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Everything posted by lonestar

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/G-L-L2500-Premium-5-String-Tribute-Bass-Guitar-and-Case_W0QQitemZ130132461600QQihZ003QQcategoryZ38083QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZVewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/G-L-L2500-Premium-5-...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] How about this one?
  2. I had a tribute L2000 and can highly recommend it and agree with all of the above comments The 5 string does have a very chunky neck though.
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='29908' date='Jul 10 2007, 06:39 PM']If it's really cacked up just scrape the cack off with a stanley blade/razorblade (careful with those digits) or for the safe option use a piece of plastic like an old credit card etc. then a few drops of lemon oil on a soft cloth, wipe on then give it a thorough polish/rub. If your frets are actually dulled/green, then clean the board as above and mask off the board between the frets. Mask up as close as you can to the fret (you can literally get the tape tensioned and in tight), then get a green plastic scourer, squirt a smidgen of WD40 on the cloth and wipe it backwards and forwards along the fret to polish it. You'd really struggle to do any damage as the frets are rock hard and the muck polishes off pretty quick. Give it a good wipe and polish with a soft cloth and whip off the masking tape and one further wipe with lemon oil. If it needs a fret dress that's a different matter! Before During After [/quote] If you do the razorblade thing. Tape one edge of the blade with loads of masking tape first; makes it a little safer and go lightly. You don't want to end up with a scalloped board a la yngwie malmsteen! I also would tape the fretboard and clean the frets after the razorblading bit using brasso, it's not very abrasive, and then lemon oil etc.
  4. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='29284' date='Jul 9 2007, 07:46 PM']good move, put me down for a copy. Bernard is the MAN. and pmd too.[/quote] Me too!
  5. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='26772' date='Jul 3 2007, 10:49 PM']Amazon only have 4 left now.[/quote] that might be 3 soon if i can get on the case! What a piece of quality.
  6. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='26839' date='Jul 4 2007, 08:08 AM']allen adjusters scare me... the truss ones just seem so soft... and they're in so deep that getting access is hard. I've found that T-bar allen wrenches are like the proverbial rocking horse poo. Hardware shops just don't stock them... and even Maplin don't carry any.[/quote] I couldn't agree more . Should be able to get one from Fender though. if not a good toolshop or on the interweb. I go to one in Cambridge called McKays for things like this.
  7. When I had a similar problem on my St**tocaster afew years ago I rang Fender's UK distributor, Arbiter at the time, and they sent me one. My Jazz came with a t-bar allen key type thing with a ball end that you can use at an angle. it would be worth tracking one down if your adjuster is at the body end of the neck. [email protected] i've just dug out the parts list that came with my US std jazz case candy. It came with a 3/16" bondhus allen Wrench part no.004-8693-000. bridge saddle adjuster is 1/16" An IKEA allen key that came with a flat pack fitted my old G&L perfectly! I wouldn't recommend this though as it's easy to bugger up the adjuster if you don't have a perfect fit Hope this helps
  8. I really like Hiscox cases especially their liteflight ones
  9. I've just finished the book. Great stuff. It's very funny, interesting, nostalgic and a really easy read. Mr Pratt, aside from his obvious musical talents, comes across as a nice guy with a wicked sense of humour, great snippets of showbiz gossip with some brilliant put downs of the great and not so good, all done in a refreshingly self deprecating style. There is even an anorrakky gear bit at the end too! Haven't seen his stage show but would like to "having read the book". I've also just read Tony Visconti's autobiography. Highly recommended and the best muso biog I've yet read. Inspiring stuff.
  10. I remember hearing/reading? somewhere once that overdeveloping the muscles in your fretting hand won't make you any faster technique wise and may have the adverse effect. Elswhere in this thread somone mentioned that good LH technique is all about using the lightest touch. I couldn't agree more. and while these gadgets and hand excercises may help the beginner develop the requisite strength, playing more watching your hand position and practising in a disciplined way (someone else mentioned metronome) is the key. Having spent last couple of years gigging quite busily, including a 5 hour stint at the London marathon preceded by a gig the night before, I have developed quite a strong left hand,fast fingers and don't get any aches and pains or sore bits,(well not in my hands anyway ) after long gigs. i practice unplugged most nights when every one else has gone to bed and noodle with my bass in front of the telly, concentrating on accuracy and a light touch but certainly don't use any other gadgets other than my bass to work out with.
  11. Comfort strap bough mail order from one of the sponsors of this site with crucially Shaller straplocks. i use these on all my guitars to avoid any embarassing and potentially destructive instrument falling off moments
  12. A fender us Jazz standard s1 does it all for me; Jazz growl , twiddle the knobs or hit the s1 switch and you have a fat p bass sound. Mine was £659 just over a year ago. a good SH one should be easy to find for £600
  13. [quote name='subaudio' post='14137' date='Jun 8 2007, 12:45 PM']Hi Luke, I'm seriously looking at getting one of these and as I have never owned any gear with valves I'm not sure what to expect, and I wanted to be aware of workarounds if a problem occurred at an unfortunate time (as they tend to), so good news about reliability.[/quote] go for it they're great amps for the money!
