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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. Nevermind...one of only two albums I have bought and then sold. Hey ho. The article reads like the author likes 'cooler' bands than you and I, because he doesn't follow the mainstream.
  2. Love my 2010 now, but it nearly went back as it had melted wiring from manufacture. I discovered this because the jack socket was loose and I had to take the cover off to tighten it. The jack socket doesn't have a lock washer either. (mine does now) I had heard some poor quality stories from here and other interweb sources but bit the bullet and armed with all the highlighted issues I had one to try out. Neck dive and weight is only complained about by pussies who demand balsa-wood weight basses and perfect balance IMO. (o0o0o controversial!) Pros: Possibly the most rock n roll bass shape known to mankind Superslim neck profile The smell! Damn its good Popular opinion holds it as a 'one trick pony'. Thats fine, it does the one trick I want! Holds C/G/C/F tuning with 110-50's with no problem Cons: Bridge is fiddly when changing strings. It drops into pieces. I wouldn't like to change strings in a dark backstage room! Didn't come with added groupies. High gloss finish - for those added finger prints Tends to hang away from my waist slightly, so it needs straplocks before it goes anywhere. This is a bigger issue to me than the much vaunted neck dive as I move about a bit when playing live and can loose my pick hand positioning. Gibson vs Epi - my experience was the standard was poorly finished, the Blackbird was nice and the Pro sounded like my Warwick.
  3. I thought those TE cabs were already 8ohms? I take it from your question that my assumption is wrong and a 4ohm version is available, or have your drivers been replaced before? The drivers in my 1998 1048H are C10T-80 32ohm - Celestion specials for TE and not available anymore. I haven't looked in my early 2000's cab but I guess they are the same.
  4. It can be difficult to integrate into a new forum. Most have their own cliques and if you happen to disagree with one of the 'in-crowd' then you might aswell not bother posting at all as it just gets ignored.
  5. Bass level check - I do what it says in my sig, hit the fat string lots. Its what I mostly do during the set so thats the best thing for me to soundcheck to. Band soundcheck - what ever is the newest track in the set generally - extra practice never goes a miss!
  6. Daz detoured into Hanley town centre to collect the Warwck 4x10" cab he bought from me because I couldn't get time off work to meet him. Made my life very easy! Thanks Daz - hope the cab gives you what you need!
  7. [quote name='Thurbs' post='1275772' date='Jun 20 2011, 12:11 PM']There is a part of me which thinks big rigs are about ego and stage presence.[/quote] Mine most certainly is. For me the weight is a price I am willing to pay (for now) just to see the look on peoples faces when it gets stacked 6 ft high!
  8. A sunny sunday bump for my Warwick.
  9. Warwick aren't the only company to demand a dealer to carry large stock values - don't Gibson say the same thing? I have a pair of Warwick Streamers - a LX4 I bought new in 1993 from Carlsbro, and a 2004/5 (maybe - it has no serial number!) Stage I four-string that I bought second hand for £720 six years ago. I have a figure of £1800 in my head for a new Stage I at that time, but I'm not sure why. The LX4 owes me nothing - its been played to death and has been on loan to longtimefred while his Sandberg was being built. The ergonimics are great - it just 'fits'. Infact the LX4 is nicer to play that the more expensive Stage I. If I sold them in the current climate I think I could possibly afford to buy a take-away curry with the proceeds. The difference between the new values and the resale values astounds me (cost vs worth / value) - if you look through the custom catalogue options you could easily spend 5 figures on a bass. Madness.
  10. No melody, no groove and I agree about the hideous metallic clattering noise. Truly awful. If I had to work next door to the stand he was working on I would be serving a stretch for assault with a deadly weapon - I would shove that bass right up his ass. Sideways.
  11. I 'beefed' up my speaker cables for one very simple reason - they are exposed in use and they get thrown into my gig box regularly. The obbm's are mechanically better then the ones I replaced. Electrically they have a larger cross sectional area than those they replaced and therefore will have a lower resistance (assuming core conductor material is the same) However, my ears won't detect any 'improvement' and neither will yours. In other words....don't bother. Use the time to make a nice cup of tea, put your feet up and read a good book.
  12. [quote name='Thurbs' post='1253610' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:59 AM']If you wanted a pop song, how about Rio from Duran Duran. It is the bass which really bounces the song along. There is also plenty of space in the verses for your own grove, although the chorus you need to sit back in the mix obviously![/quote] Good call - some nice bass lines from 80's pop.
  13. Maybe pick songs where the bass lines are not necesarily complex, but iconic. As you said - you don't want a two handed tapping adventure. The Stranglers - Peaches Queen - Under Pressure These two spring to mind instantly - although they don't fit with your funk, soul and jazz direction.
  14. Said to me by another bass player... "You dropped a few bum notes there" My reply - "Yes, I did - but everybody had a good time so it doesn't matter". I only take critisism from people I respect - and this guy isn't on that list.
  15. Most times I am driving so I only have water or pop anyway. If I get permission from the wife beforehand - and the vibe is right - then I'll have a couple. I will never play drunk. As part of a band I owe to them and myself to be at my best. I once played a gig and the singer was so pissed he passed out. Thankfully the place was empty so it wasn't the end of the world. Got a gig tonight at a cool venue - the last time I was there I was getting Jager delivered to the stage - but in a 30 minute set with one song running into the next getting drunk just isn't possible for me!
  16. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='1242033' date='May 23 2011, 06:57 PM']Audibly, it sounds the nuts. Honestly. Through a Sansamp, it sounds immense.[/quote] I have just added a Sansamp to the front end of my VBA400. It will flay the skin off an elephant at 400yards.* Out of curiosity I tried the Epiphone standard, Goth and Pro while I was waiting for a Gibson to come into a dealer for me to try. In my (very) short trial they are nowhere near the Gibson in any respect other than outline shape. The Pro is active so it sounded more like my Warwick! My favorite of the three Epiphones was the Goth by a long way. * Obviously proving this little factoid is slightly difficult, as elephants are not as common in Staffordshire as they were in ye olde dayes.
  17. He played for Talisman. Cool player.
  18. Back up the top for offers
  19. Its a 1048H (10"x4, 8ohm with Horn) Its 300W, and probably from the late 90's. I have one with the TE badge stuck on it like yours that I bought new in 1996 or something like that. I have another with the TE logo printed on, and that is a later model.
  20. [quote name='mic mac moe' post='1231295' date='May 14 2011, 07:45 PM']Still got this? type bump[/quote] Yup, still got it.
  21. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1227273' date='May 11 2011, 10:59 AM']Its hard to play a double bass with your foot on a monitor. I also think it is pertinent to note that the rebellious 'smash the gear up in a fit of pre-pubescent pique' thing doesn't really work when you are 47, overweight and playing Lush Life. That rebel without a cause thing was started by the likes off Jerry Lee Lewis in 1849 and is a bit tired now anyway but watching it done by middle aged old farts who drove to the gig in a Volvo with a 10 plate is a bit sad. Even if they [i]are[/i] called Iron Maiden.[/quote] I think I love you. In a purely plutonic sense obviously.
  22. No 'Ryan', I won't post it to West Africa after giving you all my bank details.
  23. An 'annoyed with drummers' type bump
  24. I was worried about the famous neck dive, but if its anything like my Gibson T'bird although it does 'reach for the floor' the weight isn't a problem so its no effort at all to keep it under control. Get it bought!
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