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Everything posted by Pukie

  1. WOW…If only this were in the UK…..etc etc etc
  2. No offence intended but Is that the actual item for sale? Perhaps you could post a picture of it plugged in and turned on, in front of a bass? … because your sofa & packaging looks identical to the one in these pics of three sale off reverb.
  3. OMG😎😎😎😎😎. I can’t afford it🙁…. Someone please hurry up and buy this and get it off the page.
  4. The Ken Smith website is pretty comprehensive, ….. Have you looked here? http://www.kensmithbasses.com/general-specs/ Also Ken has made some YT video blogs about his basses.
  5. I prefer this one, although I like the other one better.
  6. Knew I was going to like the Celinder best before even watching….. it didn’t disappoint.
  7. Getting back to the original topic ....has anyone actually had their arm broken by a swan?
  8. 👍Rush set to record . Thanks
  9. Ditto, or this would be mine.
  10. Since this has become an Intro thread, sort of , it doesn’t get better than this..
  11. Hmmm I tried one there too.... wanted to like it as I love the shape, but ultimately, it didn’t seem all that special, perhaps it was the same one, and just that one.
  12. OK , I’ll play ...my new toy....Stenback 4
  13. Funnily enough that’s exactly the choice I had back in ‘77. Nothing wrong with the White, I loved it, I had never seen another like it at the time, ...and it yellows with age..... still “beauty is in the eye of the cheque book holder” , as we used to say back then...probably.
  14. OMG 😍 ....my wallet thanks the lockdown.
  15. AAarrrgggghhh!!!!......."Did you have to?
  16. Me too!!!
  17. Jazz basses sound more like they used to do than they do today.
  18. Ok... I had already decided to spend some money. I sort of fancied a shimmer reverb. Anyway after deliberation, it was this or a HOF2 . Yes I think I fell for the hard sell and email bombardment, but hopefully in the long run this will benefit me EVERY time I play rather than occasionally. We'll see.
  19. Jaco only needed a four string lightbulb
  20. Pukie


    Hope this doesn't count as advertising ( if so.. sorry please remove it) but just got back from a trip to Japan. Popped in to the amazing 5 floor Ishibashi Music to drool over their Warwick Custom shop goodies
  21. Phew ! That fifth string means I don't have to have an argument with the wife! Nice.
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