  14. [quote name='subaudio' post='14095' date='Jun 8 2007, 11:38 AM']Sorry if this is a really dumb question but, as the Harke has a valve in the preamp, if this blew at a gig would it still be possible to use the amp in solid state mode ?[/quote] This has happened to me at a rehearsal on my HA5500 which I believe is very similar. It has a separate valve and solid state input control knob. It still worked perfectly just using the ss preamp but just sounded slightly less "chunky" and was fine until i replaced the valve, which was easy enough. ' '
  15. Good revue Ollie. I owned one of these for a couple of years and would thoroughly agree with your comments. They're really nice instruments. Only one negative point to add. The only problem that cropped up on my Tribute L2000 was that the pots were actually nasty Korean things that started breaking down within a year of my buying it, although the pickups were of US origin. The dealer I bought it from swapped them for Mighty Mite replacements supplied by the distributor and as fitted to the US models and all was fine again. I have heard of other Tributes having this problem but it may be down to a faulty batch from that year and now nothing to worry about. Regarding action I set my neck up to roughly Fender factory specs and it played like a dream. [url="http://fender.com/support/setup/basssetup.php"]http://fender.com/support/setup/basssetup.php[/url] Good luck and have fun with the new toy I may just have to try a 5 string one at some point now! Mike
  16. I've had a a HA3000 which was OK but also a Hartke HA5500 which was really good with the valve preamp and 500watts on tap. The valve blew and i swapped it for a mesa boogie 12AX7, Supplied under warranty from Coda music, and it sounded even better. If a big powerful amp and stack is your thing then I'm sure an HA3500 would be a great choice for the money. Can't say I've tried the cabs, mine were Ashdown, but the amps are great. I've now just got a little Markbass combo which I love dearly, sounds great and is much easier on the back
  17. i've been listening to dot com blues by Jimmy Smith. An album with a who's who guest list of jazz and blues greats plus superb bass playing from: reggie mcbride Never heard of him? here is some furtherb reading: [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/story.asp?storycode=15886"]http://www.bassplayer.com/story.asp?storycode=15886[/url]
  18. [quote name='3V17C' post='5891' date='May 24 2007, 04:57 PM']ok so one of the outputs has gone on my ampeg power amp...its old and secondhand and quite likely to be sold on quite soon. so was wondering if anyone knew of a handy amp repair man preferably around the norwich kinda area (don't wanna be sending it off as postage costs would be hefty..like the amp itself!) that can fix this up nice n cheap?? peace c[/quote] Not near norwich but Panic Music in Swavesey, just north of Cambridge are official Ampeg repairers I think.
  19. Listen to the bassline on "you're My Best Friend". Pure class. I'm not much of a Queen fan to be honest but having covered several songs of theirs over the years and having had to listen and work out the bass parts IMHO he really is an outstanding bass player. Melodic punchy and never particularly flash; all the other attributes of a class rhythm sectionist.
  20. [quote name='paul, the' post='2452' date='May 19 2007, 09:09 PM']This isn't a 'who's your favourite?' What it is, is that one of my favourite bass lines and my favourite bass tone is on the Stevie Wonder Track: "I Was Made To Love Her." [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrsrTvB_F34"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrsrTvB_F34[/url] Now the problem is, after 20 minutes or so I've got the chord structure down and had a Jamerson style fiddle around them and I went to have a look at anybodys'(g?) ideas online for the specific bass line. I found this page: ("Carol's famous hit bass line transcriptions...I Was Made To Love Her") [url="http://www.carolkaye.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=36&osCsid=721f54f83d906ec5958bed1b5d047d05"]http://www.carolkaye.com/catalog/product_i...58bed1b5d047d05[/url] Now I always assumed, understandably so, that it was a jamerson line from the tone and his relationship with Stevie. And I know Kaye can get a bit sh!tty about this - so I was wondering if anyone can clear this up for me before she comes and stabs me in the jaw. Anyone got anything beyond say and conjecture? ta, Paul.[/quote] Get hold of a copy of Standing in The Shadows of Motown. The Jamerson song book. It's got the full tab for this plus all the other classics. My bet is that that James Jamerson recorded this.
  21. [quote name='paul, the' post='2452' date='May 19 2007, 09:09 PM']This isn't a 'who's your favourite?' What it is, is that one of my favourite bass lines and my favourite bass tone is on the Stevie Wonder Track: "I Was Made To Love Her." [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrsrTvB_F34"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrsrTvB_F34[/url] Now the problem is, after 20 minutes or so I've got the chord structure down and had a Jamerson style fiddle around them and I went to have a look at anybodys'(g?) ideas online for the specific bass line. I found this page: ("Carol's famous hit bass line transcriptions...I Was Made To Love Her") [url="http://www.carolkaye.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=36&osCsid=721f54f83d906ec5958bed1b5d047d05"]http://www.carolkaye.com/catalog/product_i...58bed1b5d047d05[/url] Now I always assumed, understandably so, that it was a jamerson line from the tone and his relationship with Stevie. And I know Kaye can get a bit sh!tty about this - so I was wondering if anyone can clear this up for me before she comes and stabs me in the jaw. Anyone got anything beyond say and conjecture? ta, Paul.[/quote]
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