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Everything posted by leonshelley01

  1. I'm looking to add an MBC115 to my MB4210 this month (just so I don't have to bend down to adjust the volume!), but this is a little worrying. When it was working, did you rate it?
  2. I tried all three Mex basses in stock at the shop when I bought mine. The first was okay, probably just needed tweaking and mine was great off the mark, but the third was terrible. The action was colosally high, the fret ends protruded and the 17th to 19th frets were loose and rattled. On the flip side, the one I got felt better than the American standards they had in! It seems the quality control on the MIMs is pretty hit and miss, whereas the couple of Geddy Lee Jazzs I've tried in shops have always been excellently finished and set up. I think with Fender more than any other manufacturer you really must try before you buy.
  3. EHX Bass Big Muff Dunlop 105q Wah EHX LPB-1 (just to boost for solos)
  4. When I play with a pick (about 20% of the set) I use Planet Waves Medium (green .85 mm). Flexible enough for alternate picking yet stiff enough to push the string. Only downside is the the green dust all over the bass afterwards!
  5. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='526080' date='Jun 27 2009, 05:08 PM']When you're stood on stage naked, painted blue with yellow polka-dots, hair on fire, slapping the strings with your erect p*nis, and people are STILL watching the flaming Lead Guitard and Singer. [/quote] [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='527090' date='Jun 28 2009, 09:18 PM']If it means growing a beard so i can keep playing bass.. bring it on haha Z x[/quote] A bearded lady playing bass would likely get more attention than the lead guitard. Maybe I'll wear a dress next time we gig.
  6. D'addario XL 45-105 Nickel on the Jazz. Long lasting, great tone. Rotosound Swing 45-105 Steel on the Precision. Great attack and tone but don't last as long as the D'addarios and feel as rough as a badgers arse.
  7. Black Aria Pro II SB-1000.
  8. [quote name='steve-soar' post='526125' date='Jun 27 2009, 06:00 PM']When you're the only one who knows whereabouts you are in the song, when you keep having to nod to the guitarist to come in. [/quote] Oh so true! when at rehearsal you get shocked looks at suggesting maybe, perhaps, in just one song at some point as a special favour, we all play in time together.
  9. I agree, find one you like then tinker. For the same amount you could buy a complete second-hand MIM Jazz and the tinker to your hearts content.
  10. Gone now, traded for a much needed bass Crybaby.
  11. Change of plan, now looking to trade for a bass wah (Dunlop, Morley, Ibanez etc) and therefore still available!
  12. On hold for Golchen
  13. [quote name='soundcheck1' post='520392' date='Jun 21 2009, 11:35 PM']PMed[/quote] PM replied.
  14. I get pretty good results using Cubase 4 Essential and a Line 6 Toneport GX using the Pod Farm modelling software that comes with it. My PC is fairly low spec (3.46 GHz Celeron, 1 Gb RAM) but Cubase is still very stable. The only problem I have ever encountered was when I used different reverbs on all 7 tracks and it started jumping on playback.
  15. A friend of mine really loves hers but I didn't like it when I played it, it felt to squashed because of the short scale. Quite an authentic sixties sound though.
  16. I have a collection of 40 plus issues of Guitarist magazine ranging from Nov 2003 to February 2009, most of which I still have the cds for. Anyone who wants the lot can have them, they just need picking up from the Luton area.
  17. I have a seldom used Zoom 2.1u Bass MFX pedal that is just gathering dust. It is boxed with the manuals, the power supply unit and with the unused Cubase LE cd and in almost new condition (a few scratches on the base). It's a great little unit but I tend to use single stomp boxes now (although I do use my B2 for silent practice). Looking for a bass wah, so if you want to trade, let me know.
  18. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='519661' date='Jun 20 2009, 10:25 PM']However, if you like a certain player or style then buying a dvd isn't a bad thing. (unless you get one which is too advanced)[/quote] Totally agree. There is nothing quite as disheartening as a tutorial DVD that goes right over your head or where the tutor doesn't explain clearly what they mean.
  19. My Squier Classic Vibes 60's Precision has one on as standard and I think it looks quite classy. I wouldn't install one on another bass however, as you have to remove it to change the strings and I would be concerned that the regular screwing/unscrewing would weaken the wood around the screws, eventually making it very loose or even fall off.
  20. I have cut my fingers many times before a rehearsal preparing food. As someone else mentioned, invariably it was just after I thought what an arse it would be to cut myself now. I now eat takeout before rehearsal.
  21. leonshelley01


    There is also the EHX LPB-1 which does the job pretty well, and they are a bargain at about £25-30 new.
  22. Never had a dead string from either Rotosound or D'Addario, maybe I've just been lucky (that has probably jinxed it now!). The main reasons that I swapped to the D'Addarios was they seem to last longer and I can play for a couple of hours without shredding my fingers!
  23. Have you tried plugging in different instruments to make sure it is the Toneport? If it is broken, you can still find them on the web for about £40 (I know Bonners still has some), or the new Studio GX is about £55.
  24. Steve Harris' West Ham P Bass, Cliff Burton's Ric 4001 and JPJ's sunburst Jazz would be my top three.
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