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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. Love Trujillo - an excellent bass player, but I have a [b]HUGE[/b] 'man-crush' on Jason. His onstage energy was amazing, and he is one of my biggest influences on how I play. I came to the band long after Cliff passed, so JN was always THE MAN. One thing that Metallica lack now for me is his aggressive backing vocal. Did anyone notice the complete lack of profanity from James? Not one single swear word between songs at Manchester.
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1504445335' post='3364879'] As far as the audience are concerned I suspect changing the singer is the only seriously tonal and visual difference that would impact a video or music recording. Guitar, bass and drums are just filling the music in. [/quote] Sound wise thats a fair point. Visually, I'd disagree with that if a mobile and engaging player is replaced with a wallflower. That's certainly noticeable.
  3. Context - two-bit cover band... Both myself and the singer (we both left independently of each other on the same day) are in most of the 'live' phone-shot videos that are on the band FB page. I'm OK with that, apart from I don't think that the two replacements are as good. (Yes I know...ego can be a fragile thing!) I feel like the band is being sold under false pretense when the headline videos aren't the current line up. Having said that, I loose exactly zero sleep over this.
  4. It needs a black guard I think. Black and white is very classy combination.
  5. It was the band I put together. I spoke to all the members initially to sound them out. Over time the guitarist turned into a control freak. Both myself and the singer (who was the real talent in the band in my opinion) both left on the same day independently of each other I'll not go into details on a public forum, but its cost a 20+year friendship.
  6. My advice? Try and jump into bed with an already established singer / guitarist / drummer and start something that way. A local 'character'. I'm fairly local to to Nantwich and the scene is incredibly incestuous around that area. I see the same players in different variations of the same band and if you aren't in 'the clique' you don't get a chance. Maybe it is like that everywhere.
  7. Warwick Thumb 5 bolt-on. Hideous, way worse than the GIbson T-bird I had because of the weight.
  8. I've not played - other than to fault-find a friends rig this week - since the middle of December...and I'm not missing it in the slightest. A sh*tty bust up with the guitarist of the band that I founded has taken my mojo and stomped it to pieces. I guess I'll find it again, but I'm staying away from the local scene too for now.
  9. Motley Crue - Motley Crue John Corabi is such a better vocalist then Vince Neil, but the band popularity bombed on Neil's exit. Maybe it was because the album was a bit heavier / darker than previous.
  10. 3 guitars - all in different tuning and all used. No backups as such. Retuning is an issue as they are all Floyd trems I always take two basses: 5 string tuned down half step for most of the set, tuned std for one song and tuned up to C for two. 4 string tuned down half a step for one song, and tuned down a whole step for 4 or 5 more. Yes you can get away with less. Yes, we could even consider drop tune pedals....but its rock n roll and its about more than the songs.
  11. VBA400 failed at switch on with a pop - probably popped an output valve given that the symptoms are exactly the same as the last time it failed. Noticed that I've chipped the finish on my Dingwall NG2. Arse. Jack socket on the NG2 is also loose - so wouldn't work with my wireless but would with a normal lead. Stage completed sucked my tone dead. Pub fairly empty due to lots of local competition - probably 20 bands can be playing in Stoke on a saturday evening. Joy. Not.
  12. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1478524222' post='3169588'] I notice in a couple of posts you said your guitar player wouldn't play - is he unkeen on the same stuff as you or not capable enough to do the songs suggested? +1 to garbage - Why do you love me would be my choice [/quote] He is plenty capable...no problem there. I am not looking to cover female fronted rock bands - there are bands local to us that have that squared away. I love Pink and I think there is some mileage there - its just convincing the whole band that the tracks are worth it. Its fine doing a completely fantabulous rendition of a Van Halen album track (for example) - but if nobody knows it, whats the point?
  13. Loads of good ideas...thanks folks. I'm most annoyed at the number of suggestions I've said "Of course!" to. I am getting very forgetful in my dotage.
