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Everything posted by slaptone

  1. Well i bought a Bongo today.Dropped out the miller route.Could not resist it.The orange colour bongo it is.Wont have it for a week and a half,cant wait now.The bongo seed was just growing bigger and bigger,they do look very cool indeed and as many say the musicman sound is huge.
  2. Cheers for your advice.I checked out the J East site and i will be going that route.Will be next year for that setup.I have been checking out a Ashdown Mag 300 combo also.Looked at the electric blue ashdown 180 combo but think i will pay more dosh and get the mag 300 then the power side will be done and dusted.Have you any thoughts on the ashdown range,any help would be great.
  3. Well put deposit on a Fender Miller in sunburst,looks very retro,got to wait 4 weeks now to get it fully paid for.I hate waiting for gear.Looking forward to getting it for keeps.It played great when i tested it.
  4. Thanks guys for your indepth thoughts.As i am returning to bass after many years most of the info is new to me so all your opinions helps me great.Got to get to grips with the electronic world now,spent the last 25 years blowing down my saxs.The way it looks i think if i get the miller bass and upgrade the pre amp it would still be less money than the bongo or stingray so that factor might just egde it for me.Leaves more towards an Ashdown combo,strings etc.Just got to wait a month now till funds are there,i hate waiting,hurry up please.
  5. Looking for a versitile bass but also love that funky slap sound.Want a nice fast neck.Looks play a big part also and the 2 i like are the above.A MM Stingray is also on my list.Treating myself in a months time to a bass and an Ashdown combo.Also wanting a 5 string to add to my gear,fancy a peavey or a schecter but that would be no more than £200.00 if possible for now.Keeping my cash for the Miller,Bongo or stingray.
  6. New to the forum but am returning to bass after 25 years.I am a sax player but fancy getting my bass chops back.Been looking long and hard and will be getting a Marcus Miller fender sig bass or a MM BONGO.These are the top 2 on my list.Love that slapping sound on bass so hence my choice.I have always loved the sound and look of the musicmans and the bongo is just so sexy.Have not played a bongo but have tested a Miller sig fender and it felt nice.Any info would help.
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