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Everything posted by borisbrain

  1. [quote name='unol' timestamp='1372428397' post='2125666'] Any further thoughts on this amp borisbrain? I've been looking around and this bit of kit seems to be the best bang per buck on a combo setup. Any idea what the frequency response is like? I can't seem to find any published data anywhere. Would you say that with EQ set flat the response is pretty neutral? [/quote] Sorry Unol, only just seen your post. Yes, I'm still very happy with the GK. I've just come back from a couple of gigs in Germany, one of which turned out to be on an outdoor stage, and much bigger than the band were anticipating. The GK easily pulled it off - without needing to run through the PA. With all the power delivered to the internal speakers it's certainly very loud, but still retains its clarity - even with the meaty tones that I tend to deliver playing in a punk covers band (more Bruce Thomas in Pump it Up than JJ Burnel in Nice & Sleazy). I haven't played with the EQ all that much for the reasons above. However, there's a 4-band tone section (bass, lo-mid, hi-mid and treble) which when flat is indeed pretty responsive to the tones of my basses (a CIJ Precision and an MIM Jazz) along with a 'boost' control which dials in a vintage tube sound. This really whacks up the bass frequencies and to be honest I don't use it since you'll likely hear it in Belgium. The lightweight 12" speakers are responsive to picking and slapping, and certainly shift a lot of air. The portability is incredible. We discovered with some dismay that our first German gig was up four flights of stairs. I think I'd have had to quit the band before the gig if I still had the Ampeg. The GK was a breeze. For the sake of full disclosure I will say that it took the speakers a couple of sessions to bed in, and at one stage I was getting some disturbing crackles. Turned out this was due to a dodgy instrument lead. No problems since. Hope this helps, BB
  2. Always budget-dependent, I guess. But if you have a Firewire mixer, then you can't go wrong with Logic Pro... BB
  3. I'd avoid. Nice guy or not, it sounds like the singer expects the rest of the band to do all the work/arrangements/polishing etc, rather than actually participate in any development... BB
  4. Although a genre band rather than a specific tribute, our lot take punk influences from the likes of the Undertones and the Buzzcocks. Result - The Undercocks. BB
  5. I do remember Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel from the early 80s, complete with occasional airplay from John Peel... BB
  6. I went for about 15 years hardly playing any bass at all - just moved to other instruments, or nothing at all. Then I joined the band I'm in now - it's in its 6th year, we do 40 gigs a year, and it's great fun. Suddenly lots of coming-and-goings in the gear department, and we're off to Germany on Thursday. The key was finding a band that plays music that I love. So, don't despair. Just keep looking for a band you think you'll like (or - gulp - form one yourself). When you do, it'll come back. BB
  7. Greetings Demon. Bestaluck, BB
  8. 'Ello!
  9. Greetings!
  10. 'Ello 'ello. Welcome BB
  11. Greetings 451. Groove on BB
  12. I've also just dumped an Ampeg SVT 410 HLF and matching amp in favour of the combo version of this GK 2x12. 500W delivered to internal speakers, and 41lbs. No complaints so far...! BB
  13. [quote name='AKAK' timestamp='1372014016' post='2120690'] Thanks Boris. Funny you should say that as I was thinking of taking the plunge with a GK MB-212ii. Has all the controls that I need for practise and at 500W is way loud. I tried out a MB Fusion and loved it so GK is my first bet as I feel you get a lot for a very good price. (How are you finding your combo?) Guess it was last minute itching that had me look at the TecAmps. But it seems a GK may still be the better bet. [/quote] The GK MB212-II is a belter. I wrote a BC review (not a desperately technical one) here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210401-gallien-krueger-mb212-ii-500w-combo/ Bestaluck BB
  14. 'Twas a fine GT gig, though rather short. Finished by 10.15. Ace version of Bad to the Bone though...