  14. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1478461301' post='3169201'] Years ago I saw a metalesque band who covered Madonna's 'Express Yourself'...it was done so well, it just fit seamlessly into their set. Brilliant and clever. [/quote] Skin?
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1478461096' post='3169194'] You are specifically looking songs with females on the original recordings , or just great songs that work with a female vocal ? [/quote] Specifically looking for the originals to be female fronted. I really like the version of Frozen we have. It is completely out of it's as-written genre but because it's a good song it works really, really well. More of that is what I'm thinking.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1478460862' post='3169191'] Beautiful Dangerous by Slash/Fergie from Black Eyed Peas. Awesome track. [/quote] Yup - it is an awesome track. Getting Slash / GnR tracks seriously considered by our guitar player is also unfortunately difficult...
  17. Ta Pete... Are Paramore popular enough? Not being a fan of that kind of 'pop punk' (I guess) I'm not really sure! Kelly Clarkson is a name even I've heard of...I'll have a look.
  18. My band bases it's set around the 'hair metal' type bands of the 80's / 90's - Motley Crue, Poison, Skid Row etc with a few pop covers thrown in - Frozen (by Madonna), Crazy (by Seal) as examples. Bearing in mind we have a female singer, only two songs in our set have been anywhere near female vocals in their original recordings! I'm looking for a fresh set of ideas for female fronted pop tracks that would work when wrapped up in this hair metal guitar frenzy. Lada Gaga's Bad Romance has been covered by Halestorm and its a pretty cool version - so that is on our list. Bitch by Meredith Brooks was considered - its got an epic singalong chorus - but our guitar player is really not keen. These tracks aren't intended to be funny, tongue in cheek, ironic or a bit of a joke in any way. We have one guitar and bass in this band so doing justice to huge productions and keyboard heavy melodies might give us an issue. So...with my very limited view on the pop world - any ideas from these hallowed forums? (Lets not mention Britney Spears) Cheers droogs!!!
  19. One tone for all. Chorus occasionally if the song needs the change.
  20. Can you upload a few more photos please?
  21. I've read this through and a thought occurred to me... Have any of you actually been 'that' punter?
  22. When I bought my Streamliner I did an A/B with the OTB500. I'd agree with what has been said - the OTB was quite limited in its tone and the EQ didn't seem to do much either. The Streamliner had a much cleaner tone available that you could choose to grind up with the use of the 'Gain' button on the amp, or a pedal.
  23. The prototype yellow NG2 built for Nolly had a dark (ebony?) fretboard and looked mega. At Nolly's request it was replaced with maple. I preferred the look of the dark fretboard. The slots in the pickguard are inspired by the Ferrari Testerosa (from a Sheldon / Nolly interview on youtube). These basses are assembled in China, but I've seen photos of them in the Canadian workshop completely stripped (ie necks removed) for fettling and fine tuning. My NG2 plays plays just as nicely as my ABZ - but there are quality differences as you would expect. Even so, its still got the best B string I have ever played. Not sure on the pink though...and I play a [b][color=#00ff00]GREEN[/color][/b] one!
  24. [b]UNITED KINGDOM Studio Care[/b] [color=#000000][font=arial, san-serrif][size=3]Tel: +44 (0) 151-236-7800[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=arial, san-serrif][size=3]Fax: +44 (0) 151-284-0300[/size][/font][/color] [url="http://www.avalonproaudio.co.uk/"][b]www.avalonproaudio.co.uk[/b][/url] From the Avalon website...maybe they can help?
  25. Snake oil for me - take this quote from the website... "[font=Roboto, sans-serif][size=4]boasts durability and quality to attract the [color=#ff0000]high end niche market[/color]."[/size][/font] Someone said its a "solution looking for a problem" and I agree - but that was my opinion on the iPad and look what happened there! They need a proof reader and not just a spell checker on their website too. Mistake in the first paragraph on the About Us page. Scratch that - they need a writer.
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