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Everything posted by lonestar

  1. Yes I think that and possibly a fret edge tidy would be my first actions how do yo think the new Mex v US pickups compare. Couldn’t tell in the shop. re Fender QC I remember buying my Mex Strat back in the ‘90s that I tried loads to get a good ‘un.
  2. Possibly I was surprised as I tried a Mex Classic ‘50s one a few years ago and was impressed Maybe the new ones work better as a Jazz. it was nicely set up and there was no single thing wrong that I could spot just felt and sounded underwhelming. The Player just felt and sounded “the money”. Maybe I was schmoozed by the nicer silky neck finish on the player like the Am Pro
  3. Called into Wunjo’s today tried a few precision’s in the following order and after a very quick and abc unscientific test through the same amp/speaker came to following first impressions: a Fender vintera: meh OK but felt a bit cheap and copy’ish for a 700quid plus bass. Anodised pickguard would be off to eBay too.Very disappointing. b Fender American Pro maple fretboard: Lovely. sounds and plays just as I expect a P to be, nice finishing on the neck frets etc. But £1475!!! c Fender Player series Mexican Rosewood fretboard: really good not quite as full on as the US pro but still a very good P bass. Frets could do with a tidy in the edges and maybe upgrade some electrics and possibly hardware but nice neck and finish like the US. For 600 quid I probably would if I had the dosh and it’s almost half the price of a US one. I really liked it. Surprised and impressed. The chap in Wunjos was great, very helpful and would have been happy to do me nice deal on this as it was a quiet and very wet day. Only downer was that some s**tbag nicked my mates umbrella which he left by the door. Probably a guitard as I can’t insgine a fellow bassist would stoop so low.
  4. Thanks for all your work as ever. Great blog
  5. Only for ones that didn’t like it after not going
  6. I went along to a LBGS show years ago, not long after I got my Markbass cmd210 combo and went on the stand and told Marco de Vigilis how pleased I was with it. Next thing I knew I was whisked off in a lift between him and another couple of guys, on a wave of enthusiasm up to a conference room to see and try all the new line of amps. Knew then that I'd chosen the right product(even if it was all a bit surreal and scary in equal measure.
  7. I’m not going to whinge as I went along last Sunday with another bassist mate of mine and had a really nice day out. Yes the quiet time wasn’t enforced, more headphones would be great, and why does everybody slap ? Kinda know what expect though tbh. However in spite of all that we met some nice bass folk, tried some great instruments,albeit unplugged apart from a Dingwall which had a little amp and headphones attached. Brilliant; other exhibitors please note. Really enjoyed Dave Marks’ and Paul Geary’s workshops. Edit: sorry this wasn’t supposed to link to the above but while I’m here was it you on the Markbass stand Mojoke that me and my mate Steve had s chat about tweeter attenuators and second cabs? If so thanks; very nice to meet you
  8. Yep we had our photo studio in the basement. Probably queued for a sausage roll at the same coffee bar upstairs Small world. We were lucky to have worked there at a great time, pre-John Burt for me !
  9. I was at Cavendish Square 82-84 then TVC ‘84-85 Chris Capstick, lovely bloke, was on attachment with us from TV news while I was there
  10. I worked in the darkroom at picture publicity in the West End an then assistant photographer at Television Centre
  11. I had to go to his house once back in the '80s when I worked for the Beeb. In his basement along with his extensive record collection was a signed framed gold disc from Frankie for relax
  12. Yes sorry not to see you there Dan, nor any other basschatter lanyards for that matter. I’ve never been able to get on with IEMs tbh but can definitely see the value of them and why lots swear by them. I found that I spent more time swearing at them.
  13. Yes I thought that may be the case. chowny basses look great but didn’t get to lay hands on one unfortunately. I also like the look of that white Anaconda Jazz type bass across the way
  14. I really enjoyed it yesterday, apart from the usual noise. Dave Marks’ and Paul Geary’s workshops were very good. I had a brainwave half way around. Why didn’t I bring my little VoX Amplug and headphones so I could try instruments out without all the din ?Will try this next time. Here’s me trying £16,000 worth of ‘66 Jazz. Very nice but nearly a grand a fret !
  15. I’m really looking forward to it. Tickets booked with discount code prompted by BC newsletter so thanks for that
  16. I just googled and it came up with Ed Friedland I’m sure I borrowed one of his instructional books once
  17. Footloose is quite hard
  18. I have a Wizard Thumper in my SX/Mighty Mite/CTS/Gotoh bitsa P Bass and I couldn’t agree more Steve . I love it
  19. I’ve been using DR fat beams for a while now, purchased directly from the US still cheaper than buying them here. I really like the sound and feel and they seem to last quite well
  20. How about a Spector coda 5 string ?
  21. Anyone looking for a top hand wired valve amp-buy this ! I'm not in the market for another guitar amp at the mo as mainly bass and have just bought a little Yerasov amp I did some work for Paul Cornford a few years ago and was paid with a Cornford Harlequin, which I no longer have. Wish I'd kept it. They're brilliant amps and the Hurricane is superb and very useful at 22watts If they aren't collectable yet they should be ! good luck with the sale
  22. Mine is very simple but effective, if a little dull- like me! US std Jazz as bought in 2006 bitsa p bass: sx body, mighty mite fender licenced neck, wizard thumper, cts electrics, ‘70s gotoh tuners. All bought on here. Peavey Tim Landers Signature 5 string. Ebay bargain stripped of hideous blue colour and looking lovely all au naturel maple. All with DR Fat beams. Markbass CMD210 and extra 210 cab. no effects and a Korg led tuner strapp comfort straps cant remember which leads I use but good ones as they’ve lasted for years!
  23. This was sent to me: please contact them directly if you're interested
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