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Posts posted by lee4

  1. Played the Rats on Sat;when we were booked,the requirement was 40 punters,we told them as it was Glastonbury weekend,and an early gig(7.15),we would only get about 20 people there.They said that that was OK.So just before the soundcheck,the promoter gives our singer a load of verbal,saying we may as well not bother.We had as many people as the other bands,and we put on a bloody good show!
    Avoid the Rats,and Monto promotions like the plague,as they clearly don't communicate to each other,and are complete c**ts!
    PS,as we were leaving,our drummer told the promoter what he thought of him in broad Anglo-Saxon!
    Bass amp is a TE head and Ampeg cab.I had to run it at full blast to get any decent stage level.Just don't bother with the place!

  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='519657' date='Jun 20 2009, 10:21 PM']I pull faces when I'm playing and my drummer often calls me a dick.

    He is not long for the band.[/quote]
    Our drummer pulls all the faces and has'nt been long in the band!
    We're going for a gurning contest at the next gig!

  3. I have never played a cover 100% spot on;I try to get close to the feel of it instead of getting it note perfect.
    And Rich,I've played Good Times at quite a few functions now,and nobody has complained that I've missed any notes!It's YOUR version,go with the feel of it.If the audience is dancing then it's OK!

  4. I intend to build a pyre from my gear and have my corpse cremated on top.
    Or I could leave them to my son.
    Or charity.
    Or have them buried insted of me in a bizare "defraud the insuarance company"scam.
    Or leave them to the cats(talented animals).
    Or leave them to my latest business venture,the Pub Rock Cafe.

  5. Had to completely set my bass up after I put flats on.That,and the extra effort in fingering notes aside(due to extra tension)they are really worth putting on.
    Played Good Times by Chic last night;bridge pup and flats gave me a great disco/funk sound.

  6. [quote name='sixshooter' post='505467' date='Jun 4 2009, 01:49 PM']It's nice to see all you young players finally getting to grips with the beauty of Flats! What happened to tapewound? can you still get them?

    The only problem is that now when I go to buy flats instead of the person in the shop saying sorry we have not got any in stock, no one uses them, he now says sorry we don't have any in stock because we have sold out! :)[/quote]
    Young?I'm 40 years old.When I was a lad,all this was a ring road!
    Pity flats are so expensive.My set was given to me by a bass-playng customer.He prefered rounds on his Squier Jazz.

  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='505424' date='Jun 4 2009, 12:54 PM']Lee4 - your avatar is like an optical illusion. I thought it looked like an old bald man with a big nose, pointy chin and wobbly neck until I realised there was a hat![/quote]
    What hat? :)

  8. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='504488' date='Jun 3 2009, 10:10 AM']No celebrity endorsement on Earth could convince me to buy this thing:

    I mean, I like the idea of 5 pickups and 3 preamps, but... well, I just don't have that much funk in me. :)

    But seriously, how many of these can they seriously expect to sell? List price is US$2850...[/quote]
    And the answer is................sweet F.A!

  9. I finally took the plunge and strung my Yamaha BB414 with a set of flats.Having got used to the heavy guage of them,I can say that I'm smitten.Thay have transformed a clanky beast into a warm old-school thud monster!
    If yiu hav'nt tried them,go get a set soon!

  10. I've re-strung my Yamaha with 45-105 flats,and after a day I found that the E string has broken a chunk off of the nut.Luckily I have found it and glued it in with UHU.Is this going to work,and do I need to re-cut the slots?

  11. [quote name='Spoombung' post='497446' date='May 25 2009, 06:45 PM']Yeah I forgot to ask for hippy fish (that's dolphins) 24 iron crosses, Christmas tree lights, the air freshener option, something to indicate by belief in an imaginary friend... and a tuna wrap![/quote]
    What fragrence air freshener?Maybe Nutrodol to kill the tuna odour!

  12. Just had aquick scan of some of the posts here and most of the complaints center around too loud guitar rigs.Our lead player has gone from a Fender Deville(about 60 watts I belive)to 2 Cornfords(max 12 watts each).He now has a fantastic tone which does not drown out any other instrument.Turn down,tone in,and play on!

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