  15. One or two are sold or traded here on BC from time to time. There's one for sale at the moment: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209318-fsft-tecamp-puma-combo-212/page__p__2116651__hl__tecamp__fromsearch__1#entry2116651 I thought about it myself, but ended up buying a similar Gallien-Krueger combo. BB
  16. Welcome, from a fellow yam yam. Bestaluck BB
  17. Hi, my name is Boris and I'm a recovering slap bass player. [i][Hi Boris][/i] It's been 20 years, 9 months and two days since I last played slap bass in a band [i][Applause][/i] Back in the day, I used to change my strings about once a month. Sometimes more. Tiny gauge things (30-90) that would snap all the time. [i][Groan][/i] I'd even use those piano-wound strings where you'd fix the ball-end retainer yourself, leaving a quarter-inch of core wire at the bridge before the winding started [i][Bigger groan. Several 'hallelujah's][/i] I'd rarely even play any gigs. Just went through a sh*t-load of strings in my bedroom [i][Mild groan, uncomfortable laughter][/i] But now I'm much better. I'm in a stonkingly loud punk band that plays 40 gigs a year, plus rehearsals. I change my strings once every two years or so! Haven't bust a string in 20 years! [i][Wild applause][/i] BB
  18. I'll be there too, Oneman. Should be a belter BB
  19. Gimme all your lovin - ZZ Top (I don't want to go to) Chelsea - Elvis Costello & The Attractions ... and the theme to bleedin' Eastenders!! BB
  20. Just as a quick update - I gigged this amp for the first time last night and it was superb. Punchy, loud, but well-defined and cutting through the guitars beautifully. In fact several punters came up to me afterwards and complimented me on the new sound. And I carried all my gear back to the car in one journey... BB
  21. Try this: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1573#4 Certain additional resolutions may appear when you hold down the 'option' key whilst in the display pane of the Display menu in System Preferences. Bestaluck, BB
  22. Hey Chris. Tell us more... BB
  23. I think you'll be fine as you are. If you plug in another cab you'll get louder (though you've said you don't need this), and still only send 250 watts to each 8 ohm cab, so you're still 'underpowering' your 2x12. If however you regularly have your amp turned up to 11 then yes, you might consider a more powerful amp - not that it sounds as though you need it. Unless you have GAS, in which case just surrender and get on with it BB
  24. I've just posted a review of the Gallien Krueger MB212-II 500W combo (18kg!!) in the amps review section: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210401-gallien-krueger-mb212-ii-500w-combo/ BB
  25. Well, I finally got round to selling my hernia-inducing Ampeg SVT rig and have taken the lightweight route with this dinky little GK number. It wasn't a decision made lightly - I absolutely loved the classic tone of the Ampeg, but at 60Kg (132lbs) I just couldn't be arsed with lugging the damn thing around any more at my age, especially with some gigs in Germany coming up. After one rehearsal I'm pretty pleased with what I've heard so far. It's a 2x12 combo, ridiculously light at only 18Kg (40-odd lbs) with neo speakers, and fits into my coupé hatchback without having to fold any seats down. Unlike the 2x10 version the speakers draw all the power from the amp - it can't be plugged into an extension cabinet (unless it's chained out into a powered cab). This makes it seriously loud. The 12" speakers are very responsive, and you can feel them shifting some serious air at very moderate volumes. I'm still playing with the EQ settings, but the tones are deep and punchy, though clearly not as deep as an Ampeg 4x10 semi-fridge. However, the clarity and depth of sound is impressive, without some of the occasional woolliness you'd get with the Ampeg. The class D amp section features an input attenuator, gain, pre-shape switch, four-band tone controls, limiter, horn bypass, master, and a valve emulation dial for dialling in a little grunge, DI out with pre and post and a headphone socket. Minor niggles - there's no input clip LED, and the sprayed-on finish looks a little weird. There are no side handles, just a recessed handle at the top, but it's so light as to not matter. It doesn't [i]look [/i]wildly sturdy, but I've yet to see how it actually holds up to the knocks of gigging. So, very pleased so far. There aren't many of this GK model around in this country, and certainly not many suppliers. I bought it from Sounds Live for a very competitive price - £70 less than Thomann - and received delivery the next day. (The pictures are actually of the 2x10 version, but don't let this put you off): [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Gallien_Krueger_MB_212-II_Bass_Combo_Amplifier/GK-MB-212-II?CAWELAID=1831876106&catargetid=1821886122&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CIj6jcye9rYCFVMbtAod0jsAqA"]http://www.soundsliv...CFVMbtAod0jsAqA[/url] Hope this is helpful to somebody, BB Edit 1: I should point out that I play in a punk covers band against two loud guitarists and a drummer. No probs with the amp punching through. Edit 2: I've just noticed that Sounds Live have reduced the price since I bought one just three days ago (!). Was £609, now £599...
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