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Everything posted by lee4

  1. OK,all gear was taken to Steve on Tuesday.No distortion.Not a single sizzle. Much scratching of heads was done,until Steve said "Play as hard as possible,and I'll do this." This being lifting the amp off of the cab. Hey presto,no rattles,no buzz.He then checked all the screws,retightened all of them,and sent me on my way. He did not want paying,but as he is such a nice guy,I forced £10 on to him,and left a happy man. The next thing to do is to find a shockmount flightcase!
  2. [quote name='WalMan' post='809116' date='Apr 17 2010, 02:19 AM']I would definitely speak to MB, or indeed any manufacturer in such an instance. Had a couple of problems with my BassPod xT Pro, both out of warranty. Got a return no, shipped it back and received it back repaired both times with no charge. Now I suppose its possible that the bits were chips or boards that were a straight unplug old / plug in new, but all the same I was impressed with the service. The guys from MB always seem pleasant when I have met them so perhaps worth a call to your local repair man to say "hang on a mo 'til I hear back from MB"[/quote] Spoke to the MB guys,and they are willing to sent me a returns note.Very helpful. But,a mate of mine has had some dealings with Proel and has said that whilst they are helpful,they arn't they fastest movers. Steves amps have run the head through a dummy rig and it hasn't distorted. The next step is taking the cab over to him.
  3. I have to say that the P bass is the dobermans danglers! Top choice sir!
  4. That is the funniest avatar I have seen in ages Theosd!
  5. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='814313' date='Apr 21 2010, 09:25 PM']I didn't love the one I had. Didn't get on with the bound body-too uncomfortable.[/quote] +1 far the anti-aerodyne movement That said,the one I sold had the best neck of any bass I ever tried,it spoke for itself,and I really thought it was as good as a MIM/MIA/MIJ(delete as applicable)Fender P/J/Jag(delete as applicable).
  6. [quote name='tombboy' post='808323' date='Apr 16 2010, 12:46 PM']Just remember too that warranties (or lack of) do not mean that you have to pay for repairs. All consumer goods sold must be 'fit for purpose' for their expected lifetime. If components have failed within a 'reasonable' time period, regardless of warranty, you have the right to challenge the manufacturer to make good. Your first port of call should be the Markbass website and contact Peter Murray.[/quote] I only read this AFTER I dropped the amp off to be repaired! I have sent a message to Markbass outlining the problem and asking them why the amp has failed after so short a time. Watch this space for updates.
  7. That is a beautiful bass.The sound samples are the best ad for this instrument. Just need to save my pennies!
  8. [quote name='dood' post='807053' date='Apr 15 2010, 12:34 PM']Hartke LH500 / LH1000 are cheap as chips - especially second hand - and will do very well as a stop gap at worst ;o) and they have gotten really good reviews, as they share a preamp that is very similar to Alembic and Trace V-types.[/quote] Cheers Dood.I've been checking out LH500 reviews online;they seem solid,and arn't burdened with too many unneccessary controls. As for the LMII,I now know that the fault is in the output stage.The drummer and I took a line out into a power amp,and fed that to my cab. No distortion! I'll let you know the result when Steve looks at it.
  9. Myself and the drummer(he builds PA cabinets for a living;knows his stuff.)checked the leads ,cabinet and conections. These seem fine,but I will double check everything tonight. I am in contact with Stevesamps at Godalming,so if the idiot checks fail,it could be a bloody dear repair.Or a new amp. Any suggestions for a 300w to 500w head that won't break the bank?
  10. At rehearsals last night my LMII head made a distorted sound.Batteries/leads/cab are fine,so what could it be. And,you guessed it,it's out of warranty!
  11. [quote name='Hamster' post='804658' date='Apr 13 2010, 10:50 AM'][url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url] - He's brilliant with valve amps - take chocolate hob-nobs with you.[/quote] About to use him.A guitar playing mate of mine gets his Cornfords serviced there.He comes well recommended.
  12. [attachment=47114:Lee_gurn.jpg] Me,a Topman trilby,and a Status Groove. Definately try Hatsanscaps.co.uk.I have a Jaxon diamond crown porkpie hat as everyday wear.
  13. I like the look of the'modern' basses,but it looks as if the bodies are a little too large,and could do with more contouring on the edges for forearm comfort. That minor quibble aside,all the best to a UK bass manufacturer for bringing us something to break the Fender/Warwick/Ibanez stranglehold. I look forward to trying one out.
  14. lee4

    Looking for venues.

