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Everything posted by Tech

  1. bollucks! the week before my end of years start... you're having a laugh!! i get free entry to koko too as a 'member of the press'... probably could have secured an interview. *facepalm*
  2. if you can get to swansea, try looking out for a bloke called "andy collins" - not sure if he's still teaching but i'd imagine so. plays for a band called 'the storys', had a few radio hits - he's a great player and a nice guy. i never had him myself but a few of my mates had lessons from him and they all had nothing but good things to say.
  3. i'm a bit of a geek and definitely started out more towards the gear side. my first encounter with guitars in general was when my old man smashed up my brothers jackson when he got in some big trouble, years and years ago (i guess i was 12). i spent a long time learning how guitars worked (and floyd roses aswell! nightmare!) and managed to get hold of a replacement body and put the parts back together for him... so i definitely started out thinking about things from the other perspective. i was playing for a few years before i realised how much the music really means to me. now i'm definitely more in the playing side of things, but i haven't lost my appreciation of a good instrument!
  4. ^^^ obligatory bass shot. (they *fought* to get me to wear a tie) ^^^ obligatory funny hat shot.
  5. try and get hold of the 6 string ibanez prestige. i've got one and it was my first 6 string... the only 6 string i've ever been able to pick up and play without any additional effort, it just felt like it was made for me. obviously you know how tight the B is etc from your 5 string. seriously - this bass was my go-to for a long time, even when i knew i wouldn't need the low B / high C, it's just so damn easy to play anyway.
  6. if i'm able to make the final date, i could bring a 1993 USA fender jazz 4 string and/or a mid 90s Ibanez Prestige 3006e 6 string. apologies to anyone hoping for the rick/stingray/trace elliot, i don't think i can get them down from wales.
  7. will post pics if interest generates. appears to be in good working order, will do a thorough test before agreeing on any deal just to make sure. comes with a power supply and a hard case (with someone elses's name written on in permanent ink - my band members nicknamed me "mike" for months). would like some guitar kit - looking for a decent digital delay, wah pedal, practice amp, surprise me. ta, mat.
  8. i need a new bass for some jazz trio gigs, ideally for a big 'un on monday since i don't wanna take the ricky out no more. i'm looking at a jazz bass on ebay at the minute but i'm not sure i'm going to get it for the price i want. maybe you can convince me that this p-bass would work nicely in a jazz trio ?
  9. ffs i have a deadline on the 25th and i know those few hours will be priceless.
  10. just a bump - i had a set of these in my old warwick, and they really made that bass growl. anyone with a warwick should give it a go.
  11. any idea on what the resale value on these would be? looks like i'm gonna be doing a lot more corporate gigs with a jazz/pop quintet over the next year or so... the rick doesn't really suit sound wise, the 6 string is overkill most of the time, and i'm looking for something more passive and old school than the stingray. i've saved up enough cash from the last few years gigs to buy a 70s jazz, but i'm really worried about theft, damage in transportation and reliability. to be honest i'd probably never play it. so a newer jazz makes more sense - but i really dig the relic on the 70s jazzes. so this leads me to the fender road worn fellas. however i don't wanna spent some £800 on a bass that i would struggle to sell for £450 in a couple of years. so how much do you think these will depreciate?
  12. any chance i could stop by with a mate and try it out? i'm lookin for a new guitar... not really a fan of the metal stylings to be honest but buzz feiten tuning system, planet waves machine heads, and the EMG actives make it a sweet deal for that price.
  13. i'm in, provided no exams/deadlines get in the way!
  14. i need a new guitar, i've spent so many days refretting my epi les paul now it's really pissing me off. just don't know if i can justify it being a strat, as the band i play for is a stoner/desert band and i just don't know if single coils will give me the beef i need...
  15. [attachment=39110:GetAttachment.aspx.jpg] ...this love is illogical.
  16. [quote name='demanufacture' post='693561' date='Dec 26 2009, 12:56 AM']Hello. My name is Rafal and I'm writing from Poland I'm not native English speaker so please don't be angry for my weak English knowledge [/quote] med student? into jazz fusion...?
