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Everything posted by MikanHannille

  1. Rough idea what are you looking for?
  2. Rickenbacker - hate the looks... hate the sound.. though I haven't played one yet.. but that's because I hate the looks and the sound..
  3. My perfect bass... just the wrong time! Good luck with the sale!
  4. [IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/w21uuh.jpg[/IMG] GAS!
  5. What a beauty.
  6. Might be OT but this the only thread I see fit without making a new one to ask something... I have a stingray myself, but I'm wondering how much do they cost 2nd hand or 3rd or whatever now? Realistic price? £700-800 probably? Just basing on what I've seen here.
  7. Shame. I'm really interested on this one. But have no cash ATM. Only have a spare bass to trade. XD Oh well. If this doesn't sell by the end of the month, I'll take it off you.
  8. Just hoping.... Would you accept trades?
  9. Maple really does feel a lot better.. But I still prefer rosewood or ebony.
  10. I use those cleaning/polishing wipes by EB with my 70's jazz. They work really well.
  11. Neck profile.
  12. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1334573538' post='1617714'] Nice basses, and generally better fit and finish than most Fenders. Their pre-amps are better than the Fender ones, too. That said, there are some equally nice instruments out there on the s/h market that are potential Stingray-eaters; Ibanez ATK Status Groove Warwick FNA (corvette) Warwick Streamer Jazzman Warwick Fortress Masterman [b]Modulus Graphite Flea sig[/b] (and others!) Plus the in-house competition from Sterling Sterling by Musicman (s/h) SUBs Even some hot-rodded OLPs Not to mention the Bongo! There's nearly as many (good) 'Ray emulators as there are super jazzes and jazz clones. [/quote] I love my ray as much but I hate to say that Modulus [b]probably[/b] have already eaten the stingray for breakfast.
  13. Using Sadowsky blacks on my jazz and warwick blacks on my ray.
  14. I think we are on the same boat. And as the other posters said, I assume jazz is your preference? I'm currently looking at Bacchus and Atelier... Tried Atelier long time ago when I just started playing and as far as I can remember that bass felt right... It's just that I cant justify owning an expensive bass like that when I was just starting. And yes. Lakland, Sadowsky and Overwater... Worth a look.
  15. Been playing rock and funk since I started. Quite fancy a change really. Nothing serious, just after some sessions and we'll see after that.
  16. WANT! I have a thing with black and white basses. And this tickles me the most... Sadly no money... So all I can give you is a bump!
  17. Repost for a better photo. [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/105xj5t.jpg[/IMG]
  18. My go to bass.
  19. Fab basses, these are.. Have a bump.
  20. Mainly a 4 string player... Bought 5 a couple of months ago as the situation requires me so. Glad I picked a 5 up. I find it really useful if you play different kind of genres.
  21. Crazy price! If only I didn't have a Stinray myself. Have a bump.
  22. Bought Yamaha TRB 1005 from him. Asked him to hold it for almost a month. Never had a problem. Great deal. Recommended seller. - mikan
  23. Manok, didn't know you're a member here.
  24. I have a couple of guitars I don't play.. I just keep them under my bed "just in case" someone might need it sometime. I'm just not a fan of selling basses or guitars that's been with me for more than 2 years.
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