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Everything posted by lee4

  1. Lucinda Williams-Car Wheels on a Gravel Road. Teddy Thompson's latest. Thin Lizzy-Live and Dangerous
  2. Oddball jazz and the white one shall haunt my dreams. Come to me,my pretties......
  3. lee4


    Now I've finally decided to keep mine,I can honestly say that it's a lot of bass for the money.
  4. Flat,VLE at 8 o'clock.Just boost the (100 hz) bass on my Status some times.
  5. Hohner headless stick bass.Would stay in tune for an eternity,great EQ system tht was bypassable,and weighed next to nothing. Guess which numpty regrets selling his?
  6. Any bass with a slab body.Too painful on the forearm. Wearing a bass so low that you can't fret properly. Wearing a bass so high that it's under your chin. Warwick $$.Bloody heavy. Bass overdrive. People who play better than me. Oh f**k,I'm outnumbered!
  7. Absolute beaut!
  8. Everything on this bloody site gives me GAS! Will settle for a new kitchen though!
  9. Stealth basses!A pair of real beauts.
  10. Despite dropping loads of hints,all I got was a pair of walking boots!
  11. One of the best.Such a shame to lose such a talent.
  12. Vintage EST96A(MM copy)or Bass Collection Speakeasy? What to do? Your help(or derogatry comments)needed.
  13. I've got a bit of GAS for the EST96A(I think),the MM copy. It's that or a Bass Collection Speakeasy.Any thoughts on the relative merits of either?
  14. Try looking up the John Hornby-Skewes site.Vintage is on there.
  15. IN;Markbass LMII,Zoot 2x12 Neo cab,Yamaha BB414. OUT,Warwick $$(thank God),sense,my back(due to $$),Trace head,Peavey 1x15,Peavey 4x10. SOON TO BE IN,MAYBE;Vintage MM copy,OR Squier P-bass special,OR(fill in as you see fit,I can't bloody decide). SOON TO BE OUT,MAYBE;Yamaha BB414(could put flatwounds on,though....)
  16. Root,5.Root,5,ad nauseum....who needs the other notes?Jazz players?I need a map to go above the 12th fret!
  17. [quote name='Monz' post='364796' date='Dec 28 2008, 01:26 PM']I know I'm on the bottom rung but my reach exceeds my grasp and will do for a lot of years to come i suspect... We did a christmas gig a couple of weeks ago and a member of the audience came up to me after the gig and introduced himself as a fellow bass player, he said the bass was absolutely bang on, no frills and in the pocket the whole time. That to me was praise indeed as I know the fills and frills stuff will come with time, timing and groove is my main concern and what I spend most of my practice time trying to get right after sussing the notes of course. The reason I got into this band was because the bass player they had was more interested in doing the one foot on the monitor solos than keeping the groove going.[/quote] Spot on!I've learnt that the fills mean nothing without the groove.I've 'unlearnt' some fills and runs as they added nothing to the song;"play for the song and you won't go wrong".
  18. Perhaps if we all say that Squire's are sh*t then the price will drop and we can buy them for peanuts before people catch on that they're really quite good!
  19. Can't play slap though...or in time...or in tune........
  20. I'm good at what I do,and what I do fits the songs I play.The best compliment that I have recieved is that I am a solid player.That's praise enough for me!
  21. That would make an ideal playmate for my Groove.Perhaps they'll breed!
  22. Anything with no contouring(forearm etc)!
  23. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='362233' date='Dec 23 2008, 06:49 PM'] [/quote] The VU meter is to tell you how loud the whistle on the kettle is
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='359098' date='Dec 19 2008, 07:41 PM']Did you like the fence?[/quote] Not sure.I think I'm sitting on it
  25. Nice bass,but I prefer the cooker(good flooring too).
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