (went to watch, not to play, for once.....although did end up on stage for the encore......!) and the bass player was playing a Fender Jazz with a single piece 'guard/control plate (one single sheet of white plastic, akin to a Strat, if that makes sense) rather than the usual pickguard and metal control plate combo. It also had white Strat knobs. Anyone got any info?
  13. Spotted on Ebay..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SQUIER-CUSTOM-LP-BASS-EMG-USA-PICKUPS/171153913526?_trksid=p5197.m2280&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D312%26meid%3D2259337997330661625%26pid%3D100068%26prg%3D1171%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D331048822948%26%26clkid%3D2259338000882641687&_qi=RTM1575412 Is it just me or is this a tad suspect.....!?!
  14. Cheers Gang! Knew I could rely on you! Now to get the D-Tuner! Re. nut, thought that might be the case, will see how it goes, and if it proves a pain in the posterior, tuning wise, will get the nut swapped......! Just a thought......would a roller nut work.......!?! (or am I grasping the wrong end of the twig......!?!) Sam
  15. I would like to get a D-Tuner for my Explorer and my father has offered to get one for my birthday.....so I want to make sure he gets the right model.....according to the Hipshot Website I need a 'GB-7' http://store.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=72 Just want to make sure this is right before money is spent.....had heard and read about this 'not quite fitting' on some basses (posts not being long enough etc....!) Also heard that these don't work with brass nuts, is this true or just they don't work quite as reliable as with graphite...!?! Any info would be helpful Cheers Sam
  16. SPHDS

    Identify The Axe

    Cheers KK Jale!
  17. SPHDS

    Identify The Axe

    Hi, just wondering if anyone can identify this guitar, as played by Buck Dharma of Blue Oyster Cult. It looks a bit like a Gibson Moderne, but with 'differences' (angle of top half of the 'V', size of bottom horn, control layout etc.....) It almost looks like a Flying V top half welded to a hacked up Explorer bottom half......! But does anyone know what is actually is.....!?! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0X5YpOkSz4[/media]
  18. SPHDS

    Which Flanger?

  19. SPHDS

    Which Flanger?

    Righteo, cheers for the ideas! Missed out on a MXR earlier (forgot what time it ended.....D'oh!), so back to keeping on looking.....! What are the opinions on any of these, as there seem to be a few on the 'bay....! (and how do they compare to the Boss, which I know seems to be seen as King....!) 1) Arion SFL-1 2) Behringer (various - HF300/SF400/FL600) 3) Danelectro FAB Flange 4) NUX Flanger Core
  20. SPHDS

    Which Flanger?

    Sorry if this has been done to death/is a stupid question.....but as the title suggests, I am in the market for a flanger pedal, and was wondering what to get - do I need a bass specific pedal, or will any do? Also, are there any that I should look for/avoid....?
  21. Learned on a No-Name Jazz bass copy (I say no name as there are no labels on it anywhere!) It is black with a matt silver 'plate (which now has black Gaffa on it to leave a silver stripe continuing from the neck) also the neck volume knob snapped off soon after getting it, did come with a hard case though. Found out the jack was held together with blu-tack for about 6-7yrs, only found out when it cut out and I took the control plate off to look....! There is also a massive kink in the neck, but only at the dusty end.....! Still got it, and it is used as a 'learning'/stay at home practice donkey now.
  22. Hmmmm....not a huge fan of 'New' (sorry!), Do like the 'Thunder 'F'' on the 'Old' though! I do quite like the almost 'non-reverse' pick guard of Entwhistle's original Fenderbird (although I first came to notice that particular wonder in the hands of Leon Wilkeson of Skynyrd.....!) I'd try and work a split pick guard (with the 'Thunder F') to emulate that. (and work with the 'spine' bevel of a T-bird....!?!)
  23. The Ashdown I used at the place my band at uni practiced at had a 'tuner mute' button for exactly that reason, can't remember the model of the amp though...!
  24. I saw one similar to the 'Spoiler' once....except the neck was the 'shaft' and the headstock was, well.....the head!
  25. I have a black Epi as my main gigging bass. always liked the shape, so snapped one up when it appeared on EvilBay, would have loved a Korina or OE White one, but hey, still love it in black! It felt a tad unwieldy to begin with compared with my Ibby, but soon got used to it and find it comfy to play. It sounds great and gets loads of comments!
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