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Everything posted by lonestar

  1. I have the S1 switch on my Jazz which does this, giving it quite a boost and more thump. It's good, however it still doesn't sound like a Precision; you need one.
  2. I really like the bitsa as is SX ash body, Mighty Mite Fender licenced neck, Gotoh hardware, CTS pots and flats. It’s my “funk machine” especially for recording.
  3. Thank you I’m very pleased with it.
  4. I know my other P, a bitsa with a Wizard Thumper fitted, sounds completely different to this one and I’m curious to see what a better pickup would do for this one, especially if only £35 for the upgrade
  5. Thanks. Good call, I’d forgotten about those
  6. I’m thinking of swapping the pickup, which I think is the latest alnico one, on my 2019 Fender FSR Mexican precision for a Fender ‘63 pure vintage. anyone have experience of this and do you think it would be worth it?
  7. The work paid off; that’s really impressive. Good luck with the promotion I really hope that you can get those live shows on the road, I’d come and see you
  8. I have a combo version based of this CMD102p plus a 102TP traveller. Sounds great to me, light powefulr punchy tone , with plenty of low end, and very versatile. I did swap the horrible Leson tweeter in the combo for an HT30 one which was a big improvement for twenty quid. I may change the speaker one too
  9. I visited the Fender factory 19 years ago and was very kindly given a tour during a factory shutdown by the head of QC. Purely on the basis that he picked up the phone when my wife called to arrange it from the UK as a surprise for my fortieth. Which was nice The custom shop was in fact a kind of portacabin inside the main factory not what I expected at all and a bit underwhelming.
  10. Nice one Love Carl Radle’s bass lines. I recently recorded a few Derek & The Dominoes numbers, Keep on Growing, Anyday and I looked away for an album project.
  11. He makes top quality replacement looms using the same type of components and wiring used on the high end US and custom shop models. Have a look at his feedback on Basschat. I fitted one to my Mex FSR Precision last year. They’re easy to fit and made a big improvement in the sound and feel over the stock ones for not a lot of cash.
  12. Lovely bass. I'd be tempted to message @KiOgon about fitting one one of his excellent wiring looms if there are any issues with the electrics. In fact they're a great improvement even if there isn't.
  13. Firing a band member? I’m looking forward to using this line: ” Well the problem isn’t you it’s us; we don’t like you.”
  14. If you do, make sure that you choke on your own;not someone else’s.
  15. And don’t forget that you’re the most qualified and best bass player in the room, playing onstage at that moment in time. p.s Skank is absolutely bang on re. the hat thing.
  16. And in black ink as red or blue disappears under certain stage lighting
  17. How about Sadowsky ? Sorry, he is a bit annoying
  18. My heart always sunk when turning up for a dep gig or rehearsal and there was a Marshall half stack in the corner.
  19. That sounds totally unreasonable to me that they expect you to soundcheck before the date for the sake of the poxy db meter/venue without any crowd noise. We played a wedding venue a few years ago where we sound-checked and all was fine with the meter. First song, first dance, the meter tripped leaving the bride and groom very upset, with the venue not us, as there was nobody to be found to reset it. Fortunately our very clever sound-guy managed to reset it and fix it so it wouldn't go off again. I've had lots of very crap experiences with stroppywedding venues, particularly the newer re-purposed barn type places that seem to be purely in business to extract as much money as possible, from their clients, while providing very little help. I want ask them who is actual customer here in such circs.
  20. I like where he mentions the Beach Boys. Back in my progtastic teens I recall Jon Anderson referencing them as an influence and thought “are you kidding?” Over the years listening with the ears of a grown-up and becoming a huge Brian Wilson fan I completely get it.
  21. lonestar

    What happened?

    Small world: I hade one of these too. £100 from Macaris sold it back to them in the ’80s for £100.
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