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Everything posted by JaminoBass444

  1. It's WON-DER-FUL! PM'ed! Edit: The crack on the JB is awful, the seller might be a crook! This cannot be forgotten! :S Do you still have the original Pickup, it seems to be a Seymour Duncar Bassline on the pics?
  2. MP Sent! Hope it's not sold, hope it's not sold, hope it's not sold! It's the bass of my dream, in the color i like... I'm going crazy right now!
  3. Bump for a lovely bass (i have the exactly same bass: 1997 one with LP but with a Aguilar Pre). Saw it on eBay, is it sold? For that price, it should be already sold! I'm looking for this one ('97) in blue or gold flake!
  4. By the way, i have a precision, which i love! But in my band, it's just not the kind of tone that suits it well!
  5. Well! I don't say i don't like the tone of the bass! I love it and the neck is so nice! I heard flea basses with Barto or other pick ups with a very strong, band-friendly tone! I read many people telling the lane poor were quite thin in this bass. I think i'm gonna give the SGD pickup a try! They have very good reviews and the designer seems very nice as i talked with him and he actually made them as lanepoor copies but with more output, warmer tone,... I really want to keep my bass!
  6. Hi EveryBody! I have a FleaBass for 6 Months! I absolutely love it! But something bores me! How to get a fuller tone in my Band! I have a TC RH450 and a Markbass NY212 cabinet and with my precision bass or my stingray i don't have any problem to be heard! But the Modulus sounds just fits the band so well and is such a pleasure to play that i can't use another bass with my band! It has a OBP-1 (i changed the original NTBT Bartolini which was very thin and the Aguilar improved the sound a lot), a BadAss Bridge II and an original Modulus LanePoor PickUps. I'm searching for a pickup with a more band-friendly tone, less solo-oriented, less edgy and more middle-charged! I was thinking about a Bartolini MMC or SDG Sidewinders or ???,... But i'm really lost in the jungle of FB pickups! I'm discovering new ones everyday! Everyone seems to tell totally opposite things and i can't build my opinion! I also have a non installed Lane Poor Legacy Pick Up at home. But i think i'm out of the LP thing (do they sound similar?) I really don't know what to do! Install the Legacy? Buy another PickUp? Which one? Thanks for you help and advices! Cheers from France!
  7. Hi! I have a wonderful 2007 Nirvana Black Warwick Standard Corvette to offer: build in Germany for shure! It's a 5 strings one! I have it since the last month! I had it by trading a Japanese Jazz Bass + Cash! But the Low B is not my cup of tea (even if in the future i'll GAS for a MM one). The original owner, which gave me the original gig bag, warwick book with all the tools and notice, had set Delano pickups on it! It's so punchy! If you prefer the original MEC, no problem, i still have it! This bass is a little more expensive than yours but i really don't care about because i'd rather have a P-Bass so much more than my Warwick (i can't play 5 ones). I'm in France and i think shipping both bass to each other would be a nice solution! Send me a PM if you're interested in (with your email address! so i can show you the BEAST)! For shure, if you have to ask whatever comes to your mind, don't hesitate! Cheers, Arnaud!
  8. Do you sell it? And if yes, can you ship to France!
  9. Bonjour BurritoBass!Thanks to my neighbours my English doesn't end up here! Yeah, i've seen some mates from the French bass community (the site "Slappyto.fr" to be accurate)! Thanks for the welcome all!
  10. Hi everybody! My name's Arnaud i live in the South-West of France! I play the bass for almost 3 years now! I'm sixteen years old, and i spent almost all my freetime playing the bass! I'm here because, this site seems to gather many people all around the world! My goals are to exchange with many people: giving and above all recieving advices, joking, checking sales,... Everything i can expect from such a nice forum! I really want to continue music as long as i can! This is such a small introduction but i'll be pleased to answer all of your questions (i'm talking like i'm famous ). I have a Stingray HH MusicMan, 2 Japanese JB and an old Squier which will be sold soon! For Christmas, a 97' Modulus Flea Bass will land at my house, i hope! To record, i use a UX8 Toneport, and i have a TC RH450 Head with a 121H Markbass cab! Here's my site, i really need advices about my playing (bad or really bad)! For now, it's the most important, so if you can help me to correct my faults! [url="http://vimeo.com/user5282851"]http://vimeo.com/user5282851[/url] Thanks a lot! Bassistically, Arnaud!
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