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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. I've dumped all my hard cases in favour of Gator Progo's. I've never quite liked the fact that hard cases have no cushioning in them what so ever. I watched the you tube video of them kicking the Gators' about and slinging a guitar off a first storey roof onto its headstock and I was sold. At £100 a pop they aren't cheep but I'm happy with them. I've ended up with three - so I tie coloured ribbon around the handle to match the bass colour so I know which one I'm picking up! They are ideal for me because I always move my own gear and they do take up a little less space than a hard case. The only down side is that like BRX mentioned earlier, the shoulder straps aren't quite right so the bottom of the case does bash into my thighs. Not a a massive issue as I don;t have to carry my gear far generally.
  2. A "25-21" happy Rugby bump for a bass called Dita...
  3. Hi Simon, You could try speaking to Dave Leese. He's a guitar tutor but he may be able to help - or point you in the direction of someone who can.
  4. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1457203259' post='2996365'] I knew it was something I was doing ! Leads wrong way round and volume not turned on bass [/quote] Problem solved...and you will be glad to hear that our rates for assistance are almost reasonable!
  5. Looks like the bass is plugged into the output of the pedal...swap the leads around maybe?
  6. Isn't that yellow LED showing that the tuner is activated and therefore the output is muted? Push the button so the LED goes out and try again?
  7. Are any of the pedals working on their own?
  8. Test one pedal at a time to see if they are working individually? All pedals powered? Correct voltage?
  9. [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1456606172' post='2990764'] ...Marshall MBC 4x10 600watts ... [/quote] Didn't realise it was rated that highly...
  10. My Bergs cope fine with my VBA400.
  11. [quote name='tomaspin' timestamp='1456424203' post='2988938'] Hi i will be in Stoke on tour in a few weeks (mid March) if still available I would be interested Tom [/quote] Cool. If you get in touch closer to your visit and we can arrange a meet if you're still interested.
  12. Another bump...this is close to being hung on the wall for display!
  13. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1456182527' post='2986460'] Heavy amp, lightweight cab.. works for me! [/quote] Me too!
  14. Justify my gear. Easy. I like nice things. 'Want' and 'need' are two totally different concepts. Sometimes they align.
  15. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1455137448' post='2976410'] I've just been listening to anthrax's later stuff. Another metal band I know . I know what I'm getting , but they're still giving it some and it's still sounding good . [/quote] Its interesting that you picked Anthrax. I think they have had two distinct 'sounds' - The Belladonna and Bush eras. The Bush era being much less 'thrash'. While the 'sounds' are different, within that sound the tracks could be a bit samey album to album.
  16. £300 for a VBA? Bargain of the century! I keep thinking about replacing the mesh on the front of mine with a more open metal grill so you can see the valves more...but I need to grow a pair before I do that!
  17. Named as in my signature, either after pin ups or Norse Goddesses.
  18. [quote name='skb558' timestamp='1448810052' post='2918288'] Hello - is this stiil up for sale? [/quote] Hi, its still for sale. Apologies for the delayed response. I've only just noticed this post. Sorry!
  19. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1450639236' post='2934531'] Anybody else on here curious as to the mechanism that causes this to happen? [/quote] Could it be that the wrap (what is the correct term for this??) isn't tightly wound to the core? Just to add my 'tail of woe' to this thread...I bought a box (6 sets) of LaBella's a while back. [b]FOUR[/b] A strings went back as they were dead. I tried all the above - I even swaped the E and A strings as a final position check.
  20. The LED's I had sent to me from the Fender Warranty folk were from RS - part of the label was still on the bag. They are also a different shade of blue to the originals.
  21. Guns n Roses aka Axl & Friends Nottingham Arena...2007 or so. 1.5 hours late on stage and most definitely not worth the wait. Solos from 'the band' just bored me to tears. Why? Nobody cares. We left before the end but well after midnight Marilyn Manson Wolves Civic 21st Nov 2015 I think its either a) I just don't get him, or ( he is a self obsessed, pretentious cockwomble with terribly lazy vocal delivery. The only person I know who could sing "Repent"...without using an R, P or T. Pretending to cut himself with a broken bottle, being all 'rock n roll' by knocking over an obviously unloaded guitar cab several times. Great lights though.
  22. Live - the EBS is in my chain all the time. Studio - never...I'll leave that to the engineer to sort out.
  23. I see that Ace Ventura has a sideline.
  24. Motley Crue / Alice Cooper earlier this week (bit late for this thread I know) Love / Hate on friday Marylin Manson on Nov 21st Frank Turner on Nov 23rd Nothing More on Dec 10th Black Stone Cherry - Feb 2016
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