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Everything posted by lovetheblues

  1. Thanks! A V4B Classic, AV212, and a P500 for backup - I love it!
  2. Yes. For many of the reasons listed previously. The older I get, the more I appreciate the talent, especially of McCartney. If you really learn about each of their histories, and then the bands history, you get it.
  3. Pardon if this was already mentioned, but given the tone and amps you sound to favor, which are similar to my taste, you would probably love the Ampeg 212AV, although it may be more than you are looking to spend. It's got tone to die for! Cheers!
  4. Power transformer...
  5. Try co-q10 supplement. 200 mg per day. Will get rid of cramping in any muscles. Some people need 300 or 400 mg per day, but usually 200 mg gets it done. Solved it for me.
  6. I have the same model and love it! Mine also has a connection to the Beatles, Stones and others that makes it even more special to me!
  7. Thanks much! This looks really helpful, I will pass it on to our guitarist. Cheers! Steve
  8. Not sure if this is the proper forum, but didn't find a better spot. To all you awesome basschatters out there: I will make this short and to the point - our drummer was diagnosed with brain cancer last October and has probably just months to live (although we are praying for more). He's still playing with us but probably does not have many more gigs left in him sadly. He would like us to play So Weak So Strong by Govt Mule bfore he dies, as he wants to dedicate it to his wife. Our guitarist is pretty darn good at figuring out songs, but the part on this song has stumped him, and apparently many others, as neither of us has been able to find a tab for this song for guitar. In video, he seems to do some strange chords, and turns away from the camera at points, making it hard to tell what he is playing. I told the guys I would throw this out on BC and see if anyone could help. Has anyone figured this one out, or know of somebody that might have? I and the rest of the band would really appreciate it. Thanks, LTB
  9. For what it's worth (I know you are asking about the 210), while I prefer my V4B, I also have a pf500, and they both sound awesome through my SVT-212AV. Has plenty of tone and power for medium gigs and sounds great at low power too. I have not had experience using this rig alone with large gigs, as I've had PA assistance. For the Ampeg sound, these produce that sound in my head exactly! If you have the opportunity to get the 212 at a good price, it's definately worth considering. Just my .02 Cheers!
  10. Thanks all for your suggestions and links so far, I appreciate it! Steve
  11. Hello all, My wife and I will be in Leiden for a few days (3-4) at the end of May. We've never been there, or to Europe before for that matter, so I'd love to hear any suggestions for things to see and do, live music to check out, bass shops to puruse, etc. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance Cheers!
  12. I just want to say to those of you in London and the UK in general, that the thoughts and prayers of myself and many Americans are with you regarding the events in London today. I hope all of you and those close to you are safe. Steve
  13. Thank you very much for all of your helpful replies!! It's so difficult trying to balance seeing what you can, and not overdoing it! . So looking forward to getting to see places I've only read about or seen in movies. Also would love to visit Wales, where many of my ancestors came from - Cornwall mostly. Thanks again!!
  14. My wife and I will be traveling in Europe in mid-May to visit my daughter who is studying in Leiden. This will likely be our only visit, so I'm looking for some input on "must see" places especially in London and Ireland, as we will have 3 days before we go to Leiden. We are in our early 50's and quite active. We enjoy the city but love the countryside. Sightseeing, eating out, and live music would be much enjoyed. Any input would be much appreciated!
  15. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1489784467' post='3259918'] In order; 1 - No, it's a classic sound that's on many great records 2 - Yes, see 1. 3 - Again, yes 4 - Sort of. You can get a tight, punchy, middy tone that's very recognisably a jazz bridge pickup, though it stops slightly short of the full Jaco "parp". I prefer the flats version, personally. [/quote] Yes! What he said...
  16. Ok, just for fun, I'll bite. Here's my band's cover of SRV's Empty Arms, recorded by an audience member earlier this year: http://youtu.be/nOu3DjMiuGc Hope you enjoy it Cheers and Merry Christmas to all! Steve
  17. That was great, thanks for sharing! Cheers, Steve
  18. Please check out a few videos of our most recent gig at our website http://fadedblue.band Cheers! Steve
  19. All went pretty well. Please check out the recorded songs from the gig at http://fadedblue.band/songs I hope you like it Cheers! Steve
  20. Hey Mark, I would like to let you know that I am enjoying reading what you have posted so far on WordPress I like your style of storytelling, it's engaging. I can't wait to read what comes next! You mention your Backstory - I have to find that and read more Thank you so much for sharing your experienes. Cheers, and keep up the great work!
  21. Got a V4B a couple months ago. Simply awesome! It sounds good through virtually any cab and is full of tubey goodness :-) I'm REALLY loving it through my new Ampeg 212av!! The GAS has subsided.....
  22. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1404641166' post='2494298'] Love the V4B. Was trying a Squier in Wunjo a while ago and they put me through one paired with a 2x12 - it was like dying and going to tone heaven. [/quote] Yeah - it is! All my basses (13!) sound great through it!
  23. The V4B is bliss!! It's like the best tone you can get with an Ampeg P500 and then make it 3D. It's amazing - the tone I was searching for :-) Mine is a 1994 model and it rocks!
  24. So what's wrong with the PF500 then? Didn't like the sound or had the cutting out problem?
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