  17. i guess it's all down to personal preference. i remember the best part of a decade ago when i was first getting seriously into playing, watching jaco's "modern electric bass" - how he'd talk about playing up in the 'mid range' of the bass because that's where he got the best tone. at the same time, i was really into the pocket playing of some country and western guys etc, who all swore by frets 1-5. just tailor it to who you're playing with - i find if i don't think about it, my ears tell my fingers where to go and i usually slip into the right region of the bass for the job. if you are comfortable playing all over the neck, it'll pay off on the rare occasion where you need to get really high up. but if i'm reading, i definitely cling to the first few frets
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='693492' date='Dec 25 2009, 09:11 PM']You should try and get a gig at The Good Ship in Kilburn![/quote] first thing that came to mind really dig your tracks - hits the spot for me. i think your singer uses a bit too much vibrato. but beyond that, i would go and see you guys in kilburn and bring a few mates - loving the vintage vibe.
  19. i'm absolutely terrible... i can (or used to when i had the energy!) get quite into my playing on stage and always end up getting buckle scratches all down the back, dings where i bump into things... ugh. i take good care of my rickenbacker but she never really sees any gigs. so i tend to avoid basses that should be kept mint. i specifically bought my stingray with a deffective finish so that i wouldn't feel bad about beating it up and it was the best decision i ever made - the only thing i worry about when playing that bass is the music. of course playability is a different matter - if it's an important gig i'll still spend the time getting the action and intonation set up perfectly, polishing the frets and maybe oiling the fretboard, that kind of thing.
  20. i could buy this, but my room-mate might have something to say about it. good luck with the sale - i played through something similar once and jizzed in my pants. delicious. have a bump.
  21. Tech


    [quote name='Rayman' post='648654' date='Nov 8 2009, 11:36 AM']I have an APB-5 as my backup, and honestly, I've been using it more than the Kinal of late. Absolutely stonking basses these.[/quote] I had one too a couple of years back and they are fantastic. really solid, feels great to play, proper round 'bass' tone. beautiful - and yes, I have regretted letting it go ever since, just couldn't justify having a 5 string and a 6 string, and the latter is more useful to me. hope this sells soon, someone will get a bargain!
  22. this is a bloody gorgeous bass that I bought when I had some success with an indie band. it's a fantastic bass, but these days i'm mostly playing jazz/funk and i'm playing a lot more guitar. my stingray suits my 4 string needs a bit better with the active pre, and my main gigging bass is my 6 string, since I use the low B so much. might trade for an old fender bass (J ideal, maybe P, let me know what you have), or an old fender strat... but surprise me, let me know what's going on! but again - I'll only trade for something that really catches my eye. she's in good nick, but an old bass that has been played a lot, and it shows - started to yellow, a couple of dings from general wear and tear, one small chip on the lacquer over the fretboard, frets in good condition, one of the tuners is a bit loose but if anyone is interested i'd take her to the shop to get her sorted out (it wasn't an issue for me). also, i never had the bridge pickup horseshoe for this bass. again, a fantastic bass, just can't justify having this much money tied up in a bass that i just have no need for anymore.
  23. - have to click the "watch in youtube" button, skip to about 1:40 - act is 'schwing'. - this was the full piece just after we learnt it. there's a nice bass slide towards the end and an oldie - me at 15, having a go at some funk. before i could read music / knew any music theory. doubt i could come up with something like that now to be honest
  24. badump for a wicked amp, the guitarist in my old band used to use one and it sounded suh-weet. would pick it up myself but i'm unfortunately sharing a room this year, and my roomie isn't a fan of rock music.
  25. just thinkin out loud, would you be willing to split the amp and the enclosure? logistically don't have the room for the enclosure, but i've been jamming with a guitarist who has a music room in his accomodation with some old school cabs going spare and nothing to power them with... we've got two engineers, a physicist, an applied mathematician and a med student in the band - i wonder if we could knock something out of that valve amp. not sure if i'd wanna spend the cash anyway tbh, i should be saving up for the blackie 79 strat on denmark street, but i might be swayed. let me know what you think about splitting!
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