    Sorry for the late reply Mr N. The Star is having a re-fit soon(PA,paint,bar and soundproofing to the live room)so nothing there for a couple of months. As to the rest,I'll have a look soon. Yes,you are a lot more Rock than us!I feel all wimp-like now!
  15. Marlin Sidewinder,solid ply body,in red sparkle....... I was so young/stupid/lacking in taste!
  16. Hi,I am Lee from Orchid Thieves. We are a six-piece from Surrey and East Sussex playing original rock/pop stuff with a bit of funk and ska chucked in now and then. We have just finished our EP(Head Down)and put it on i-tunes. [attachment=46277:ot_7156.jpg] From left to right;Me,Rhiannon(vocals),Mike(drums),John(guitar,keyboard,backing vocals),Hilary(saxophone,keyboards,backing vocals),Niall(guitars). Highlights;Our first gig at The Prince Albert in Brighton.Hot,sweaty,packed,and a great sound.Every gig since has been great fun due to good soundmen,great venues in and around Brighton,and fantastic bands we've shared stages with(Take a bow The Deadlines and The Hi-Sides,to name just two.). Low points;The Water Rats in Kings Cross.A perfect example of sh*t PA,an obnoxious promoter,and an area of London that needs bulldozing flat!One of the support bands had a guitar player who could'nt tune up properly,the house amp was a small Trace combo that was gutless,and the promoter insulted our singer.But,that's the only duff night we've had so far.
  17. [quote name='tombboy' post='794437' date='Apr 2 2010, 04:41 PM']My band are called The LOOP - three piece set-up bass, drums and guitar/vocal. We only play originals and can best be described as 'Hard Mod'. Think The Jam, but with more overdrive!! Martin (guitarist/singer/writer) just seems to have a knack of pulling out (IMO) great melodies and lyrics about life experiences and everyday situations. The songs are a joy to play! A couple of albums (self recorded and produced) available on I-tunes and busy writing/demo-ing the third as I type. Live wise, we have just got our foot in the door with the 'Scooter' scene, which is a notoriously hard thing to achieve so we are looking to capitalise on that as much as we can. Memorable gigs so far have been supporting Bruce Foxton and Rick Buckler on the 2008 From The Jam tour and some ripping gigs in the capital. Anyway, myspace link [url="http://www.myspace.com/loopland"]here[/url]. Enjoy!! [/quote] Absolutely brilliant stuff!
  18. I think in 12 months they will be dirt cheap as no-one will buy one.Wait a year and look in the clearance sales at your local store.
  19. See through green stain.
  20. That is a superb bass. Anyone else thinking of an animal inspired make-over?
  21. [attachment=45158:ot_7156.jpg]This was taken at Dunsfold Aerodrome in January. From left to right;Me,Rhi(vocals),Mike(drums),John(keys,backing vocals,guitar),Hils(Sax,backing vocals),Niall(guitars). We have a shot with a brick wall in it for all you masonry fans!
  22. I have never owned either,but at least a P-bass can be modified(active pup's,extra pup's etc)whereas a 'Ray stays as Leo intended.
  23. lee4

    SOLD 13/3/10

    Sorry we were out of biscuits! Hope you enjoy the bass.
  24. lee4

    Looking for venues.

    Hi all,the band I'm in(Orchid Thieves)are looking for places to play that like original stuff,and we're finding out that they are few and far between. Anyone know of anywhere?Or are they're any bands doing similar stuff that want to share a gig? HavClick on the link on my signature and have a listen.
  25. [quote name='lojo' post='771933' date='Mar 11 2010, 06:15 PM']A fender should'nt have that many knobs![/quote] Philistein!
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